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Presentation on theme: "Classification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification

2 Classification – grouping of objects or information based on similarities
Taxonomy – branch of biology that groups and names organisms based on their characteristics

3 History of Classification Systems
The way we classify organisms changes as we gather information about: DNA/protein analysis Embryology – study of an organism’s early stage of life Anatomy (body parts)/morphology (form) Phylogeny – evolutionary history of an organism

4 herbs shrubs trees air land water
Aristotle ( BC) - Classified all organisms into 2 groups (kingdoms) Plants & Animals herbs shrubs trees air land water

5 2. Carolus Linnaeus ( ) Developed two-word naming system called binomial nomenclature Ex. Homo sapiens Most names are in Latin 1st word = genus (capitalized) 2nd word = species (lowercase) – usually descriptive Both words must be italicized or underlined

6 Examples of Scientific Names
Felis catus Panthera leo Homo neanderthalensis

7 3. Current system (with human classification):
Domain (3) – group of similar kingdoms (Eukarya) Kingdom (7) – group of similar phyla (Animalia) Phylum – group of similar classes (Chordata) Class – group of similar orders (Mammalia) Order – group of similar families (Primates) Family – group of similar genera (Hominidae) Genus – group of similar species (Homo) Species – a group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring in nature (H. sapiens) Dumb King Phillip Cried Out “For Goodness Sake!”

8 Examples of Offspring between Two Non-Species
Horse x donkey = mule Lion x tiger = liger Zebra x donkey = zonkey Camel and llama = cama Dog x cat = catdog…just kidding!

9 Same Species…Different Subspecies
Canis lupus – gray wolf Canis lupus familiaris – domestic dog subspecies

10 Which two of these organisms are most closely related?
Ursus americanus, Lepus americanus, Ursus arctos

11 Phylogenetic tree – diagram that shows an organism’s evolutionary history Q: Which 2 organisms are most related? A&B or A&C? A&C or C&D?

12 Dichotomous Key – identification key that contains pairs of contrasting descriptions

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