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Chapter 6 Global Information Systems and Market Research

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1 Chapter 6 Global Information Systems and Market Research
Power Point by Kristopher Blanchard North Central University © 2005 Prentice Hall

2 Introduction Understand the importance of information technology and marketing information systems Utilize a framework for information scanning and opportunity identification Understand the formal market research process Know how to manage the marketing information collection system and market research effort Given the variety of languages spoken around the world, along with the cultural differences it could be difficult to conduct global market research. It is the marketer’s good fortune that a veritable cornucopia of market information is available on the Internet. A few keystrokes can yield literally hundreds of articles, research findings, and Web sites that offer a wealth of information about particular country markets. Even so, marketers need to study several important topics to make the most of modern information technology. © 2005 Prentice Hall

3 Information Technology for Global Marketing
Information Technology refers to an organization’s processes for creating, storing, exchanging, using, and managing information. Management Information Systems provide managers and other decision makers with a continuous flow of information about company operations An MIS should provide a means for gathering, analyzing, classifying, storing, retrieving, and reporting relevant data. The MIS should also cover important aspects of a company’s external environment, including customers and competitors. Global competition intensifies the need for an effective MIS that is accessible throughout the company. © 2005 Prentice Hall

4 Tools of MIS Intranet Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) Data Warehouses © 2005 Prentice Hall

5 Customer Relationship Management
New business model Philosophy that values two-way communication between company and customer Every point of contact with a consumer is an opportunity to collect data Can make employees more productive and enhance corporate profitability CRM tools allow companies such as Credit Suisse, AT&T, and Hewlett-Packard to determine which customers are most valuable and to react in a timely manner with customized product and service offerings that closely match customer needs. If implemented correctly, CRM can make employees more productive and enhance corporate profitability; it also benefits customers by providing value-added products and services. A company’s use of CRM can manifest itself in various ways. Some are visible to consumers, others are not; some make extensive use of leading-edge information technology, others do not. © 2005 Prentice Hall

6 Customer Relationship Management
The major thing is, ‘One size fits all’ is not true. CRM is designed to support the sales process, and if I develop a system that works in the U.S., it might not work in Europe.” - Jim Dickie, Insight Technology Group One challenge is to integrate data into a complete picture of the customer and his or her relationship to the company and its products or services. This is sometimes referred to as a “360-degree view of the customer.” The challenge is compounded for global marketers. Subsidiaries in different parts of the world may use different customer data formats, and commercial CRM products may not support all the target languages. In view of such issues, industry experts recommend implementing global CRM programs in phases. © 2005 Prentice Hall

7 Privacy Safe Harbor Agreement establishes principles for privacy protection for companies that transfer data to the US from Europe Purposes of the information collected and used An ‘opt out’ option to prevent disclosure of personal information Can only transfer information to 3rd parties that are in compliance with Safe Harbor Individuals must have access to information Privacy issues vary from country to country. In the European Union, for example, a Directive on Data Collection has been in effect since Companies that use CRM to collect data about individual consumers must satisfy the regulations in each of the EU’s 25 member countries. © 2005 Prentice Hall

8 Information Subject Agenda
The starting point for global marketing information system is identifying a list of subjects for which information is desired Should be tailored to the needs and objectives of the company Two essential criteria Is all the information subject areas relevant to a company with global operations Categories should be mutually exclusive © 2005 Prentice Hall

9 Information Subject Agenda
© 2005 Prentice Hall

10 Scanning Modes: Surveillance and Search
Informal information gathering VIEWING – general exposure to information MONITORING – paying special attention and tracking a story as it develops Search Formal information gathering INVESTIGATION – seeking out secondary data RESEARCH – conducting primary research After the subject agenda has been determined, the next step is the actual collection of information. This is accomplished by using either the surveillance or search mode. © 2005 Prentice Hall

11 Avoiding Information Overload
Global organizations need Efficient, effective system to scan and digest published sources of information in all countries in which it conducts business Daily scanning, translating, digesting, abstracting, and electronic input of information into MIS Of all the changes in recent years that have affected the availability of information, perhaps none is more apparent than the explosion of documentary and electronic information. An overabundance of information has created a major problem for anyone attempting to stay abreast of key developments in multiple national markets. too few companies employ a formal system for coordinating scanning activities. This situation results in considerable duplication of effort. The best way to identify unnecessary duplication is to carry out an audit of reading activity by asking each person involved to list the publications he or she reads regularly. A consolidation of the lists will reveal the surveillance coverage. Often, the scope of the group will be limited to a handful of publications to the exclusion of other worthwhile ones © 2005 Prentice Hall

