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Introduction to Photography

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1 Introduction to Photography
Becoming an artist

2 You know what you like, but why?
Learning photo composition will help you appreciate and understand why you do or do not like certain photos. You will develop the language and skills you need to take a stunning photograph. This is art – there is not a definitive interpretation.

3 Vocabulary – you need to know these
Abstract: an image that emphasizes formal elements (line, shape, etc.) rather than specific, recognizable objects.

4 Content The subject, topic or information captured in a photograph.

5 Direct approach Confronting a scene in a straight-forward manner, without using unusual angles or distortion.

6 Documentary photography
Photographs whose main purpose is to record a place, person or event.

7 Expressive Concerned with communicating emotion.

8 Geometric shape Simple rectilinear or curvilinear shapes found in geometry such as circles, squares, triangles.

9 Landscape Image that portrays the natural environment.

10 Focus What areas appear clear and sharp in the photo in comparison to what does not.

11 Light What areas of the photo are highlighted? Where are the shadows? Can you tell the time of day? Natural or artificial light? Harsh or soft? Reflected or direct?

12 More light

13 Line Are there objects in the photo that act as lines? Do they create direction, outline, movement, energy.

14 Repetition Are there any objects, shapes or lines that repeat and create a pattern?

15 Space Is there depth to the photograph or does it seem shallow? Negative space and positive space.

16 Negative and positive space

17 Depth 1) The nearer the object, the bigger it appears. 2) Parallel lines seem to converge toward a point.

18 Various depths

19 Texture How would the object feel?

20 Angle The vantage point from which the photograph was taken. Usually talked about with unusual or exaggerated vantage point.

21 Various angles

22 Background and foreground
Part of the scene or picture that is or seems to be toward the back or front.

23 Balance Distribution of visual elements in a photograph.
Symmetrical: Asymmetrical:

24 Assignment Here are three pictures of the same subject. Write a paragraph or two explaining which one you like best. Write down these questions: What patterns are present? What are the lines? What are the textures? Colors? Why did you make this choice?

25 Images

26 Which one do you like?

27 What about between these two?
The boy on the right fills the frame. The other photo is typical of pictures taken at school. Nobody stands out, because they are standing against a cluttered background.

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