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Presented By: Cara Allen Audience: Children

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1 Presented By: Cara Allen Audience: Children
Physical Therapy For Children Presented By: Cara Allen Audience: Children

2 What is Physical Therapy?
After an injury, physical therapy works to decrease pain and help kids return to daily and extra curricular activities Physical Therapy includes: exercises that help you become strong and flexible showing you how to prevent future injuries

3 Why a child would need physical therapy
Have been injured Movement problems from an illness, disease, or disability Before Physical Therapy After Physical Therapy

4 Things you may use during physical therapy

5 During a Visit A Physical Therapist May:
Measure a child's flexibility and strength Study how a child walks and runs Identify existing and potential problems Provide instructions for home exercise programs Recommend when returning to activities is safe

6 Flexibility Strength Flexibility Strength How far you are able to bend or move a part of your body Measured by multiple test Sit and Reach Test The amount of force your muscle can make in one try Measured by manual muscle tests and/or the use of a dynamometer Dynamometer

7 Why does a physical therapist study how you walk and run
The way one walks or runs is also known as their gait. It is important for physical therapist to study one’s gait because: It can help identify deformities It can help identify what may have caused an injury It can help prevent further injuries Video

8 Gait Analysis Videos Before orthotics
After orthotics

9 What are orthotics? Shoe inserts, splints and bracing that are custom made to fix ones foot/leg deformities

10 Home exercises a physical therapist may recommend
Stretching specific to your needs Exercises with resistant bands or exercise balls Balance exercises

11 Home Exercises

12 When A Physical Therapist would recommend returning to activities
Strength is back Balance is good No more pain Capable of doing the activity with no limitations, pain or difficulties

13 What Does a physical therapy room for kids look like?

14 FUN!

15 How long Would I need to go to Physical Therapy?
Depends on: Injury How often you go to physical therapy per week If you do home exercises You could attend physical therapy anywhere from 1 visit to months of visits

16 How Long will each visit be?
Visit sessions typically last anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes each time you go to physical therapy The exact time will depend on the reason why you are there

17 How you should Dress for Physical therapy
Lose fitting clothes so the area of injury can be evaluated and treated Sneakers so you can do all exercises safely without risk of falling

18 Who pays for the physical therapy visits?
In most cases, your health insurance will cover your visits You should always make sure before that it will be covered

19 What will I have to do after physical therapist?
Some people will have to continue with home exercise programs Some may continue with a gym exercise program Some will go right back to their activities after they have completed physical therapy

20 Thank you!!

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