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Physician-Assisted Death

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Presentation on theme: "Physician-Assisted Death"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physician-Assisted Death
The state of the debate

2 When denying the demands to have medical treatment cease, or to have assistance in dying, we force upon patients a continued existence that it is incompatible with their fundamental views as to how their life should be led.

3 RIGHTS OF PATIENTS AUTONOMY There are not two indipendent rights
Bodily integrity and Autonomy Can be sinthesized in one basic right: AUTONOMY From which both Bodily integrity and the right to assistance in dying derive

4 INTENTIONS Judith Thomson argues that the intention with wich the agent acts in a particular situation is not relevant whether the act is morally permissible If the intention with which an agent acts is part of how we identify which act he is performing, then the idea that the same act can be performed with different intentions is mistaken e.g. “the question of whether it is morally permissible for the doctor to inject a lethal drug turns on whether the doctor will be doing so intending death or only intending relief from pain…this is just an absurd idea”

5 Would we be justified in forbidding physician assisted suicide?
Of course not because eventhough it might be wrong to choose assisted suicide after a dyagnosis (since it can be wrong), people everyday make mistakes in judging their activities and taking risks and they are not at all judged for it.

6 A NECESSITY Physician assisted- suicide is a necessity for those who choose to refuse for example food and water, since they will eventually die…more slowly Assisted suicide prevents these patients from dying in a quite unpleasant mode Why is deprivation of food and water not perceived as serious as assisted suicide?


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