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Real Life 1 - April 3, 2013 Coach Rutgers

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1 Real Life 1 - April 3, 2013 Coach Misconduct @ Rutgers
Real College Coaching on Tape – ESPN OTL Real College Leadership – AD Interview – ESPN OTL Real Sport Ethics – Workshop Updates and Review Loyalty – Workshop Fallout Real Life 1 - April 3, 2013 Coach Rutgers

2 Coaching Lets take a look @ some college coaching
ESPN - OTL – April 2, 2013 (2:29 min) Now – Leadership Think about (notes) your definitions Coaching – Teaching - Leadership Sport Ethics

3 Mike Rice – Rutgers Bball HC

4 Sport Ethics Workshop Individually (write down – able to look @)
Think about video / interview you watched Your definition of leadership – short version Your definition of ethics – short Look for connections (note) Look for conflicting points (note)

5 Reflect Groups of 5 Talk about your definitions
Talk about what you noticed when analyzing Talk about current OTL you watched Talk about what you can learn from OTL Group write down 1THING you can apply to Final Portfolio Assignment

6 Leadership Lets take a look @ some college coaching
ESPN – OTL – April 2, 2013 (8:22 min) Analyze – Not Judge You are AD – Leadership Position Now Define 2 things (next)

7 Tim Pernetti – Rutgers AD

8 Tim Pernetti – Rutgers AD OUT

9 AD – Leadership Reflection
AD – Leadership points to ponder Legal issues Safety issues Institution issues (connection to whole Org) Language – image – message - marketing Athletic Culture – all programs – all Leaders Punishment-Reward system “3 strikes – you’re out” “3 strikes or 1 swing and you’re out” “you do not get to negotiate your discipline”

10 SNL on Mike Rice

11 Updates – More (5 min) Think about Leadership and the culture you can create (good or bad) Teaching methods and Coaching objectives Ethical standards *Let’s review – look back – think final Portfolio

12 By definition Leadership = by definition must have followers (team or individual) Leaders provide vision / create clarity / foster hope by telling people that they believe in them / and of course - deliver results (success) Leadership is first knowing how to chart a course, to give others direction by having a vision of what can be (team working toward a common goal)

13 What Leaders Do Provide direction - goals - VISION
Create a TEAM CULTURE Instill VALUES Inspire TRUST MOTIVATE people to pursue the goals of the team CONFRONT and resolve CONFLICT COMMUNICATE effectively and consistently

14 Team Culture Defined Team culture defined = the way things are done on the team – it is the social architecture that nurtures the team psyche. A healthy team culture creates a climate for success Team culture is concerned with how rewards are given, who communicates with whom about what, practice procedures, game protocols, acceptable reactions toward winning and losing, dress codes, and so on (other examples – from experiences?)

15 Coaching -Teaching Reflection
Coaching points to ponder Coaching is teaching – you are a role model What you do – what you say – has impact Phil – winning (how you go about it-process) Phil – fun (positive vs negative feedback) Phil – Development (language & actions) Lasting Impact – what is your legacy? It is all about the PROCESS – not Product No gray area - No secrets – No

16 3 major objectives of Sport
To have a winning (successful) team To help young people have fun To help young people develop - physically - psychologically - socially *make sure to address ALL 3 – BALANCE VISION FOR SUCCESS – Goals / Plan for All *Phil Assignment #1 *Human Kinetics – Successful Coaching (ASEP – American Sport Education Program) Human Kinetics - Successful Coaching (ASEP - American Sport Education Program) Physically = by learning sport skills, improving physical conditioning, developing good health habits, and avoiding injuries. Psychologically = by learning to control their emotions and developing feelings of self-worth. Socially = by learning cooperation in a competitive context and appropriate standards of behavior. "ASEP is committed to improving amateur sport by encouraging coaches, officials, administrators, parents, and athletes to embrace the 'athletes first, winning second' philosophy and by providing the education to put the philosophy to work."�Rainer Martens, PhD, ASEP founder

17 Definitions Physically = by learning sport skills, improving physical conditioning, developing good health habits, and avoiding injuries. Psychologically = by learning to control their emotions and developing feelings of self-worth. Socially = by learning cooperation in a competitive context and appropriate standards of behavior.

