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Multiple Sclerosis Teresa Kuhns.

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1 Multiple Sclerosis Teresa Kuhns

2 MS is a neurodegenerative AI disease that affects the brain and spinal cord
~250, ,000 affected in U.S.1 6 Characterized by Demyelination of axons Oligodendrocytes in CNS Plaque formation Motor weakness Sensory impairments Above: Right: Zivadinov R, Bakshi R. Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Multiple Sclerosis.

3 Most common symptoms of MS involve decreased motor and sensory functions 2,6
Picture adapted from

4 Four key types of MS 1,2 Picture from

5 Dominant theory for MS pathogenesis 1
Activation of immune cells Molecular mimicry Blood-brain barrier breakdown Inflammatory response Resulting myelin degradation inflammatory cytokines, proteases, free radicals, and nitric acid 8R5N7ZMlNk Picture from

6 Viruses such as EBV mimic myelin sheath proteins (e.g. MBP) 1,2
Myelin basic protein (MBP) Proteolipid protein (PLP) Many similar molecules Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Etc. Picture from Human MBP: V V H F F K N I V EBV: V Y H F V K K H V (from book)

7 The impact of the blood brain barrier breakdown in MS5
BBB – separates CNS from systemic circulation Junctional proteins affected by inflammation Leukocyte extravasation Further breakdown once compromised Matrix metalloproteinases ROS Inflammatory cytokines Top picture from Bottom picture from Dr. Spilatro’s “Components of the Immune System” slide

8 Experiments with mice 4 EAE – experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis CD4+ T-cell mediated Mice injected with MBP specific peptide Develop EAE T-cells clones isolated & injected into another mouse Mice expression MBP-specific TCR 1 Under pathogen free conditions = no phenotype Under non-sterile conditions = mice developed EAE Picture from

9 Epidemiology 3,2 EBV Vitamin D 6,2 Influences Cigarette smoking
Transcription rate Apoptosis Immune cell differentiation Transmigration via BBB Amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF and IL-1 Cigarette smoking Obesity Picture from

10 Treatment depends on the type of MS 2
Acute relapses Corticosteroids Chronic symptoms Various medication depending on symptom Modify course of disease Immunosuppressant medication BBB breakdown 2 goals Slow progression Improve quality of life Only temporary solution

11 References 1 Demetriou MD Multiple Sclerosis, Genetics, and Autoimmunity. . In: Olek MJ. Editor. Multiple Sclerosis: Etiology, Diagnosis, and New Treatment Strategies. Totowa (NJ): Humana Press Inc.; p Faguy K Multiple Sclerosis: an update. Radiologic Technology 87(5): Hagan KA, Munger KL, Ascherio A, Grodstein F Epidemiology of Major Neurodegenerative Diseases in Women: Contribution of the Nurses’ Health Study. American Journal of Public Health 106(9): McCarthy DP, Richards MH, Miller SD Mouse Models of Multiple Sclerosis: Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and Theiler’s virus-induced demyelinating disease. Methods of Molecular Biology 900: Ortiz GG, Pacheco-Moises FP, Macias-Islas MA, Flores-Alvarado LJ, Mireles-Ramirez MA, Conzalez- Renovato ED, Hernandez VE, Sanchez-Lopez AL, Alatorre-Jimenez MA Role of the Blood-Brain Barrier in Multiple Sclerosis. Archives of Medical Research 45(8): Sundstrom P, Salzer J Vitamin D and multiple sclerosis – from epidemiology to prevention. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 132: Van den Noort S Signs and Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. In: Olek MJ. Editor. Multiple Sclerosis: Etiology, Diagnosis, and New Treatment Strategies. Totowa (NJ): Humana Press Inc.; p

12 Questions?

13 1. All of the following may contribute to the blood-brain barrier breakdown, EXCEPT A. Degradation of proteins that form tight junctions between epithelial cells B. Metabolic processes that release peroxides and superoxide C. Changes in gene expression that allows for interaction between leukocytes and epithelial cells D. Activated pericytes releasing metalloproteinases that breakdown astrocytes 2. Which of the following is NOT necessary for the pathogenesis of MS? A. Activation of B-cells and T-cells by the Epstein Barr Virus B. Release of chemokines that propagate inflammatory response C. Breakdown of the separation between CSF and systemic circulation D. Degradation of oligodendrocytes 3. All of the following demonstrate the role of vitamin D in MS, EXCEPT A. Vitamin D helps regulate gene expression B. Vitamin D increases the amount of Treg cells C. An overabundance of vitamin D increases the rate of migration through the blood-brain barrier D. Cytokines like IL-1 and TNF are decreased in the presence of vitamin D 4. Which cell is least likely to contribute to the pathology of MS? A. Oligodendrocytes B. Microglial cells C. CTLs D. Neutrophils

14 5. MS patients are at risk of acquiring progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a disease caused by the John Cunningham virus (JCV), which many people carry in a latent form. When activated, JCV attacks the brain. A. Why do you think people with MS are at a higher risk for PML than normal individuals with JCV? B. One treatment for MS is Natalizumab, which blocks the function of an integrin that assists cells traversing epithelial layers. However, in 2005, Natalizumab was temporarily withdrawn from the market because it increased the risk of PML when combined with other therapies. C. Looking at the name Natalizumab, what type of immunotherapy is this? D. How might Natalizumab help to control MS, and why might it have increased the risk of acquiring PML?

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