12 Sources of Market Information
Human sources Executives based abroad are likely to have established communication with distributors, consumers, customers, suppliers, and government officials Friends acquaintances, professional colleagues, consultants, and prospective employees © 2005 Prentice Hall

13 Sources of Market Information
Direct perception provides a vital background for the information that comes from human and documentary sources Gets all the senses involved Some information requires sensory experience to interpret it correctly Can be important when the domestic market is dominated by a global player © 2005 Prentice Hall

14 Formal Market Research
Global Marketing Research is the project-specific, systematic gathering of data in the search scanning mode on a global basis Challenge is to recognize and respond to national differences that influence the way information is obtained Information is a critical ingredient in formulating and implementing a successful marketing strategy. As described earlier, a marketing information system should produce a continuous flow of information. Market research, by contrast, is the project-specific, systematic gathering of data in the search scanning mode. The American Marketing Association defines marketing research as “the activity that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information.” © 2005 Prentice Hall

15 Steps in the Research Process
Identifying the research problem Developing a research plan Collecting data Analyzing data Presenting the research findings © 2005 Prentice Hall

16 Identifying the Information Requirement
What information do I need? Existing Markets – customer needs already being served by one or more companies; information may be readily available Potential Markets Latent market – an undiscovered market; demand would be there if product was there Incipient market – market will emerge as macro environmental trends continue Why do I need this information? © 2005 Prentice Hall

17 Overcoming the SRC Self-Reference Criterion occurs when a person’s values and beliefs intrude on the assessment of a foreign culture Must be aware of SRC’s Enhances management’s willingness to conduct market research Ensures that research design has minimal home-country bias Increases management’s receptiveness to findings © 2005 Prentice Hall

18 Developing A Research Plan
Do we need quantitative or qualitative data? What is the information worth (versus what will it cost to collect)? What will it cost if we don’t get the information? What can be gained from the information? © 2005 Prentice Hall

19 Collecting Data Secondary Data
Statistical Abstract of the United States Statistical Yearbook of the United Nations World Factbook The Economist The Financial Times Syndicated studies And much more © 2005 Prentice Hall

20 Collecting Data (cont.)
Primary Data Collection Methods Survey research Interviews Consumer panels Observation Focus groups © 2005 Prentice Hall

21 Special Considerations for Surveys
Benefits: Data collection from a large sample Both quantitative and qualitative data possible Can be self-administered Issues Subjects may respond with social desirability Translation may be difficult Use back and parallel translations to ensure accuracy and validity © 2005 Prentice Hall

22 Sampling A sample is a selected subset of a population that is representative of the entire population. Probability samples Non-probability samples © 2005 Prentice Hall

23 Analyzing Data Demand Pattern Analysis Income Elasticity Measurements
Market Estimation by Analogy Time-series displacement Comparative Analysis Cluster Analysis © 2005 Prentice Hall

24 Presenting the Findings
Report must clearly address problem identified in Step 1 Include a memo or executive summary of the key findings along with main report © 2005 Prentice Hall

25 Global Issues in Marketing Research
Many country markets must be included Markets with low profit potential justifies limited research expenditures Data in developing countries may be inflated or deflated Comparability of international statistics varies greatly Limits created by cultural differences © 2005 Prentice Hall

26 Enhancing Comparability of Data
Emic analysis Ethnographic in nature Studies culture from within Uses cultures’ own meanings and values Etic analysis From the outside Detached perspective that is used in multi-country studies Enhances comparability but minimizes precision © 2005 Prentice Hall

27 Looking Ahead Chapter 7 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
© 2005 Prentice Hall

28 Intranet A Private network
Allows authorized company personnel (or outsiders) to share information electronically 24-Hour Nerve Center Return © 2005 Prentice Hall

29 Electronic Data Interchange
Allows business units to: Submit orders Issue invoices Conduct business electronically Transaction formats are universal Return © 2005 Prentice Hall

30 Efficient Consumer Response (ECR)
This is in addition to EDI An effort for retailers and vendors to work closely on sock replenishment ECR can be defined as a joint initiative by members of a supply chain to work toward improving and optimizing aspects of the supply chain to benefit customers. Return © 2005 Prentice Hall

31 Electronic Point of Sale
Gathers data at checkout scanners Identifies product sales trends Identifies how consumer preferences vary geographically Return © 2005 Prentice Hall

32 Data Warehouses Can help fine-tune product assortments for multiple locations Enhances the ability of management to respond to changing business conditions Return © 2005 Prentice Hall

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