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In knowledge with love 在知識中有愛 In Holiness with love 在聖潔中有愛

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Presentation on theme: "In knowledge with love 在知識中有愛 In Holiness with love 在聖潔中有愛"— Presentation transcript:

1 In knowledge with love 在知識中有愛 In Holiness with love 在聖潔中有愛
1Co 12:31-13:13 Series on Healthy Church subseries: with love In Gifts with Love In knowledge with love 在知識中有愛 In Holiness with love 在聖潔中有愛

2 INTRODUCTION Familiar passage & fairly self-explanatory
Charity = Christian Love = love Often used in weddings on what love is…OK Often misread by Chinese readers Application: If one is to serve with love, then how about the served?

3 Exegesis(1) This section starts with vv. 12:31, not 13:1.
Love is not a gift – 愛不是一個恩賜! Paul’s teaching: the most excellent way is to serve with the gifts from the Holy Spirit with love. have not love = without love 卻沒有愛 = 卻不帶有愛,卻不含著愛

4 Exegesis(2) 愛是永不止息。 Charity never fails (v.13:8)
Does not mean for one “to keep on loving” Love (itself) persists and prevails. “love never fails” to read with v.13“remain” 第8節“永不止息 ”對應 第13節“常存” 。

5 The most excellent way Serving with gifts is good, but… a far cry from the most excellent way Love is most essential and the key

6 Love is all these 1Co 13:4-7 (ESV) Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant (5) or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; (6) it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. (7) Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. It is relational Love is the nature and essence of service

7 Serving without love is
Vanity, hollow & null! Gifts shall pass! (v. 8) Infantile (v. 11) Hypocrisy (v. 4) Prideful & arrogant (v. 4)

8 Serve with love is not Out of obligation or responsibility
Out of guilt For self-satisfaction For of self-fulfillment

9 Love (charity) Authenticates and validates of our gifts
It is not just the doing, but also motivation Christ did it all in love

10 Hope, Faith, Charity Love is the greatest - the most essential
Then what? To serve with love! The love you have for your neighbor is essential!

11 APPLICATION Love those who serve you
All have the same mandate: to love What love is… the same ones! To cooperate means to be served

12 CONCLUSION An immature ministry is one with actions, but without love
Serving with love is the only way Gifts are for loving Love those who serve you - Love is mutual

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