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Validation of Well-Being Scale related to skincare products

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1 Validation of Well-Being Scale related to skincare products
N°EP-WB0031 Validation of Well-Being Scale related to skincare products M.-H. Bardel, B. Beaufils, C. Chréa, S. Navarro, C. Pêcher & D. Mougin Chanel Parfums Beauté THE CONTEXT * Important impact of cosmetics on well-being, more precisely the skincare products * A lot of tools to assess the quality of life or global well-being, but no scales specifically developed for cosmetics use METHODOLOGY Application of different steps of psychological tests validation according to Vallerand (1989) * Step 1 : Establishment of a Preliminary version (focus group & Review) * Step 2 : Exploratory Factor Analysis * Step 3 : Confirmatory Factor Analysis

2 N°EP-WB0031 Step 1 : Establishment of Preliminary version
Collect step Review Focus group Expert comittee 56 items Clarity study Preliminary version 29 items Step 2 : Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) N = 614 french women PCA with Oblimin rotation revealed a structure with 2 strong and independent factors Well-being factor (λ1=13.17 ) Ill-being factor (λ2=3.32) For well-being factor : PCA with Oblimin rotation revealed a structure with 4 factors (70.62% of variance) 3 items were excluded Eigenvalues Indices Total % of variance Cumulative % 1 13.133 57.100 2 1.301 5.655 62.755 3 1.108 4.816 67.571 4 .702 3.052 70.624  Number of factor determined by : - Kaiser criterion (Eigenvalues > 1) - 70% of total variance

3 Well-Being Scale composed to 26 items and 5 dimensions
N°EP-WB0031 Step 3 : Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) N = 299 french women A Confirmatory Factor Analysis performed on a 5-factors model from EFA RELAXATION 4 items α = .86 PLEASURE 5 items OPTIMISM 8 items α = .92 REJUVENATION 3 items α = .81 ILL-BEING 6 items α = .76 Indices Values CFI 0.935 TLI 0.927 GFI 0.869 RMSEA 0.058 SRMR 0.055 Well-Being Scale composed to 26 items and 5 dimensions

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