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Asia and the Pacific Rim in the Era of Independence

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1 Asia and the Pacific Rim in the Era of Independence

2 Japanese Recovery After WWII Japan under U.S. occupation until 1952, which worked to take down Japan’s wartime political structure (occupied until 1952) U.S. encouraged women to get the vote, labor unions, democratization New constitution but retained some older Confucian ideals like respecting elders Liberal Democratic Party emerged in 1955 and monopolized politics until 1990s

3 Economic Surge in Japan
Conservative stability Politician’s strong cooperation with business led to rapid economic growth Automobile, electronics Active government encouragement Investment in technology b/c military expenditure slight Focus on conformity Culture preserved traditional elements – poetry, tea, painting, kabuki theater

4 Vietnam French interest Vietnam 1802 Vietnam unified with French help
1890s Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos under French control French exploited Vietnamese Nguyen failure to resist French discredited dynasty Development of Nationalist Party (VNQDD) Japanese occupation in 1941

5 Vietnam (contd) Viet Minh – communist-dominated resistance movement
After WWII proclaimed Vietnam independent French defeat at Dien Bien Phu in promise of elections Cold war- U.S. backed separate gov. in the south but communists (Viet Cong) resisted well, so U.S. sent troops and withdrew forces in the 1970s Vietnam united again but devastated and unable to rebuild 1980s liberalization

6 Korean Economic Development
Korean government in hands of military-type strongmen Primary emphasis on economic growth Daewoo and Hyundai Population soared Environmental problems

7 Communists Come to Power in China
Mao Zedong founding member of the Communist party in China Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek slowly lost power and communists gained more support Communist party had strong military and political organization rooted in the People’s Liberation Army and the party cadres Moved to assert China’s traditional preeminence in the region 1950s split between Soviet Union and China 1960s exploded first nuclear device by non-industrialized nation

8 Mao’s China Focus on completing social revolution- get rid of landlord class (3 million killed) 1953- Stalinist 5-year plan for industrialization State planning and centralization stressed, party bureaucrats increased power and influence 1958 Great Leap Forward- plan to restore revolution with mass, rural base Economic disaster ensued Famine- led to strain on food supply and policies on how many children you could have Revolution brought women up to legal equality with men

9 Cultural Revolution= Return to Purity

10 China After Mao Deng Xiaoping opened China up to western influences and capitalist development Managed quite a bit of success: education, healthcare, more equal distribution of wealth and decent standard of life for most people



13 Economic Freedom DOES NOT EQUAL Political Freedom

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