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Chrissie Fletcher, Amgen Ltd on behalf of IMI GetReal

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1 Chrissie Fletcher, Amgen Ltd on behalf of IMI GetReal
IMI GetReal - using real world evidence in R&D and healthcare decision making Chrissie Fletcher, Amgen Ltd on behalf of IMI GetReal

2 Disclaimer The views expressed herein represent those of the presenter and do not necessarily represent the views or practices of Amgen or the views of the general Pharmaceutical Industry.



5 What is effectiveness Effectiveness may be defined as the impact of drug efficacy, when all “interactions” are at play Interaction being used in the broad sense of “interaction” and “effect modification” 3 levels of interaction are considered The real/actual use of drug The patient/disease-related characteristics The healthcare system-related characteristics

6 What is effectiveness research
The purpose of Effectiveness Research is to assess these “interactions”: Which ones are “universal” How do they distribute locally What is the magnitude of their impact What is the mechanism of Action This covers the entire span of epidemiologic and public health research methods ‘Inteactions’ ‘Interactions’

7 Increasing Focus on Comparative Effectiveness
Earlier understanding of effectiveness of new products. Better targeting to patients who will gain the greatest benefits. Increasing interest. Potential for improving public health if efficacy-effectiveness gap identified. Require evidence of benefit of treatment compared with standard of care in own jurisdiction. “Effectiveness challenges” Population Intervention Comparator Outcome Study population not consistent with the population for which reimbursement is being sought Uncertainty of treatment effects in subgroups based on pivotal trial populations Primary Study outcomes of limited interest from reimbursement perspective, Study underpowered to deliver meaningful results for outcomes of interest (e.g. HRQoL) Study comparator(s) do not include current standard of care (SOC) for the reimbursement population Indirect comparison vs SOC is uncertain due to a small number of trials from which to form a valid network Study medication schedule (dose, dose titration/ escalation, frequency, route of admin, monitoring) inconsistent with routine practice Effectiveness likely impacted by adherence (of intervention and/or comparators) in routine practice *Illustrative examples

8 X X Why should I generate real-world evidence?
Prior to launch Focus on analyses for submissions & phase IV commitments Prior to phase 2b Develop overall evidence plan Prior to phase 3 Detailed plan for RCTS, other studies and analyses Why should I generate real-world evidence? Is there a risk for an efficacy-effectiveness gap? Is there a compelling need to generate evidence of effectiveness, over and above RCTs for registration? How could I understand the issue? How could I understand the issue? Identification of drivers of effectiveness: literature review, experts insight, data analyses Population HTA CASE HISTORIES Intervention NMA modelling techniques X X SCIENTIFIC ADVICE Comparator Qualitative research, Patient insights COMMERCIAL FORECAST Outcome

9 Generation of evidence on effectiveness: options
What should I do? Methodological options for an integrated “effectiveness evidence generation plan” (design parameters and analyses) Prior to launch Focus on analyses for submissions & phase IV commitments Prior to phase 2b Develop overall evidence plan Prior to phase 3 Detailed plan for RCTS, other studies and analyses How could I address the issue? Generation of evidence on effectiveness: options Phase 3 RCT Can I use enriched RCT design, to improve the heterogeneity in population and gain knowledge on effectiveness? Pragmatic trial Shall we plan for PCT? Which aspect of PICO should be more pragmatic? Which are the statistical challenges Post-launch observational study Is there a risk of channelling bias ? How to correct for this risk? NMA modelling techniques

10 of study design and analytical tools, with options and recommendations
TOOLBOX of study design and analytical tools, with options and recommendations Which pre-authorization RCTs actually explored effectiveness and how? Which design parameters and analytical tools are available for pragmatic trials? A methods to improve heterogeneity of population in RCTs (The “enriched RCT” design) ANALYTICAL APPROACH Identifying drivers of effectiveness Best methods to adjust for indication bias Development of methods to identify a risk for channelling bias using 3 case studies How is the “efficacy-to-effectiveness gap” understood and conceptualized? The concept of Drivers of Effectiveness Development of methods to identify drivers of effectiveness using 3 case studies Mapping-out existing design parameters and analytical tools Reviewing 60 authorization dossiers and HTA reviews (HAS), to understand the importance of providing evidence on effectiveness before launch and explore how to improve in pre-registration studies Improving analytical tools for the assessment of effectiveness through Pragmatic Trials or post- authorization studies Implementing knowledge on drivers of effectiveness in RCTs Dealing with imbalance in selection bias in TwiCS trial designs Dealing with heterogeneity in the comparator arm STATISTICAL APPROACH Mapping-out the rationale for effectiveness evidence generation Pragmatic trials Post-authorization observational studies

11 Why pragmatic trials? Real World Evidence (RWE) on relative effectiveness needed to guide physicians/policy makers in their decisions Traditional RCTs and observational studies have limitations in providing RWE on relative effectiveness Pragmatic trials combine the strength of RCTs ( addresses confounding through randomization), while generating results that are generalizable to the real world BUT: they have to be well designed and executed Calvert et al. J Clin Epidemiol 2011, Hemkens LG, BMJ 2016;

12 PRECIS-2 Pragmatic Trials on a continuum
Design trials fit for purpose Focus on applicability of a trial No focus on validity of the trial To be used by trial design team Makes judgements explicit Little guidance on impact of specific design choices & challenges of pragmatic trial conduct *PRagmatic-Explanatory Continuum Indicator Summary 2 (PRECIS-2) wheel. (Loudon K et al. BMJ 2015;350:h2147)

13 Minimize bias/variability:
The goal of PCTs Minimize bias/variability: Use preference design? Blinding outcome assessment? Use ‘objective outcomes’/training/standardizing? Use realistic/flexible treatment strategies? Maximize Generalizability/Feasibility: Randomization at cluster level? Select real life sites/settings?, Use realistic/flexible treatment strategies?, Outcomes as in practice?, Integrate data collection with care systems?, Minimize ‘Hawthorne effect’? Discuss design in early phase with all stakeholders?

14 http://www. imi-getreal



17 GetReal Outputs Methods Original research Tools Summaries Case studies
Detection of bias Adjustment of bias Aggregate RWD in NMAs Individual patent RWD in NMAs Original research Drivers of effectiveness Analytical methods Prediction models Methodological guidance Tools Software Checklists & templates Design options for pragmatic clinical trials Summaries Study types Sources of data Methods Literature reviews Case studies Retrospective analyses of relative effectiveness issues Disease area specific issues Stakeholder views *Illustrative examples – not a complete list of GetReal outputs


19 What the navigator provides





24 ADDIS – GetReal software platform


26 ADDIS – web based user interface

27 The GetReal Real-World Evidence Framework: A Resource for Everyone!
A shared platform addressing the inclusion of alternative study designs in medicine development strategies Reflects stakeholder perspectives as far as possible A comprehensive resource regarding alternative evidence development pathways An index of study designs, data sources and policies relating to real-world evidence Educational resource, clarifying potential effectiveness challenges and identifying potential RWE options Signposts to authoritative resources, tools and policies relevant to real-world evidence

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