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The Aging Process Adulthood.

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1 The Aging Process Adulthood

2 Stages of Adulthood Social Clock: culturally based timing of life events Ex. College 18-25, Work 20-30, Family 20-35, etc. Three stages of Adulthood Early adulthood (20-35) Transitions (school, work, family/marriage, etc.) Middle adulthood (36-64) Establishing self (esteem, success, security) Late adulthood (65+) Health and well-being (retirement, physical/mental health)

3 Physical & Mental Changes of Adulthood
Mental Function – peaks in early adulthood (mid 30’s – late 40’s) Decline in mental abilities Loss of nerve cells, decrease in neurochemicals (ex. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.) Need to eat for mental health Getting older doesn’t mean getting dumber!! Number of successful people of advancing age Personality stays constant (even if filter changes) Experience is a valuable teacher (elder led societies) Senile dementia – loss of mental abilities Typically caused by disease ALS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Physical Changes Nutrition & sleep patterns Body begins to breakdown

4 Writing prompts Describe the “typical” old person to you.
What struggles do you think that old people face?

5 Concerns of late adulthood
Retirement Financial preparation (quality of life) Healthcare Rising cost of living Isolation Dying – spouse dies & close friends become less Women live longer than men Institutionalizing Removed from family, society, physical contact, mental interaction Achievement People still achieve Legacy? How will I be remembered?

6 Thanatology – study of death
How does media portray dying? Concerns of those who are dying: Caring for self Isolation from loved ones Being replaced (not being remembered) Kubler-Ross’s Stages of Dying Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Peaceful acceptance Death is an individual process No right or wrong way to do There are stages but also real feelings

7 Writing prompts If you were terminally ill what are five things you would do, in order from most important to least important? Why is death so difficult to discuss if it is something that every experiences? What do we do in American society to help people deal with dying?

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