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EHS 655 Lecture 2: Introduction and overview, continued

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1 EHS 655 Lecture 2: Introduction and overview, continued

2 Setting the stage So, what exposure will we be focusing on this semester? Exposure selected based on… Ubiquity of exposure (e.g., many sources) Variability of exposure Range of health effects Availability of dataset Over-emphasis on chemicals at SPH

3 Setting the stage Will use dataset of noise exposures and two health outcomes related to noise Hearing loss Hypertension Concepts from this analysis can be readily applied to Any hazard Workplace and community exposures

4 Noise and associated health effects
Noise among most common occupational exposures Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) among most common, well-understood occupational diseases 100% preventable, but permanent, irreversible Profound social and occupational effects Linked to injuries and non-auditory effects Time course of NIHL from variable noise unclear Non-auditory effects of noise less well-understood Hypertension, ischemic heart disease, etc NIOSH, 1998; Berger, Royster, Royster, Driscoll, Layne, 2000

5 Noise and hearing loss Henderson D et al, Ear Hear 2006

6 Noise and hearing loss Henderson D et al, Ear Hear 2006

7 Noise and hearing loss

8 Noise and hearing loss

9 Noise and CVD Van Kempen et al, Environ Health Persp, 2002

10 Environmental noise and CVD
Meta-analysis, 7-17% increase in CVD per 10 dB increase Basner et al, Lancet, 2014

11 Environmental noise and CVD
World Health Organization: >1 million healthy life years (i.e., Disability-Adjusted Life Years, DALYs) lost annually due to environmental noise (Note: does not consider occupational noise) Basner et al, Lancet, 2014

12 Environmental noise and CVD
Estimated US CVD savings from 5 dB reduction in population noise in 2014: $3.9 billion Swinburn et al, Am J Prev Med, 2015

13 Occup. noise and CVD Retrospective cohort, 27,464 workers, mean 92 dBA, 24 years avg f/u Davies et al, Epidemiol, 2005

14 One way to assess CVD: blood pressure
Measured using 2 numbers (e.g., 120 over 80 or 120/80) First number = systolic blood pressure Measures the pressure in blood vessels when heart beats Second number = diastolic blood pressure Measures pressure in blood vessels when heart rests between beats

15 Okay, so noise is bad. Why do we need another study?
Anyone know Hill’s Criteria for Causality?

16 NIHL claims in one industry with highly variable noise
7.5% workforce , 21% accepted NIHL claims 1998 cost: $57 mil All Industries Daniell, Fulton-Kehoe, Cohen, Swan, Franklin, 2002

17 Overview of study (some of) our data come from
Prospective study of early NIHL among construction workers, Why are studies like this rare? Workers recruited at start of apprenticeship programs Annual subject visit to University of Washington, Seattle with: Extensive battery of hearing tests Survey of work experience, tasks, perceptions of exposure Direct exposure measurements on cohort infeasible

18 Blood pressure data from study
Did not actually collect blood pressure data I have simulated data and added it to dataset provided Everything else in the dataset is real

19 Data needed to understand risk of health effects of noise
Frequency Duration Intensity Variability Personal risk factors Protective behaviors Dose Frequency x Duration x Intensity = Exposure

20 Exposure assessment in construction

21 Exposure assessment Full-shift dosimetry measurements
Convenience sample of construction workers at sites around Puget Sound Shifts not all exactly 8 hours Dosimeters datalog exposure parameters at 1-min intervals Average level (LEQ) Maximum level (LMAX) Workers simultaneously record tasks, hearing protector use, etc.

22 Task-based exposure assessment

23 Subjective rating (SR) of noise exposure
Workers assess own noise exposure via SR Simultaneously measure noise exposure Combine for quantitative exposure estimate Neitzel, Daniell, Sheppard, Davies, Seixas, 2009

24 Data needed to understand risk of health effects of noise
Frequency Duration Intensity Variability Personal risk factors Protective behaviors Dose

25 Variability – alternative metrics
Different exposure parameters may help explain health effects Average Maximum or peak Can also compute ratios of these parameters Maximum/average (peakiness of levels) Seixas, Sheppard, Neitzel, 2005; Rappaport, 1991

26 Data needed to understand risk of health effects of noise
Frequency Duration Intensity Variability Personal risk factors Protective behaviors Dose

27 Non-occupational sources of noise in life
Others? 27

28 Data needed to understand risk of health effects of noise
Frequency Duration Intensity Variability Personal risk factors Protective behaviors Dose

29 Factors to consider regarding use of hearing protectors
Is it used and is it effective?

30 Other protective “behaviors”
Acoustic reflex Biomarker of exposure and susceptibility Temporary Threshold Shift at 2 mins post-exposure, TTS2

31 Data needed to understand risk of health effects of noise
Frequency Duration Intensity Variability Personal risk factors Protective behaviors Dose

32 From the reading Kauppinen 1991, Appl Occup Environ Hyg

33 Introduction to the data files
Types of files Dataset files Variable description files You’ll be using and referring to both regularly How they’ll be introduced New version of dataset most weeks, with additional variables and (at least once) more measurements

34 Introduction to Stata The program The do-file Why use a do-file?
Ease of manipulation of data Documentation of manipulations and analyses Preserve original data file I’m forcing you to

35 Resources Statistics Consulting Group, University of California-Los Angeles Institute for Digital Research and Education Which statistical analysis should I use? Stata online help files Frequently asked questions on using Stata

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