18 Loyalty Reflection Assistant Coach and Players Loyalty to HC
When is loyalty too much – when not enough? Should sporting arena be allowed to operate under a different set of rules-laws then rest of society? Workshop – write down ind / then groups / 1 thing 1-3-5 min? Program and people points to ponder Legal issues Safety issues Team-Athletics-Organizations Culture Responsibility versus Loyalty

19 Ethical Standards 3 kinds - no gray area - high / low / none
Definition of ethical - Webster’s Dictionary Conforming to accepted professional standards and conduct Another Definition of Ethics – Charlie Fisher Doing the right thing – we have an inherent ability to know the difference

20 Sport Ethics Ethical behavior on the part of the coach involves not only observing the rules of a particular game but also, and more important, behaving according to the true spirit of the game, or according to the unwritten rules that are integral part of every sport

21 Update – April 3, 2013 UPDATE: A statement released Wednesday quoted President Robert Barchi as saying that he had been briefed on and approved the earlier punishment, which fell short of dismissal. But the statement from the president added: "Yesterday, I personally reviewed the video evidence, which shows a chronic and pervasive pattern of disturbing behavior. I have now reached the conclusion that Coach Rice cannot continue to serve effectively in a position that demands the highest levels of leadership, responsibility and public accountability. He cannot continue to coach at Rutgers University. Therefore, Tim Pernetti and I have jointly decided to terminate Mike Rice’s employment at Rutgers." Rutgers actually released the video Tuesday before ESPN did, showing it to reporters after learning that ESPN was about to broadcast its report. As the video was seen by more people, outrage over the behavior -- and the idea that this conduct wasn't immediately considered a firing offense -- spread online.

22 April 3 – Firing of HC - Reality

23 ESPN input "So, just wondering, how many chances do you get to assault an athlete? Missed that information in the student-athlete handbook," wrote ESPN's Dana O'Neil. "Coaches, colleges, conferences and the NCAA love to prattle on about what's best for the student-athlete. Here's what's not best for them -- personal verbal attacks and physical abuse from the coaches charged with their care. It has to stop with a line as crystal clear as the chalk on a baseball diamond. If coaches can be fired for not winning enough games, surely it isn't asking too much to dismiss them for abusing the players they promise in recruiting season to treat like their own sons and daughters.

24 Rutgers Community input
As the day progressed, some news reports indicated that the university was reconsidering its decision not to fire Rice, and other reports said that the university was standing behind Rice. Catherine A. Lugg, a professor of education at Rutgers who has questioned the university's focus on athletics, said via Tuesday night that the video was shocking. "It is disgraceful and dangerous that Rutgers University continues to employ a coach who is clearly violent, sexist and homophobic. This is not how we should be preparing our students to become future leaders of their communities," she said. William J. Matthews, president of the Rutgers University Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Alumni Association, said the university's response in December to the video raised questions about the administration's commitment to equity. "Having been involved in many of the programs Rutgers has developed since Tyler Clementi, I think that in many ways they have done a very good job," Matthews said. "However, those efforts just don't seem to apply to the world of sports, and I don't understand that." He added: "I don't understand why the administration treats athletics with such kid gloves. This guy should have been fired -- not just for the homophobic slurs, but for what he did to the players. That's abuse."

25 More Jim Thompson, founder of the Positive Coaching Alliance, a national group focused on youth sports, said, "It's amazing that an institution of higher education would allow a coach to treat people that way. It's so far out of bounds that it's really kind of astonishing.... It's a reflection of the damage that the win-at-all-costs environment can do. In sports, unlike in virtually any other human activity, we seem to have the idea that you get the best out of people by abusing them." One compilation of Twitter comments included "Every hour that passes and Rutgers hasn't fired this guy, someone above him should go, too," and "What's scary is that Mike Rice's boss thinks a 3 game suspension was/is appropriate after watching the video and hearing the language" and "Main question I have is who else at Rutgers saw that video? Did the president or chancellor see it? Get ready for CYA mode."

26 Inside Higher Ed - REF In the fall, videos of several coaches shoving or berating players sparked debate over what lines should not be crossed. But those incidents may seem tame in comparison to the Rutgers video. Read more: Inside Higher Ed

27 April 5, Fallout Failure of Process or Leadership? *sound familiar – look familiar – saga continues Leadership is not Easy or Simple Be Careful

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