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2 Morning Procedures Get water, go to lockers, and use bathrooms BEFORE entering the room. Once you enter the room you may not leave until dismissed. Come in, find your seat, get your supplies ready, trade pencils, etc. Turn in any absent notes, late work, absent work, etc. Start Warm-up

3 Announcements Sit quietly and LISTEN to the announcements each morning
There are no questions or talking during announcements

4 Class Change Remember the clock DOES NOT dismiss you, the TEACHER does! Do not leave class until you are dismissed.

5 Stay seated Do not get out of your seats with out asking
Raise you hand if you need a tissue or something Place trash on the corner of your desk and throw it away on your way out of class

6 Pencils You are required to have a sharpened pencil each day in class.
You may want to get a small pencil sharpener (with a case to catch shavings) If you do not have a sharpened pencil you can trade one with me. If you do not have something to write with you can borrow one of my special “Ruler Pens” and return it at the end of class

7 Class Library You are free to check out books from the class library
Please return it once you are finished so that someone else can read it.

8 Lockers Regular Locker Times will be before Core 1 and after Core 4 before you go to electives. Be sure you get everything you need when you go. There are NO locker breaks during class or during transitions unless permission is given by a teacher in emergency situations.

9 Fire Drills If there is a fire drill and you are in my room, you will:
QUIETLY stand, walk to the door, and wait for my signal to begin walking Follow the leader in a straight QUIET line out the first set of doors by our rooms and to the fenced in area Stand quietly outside while I take attendance Walk back in through the doors (STILL QUIET) and wait outside my door Then, we will RESUME CLASS where we left off.

10 Fire Drill (short version)

11 Tornado Drill Line up in a quiet line,
wait for directions from teacher, We will go into the hallway, line up against the walls, and get into the tucked position. STAY QUIET until ALL CLEAR is given.

12 Shelter in PLace Class continues
No leaving the classroom without adult Doors and windows closed and locked

13 LOCKDOWN Get back into my classroom if possible, or nearest classroom.
All doors locked and closed All windows locked and closed Blinds closed Get in ‘down’ position away from door up by my desk QUIET until ‘ALL CLEAR’ is announced

14 Walking in the hallways
STAY TO THE RIGHT!  Use INDOOR voices! Stay in a single file line and with your class for lunch, computer lab, media center, assemblies, etc. ALWAYS WALK!!

15 Bathrooms Bathrooms should ONLY be used at assigned bathroom times (unless it is a true emergency or you have a doctor’s note) Be courteous and respectful!! Take care of the bathrooms and don’t make a mess!

16 Water fountains Wait patiently in line
If there are 3 or more people go to a different fountain OR come back later Remember, other people are waiting too!


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