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Industry of Cambodia 2013011413 Gang Binna.

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1 Industry of Cambodia Gang Binna

2 01 Information about Cambodia
Area : 181,035㎢ (1.8 times of South Korea) Population : About 15,708,756 people Current Account : US 10 million dollars (2015) Export to South Korea : US 193,980,000 dollars (2014) Import to South Korea : US 654,540,000 dollars (2014) (2014) (2014) U.S. U.S.

3 02 Current State of Industry Primary Industries Tertiary Industries
Tourist business The cambodian government have supported tourist business development because tourists around the ANGKOR cultural relics have reached 3.5 million people per year. It has the lack of tourism resources development. Agriculture It occupies more than 70% of the total population. It has good conditions of abundant land and water. It has the lack of infrastructure and technology. 41.8% 32.7% 25.5% Secondary Industries 1) Sewing Industry It is almost the only manufacturing in Cambodia. It occupies almost 41% of employment. It has good condition of low wages. 2) Construction Industry Increase of simple housing in the metropolitan area caused by the increase in workers Increase of commercial buildings due to increased foreign investment

4 03 Propose of solutions for economic growth
Build infrastructure and enhance agricultural productivity and diversity through research and development in the agricultural sector Create jobs and improve working conditions Develop human resource through the improvement of the quality of education Attract tourists through investment and improvement of the tourist business

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