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Common Food Allergies.

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1 Common Food Allergies

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Learning Outcomes Students should be able to: Demonstrate knowledge of common food allergies Images ©

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What is a food allergy? NHS ( describes a food allergy as ‘when the body’s immune system reacts unusually to specific foods.’ Allergic reactions are often mild however some people may experience life threatening reactions. Images ©

4 Symptoms of a food allergy
Difficulty swallowing Coughing Shortness of breath/wheezing Nausea or vomiting Diarrhoea Swelling of face, lips and throat Skin can turn red and itchy Images ©

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Allergens An allergen is a common substance that causes the immune system to react. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) have identified 14 major allergens that can cause abnormal reactions. Under the Food Information Regulations 2014, allergens must be clearly identified e.g. on the menu or given verbally by the server. Images ©

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It is vital that food businesses provide accurate and easily understood information about allergenic ingredients in dishes served. If food businesses fail to comply with the requirements of the Food Information Regulations 2014, they could face criminal prosecution. Images ©

7 14 Major Allergens Celery Cereals containing gluten Crustaceans Eggs
Fish Lupin Milk Molluscs Mustard Nuts Peanuts Sesame seeds Soya Sulphur dioxide (sulphites) Images ©

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Celery Celery stalks, leaves and seeds Celeriac (the root) Celery can be found in celery salt, salads, some meat products Celery can also be found in soups and stock cubes Cereals containing Gluten Wheat, rye, barley and oats (found in products that contain flour) Baking powder, batter, breadcrumbs, bread Flour also used in meat products, pasta, sauces and soups Images ©

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Crustaceans Crabs, lobster, prawns and scampi are crustaceans Shrimp paste – traditionally used in Thai and South-East Asian curries or salads Eggs Often found in cakes, mayonnaise, pasta, quiche and sauces Can be found in meat products Foods may be brushed or glazed with egg Images ©

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Fish Can be found in some fish sauces, pizzas, relishes, salad dressings Can also be found in stock cubes and Worcestershire sauce Lupin Lupin is a flower but it is found in flour Lupin flour and seeds can be used in some types of bread, pastries and pasta Images ©

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Milk Common ingredient in cheese, butter, cream and yoghurt Some foods may be brushed or glazed with milk Milk can also be found in powdered soups and sauces Molluscs Molluscs include mussels, land snails, squid and whelks Can be commonly found in oyster sauce or as in ingredient in fish stews Images ©

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Nuts Nuts are different from peanuts. Nuts grow on trees e.g. cashew nuts, almonds and hazelnuts Nuts can be found in breads, biscuits, desserts, stir-fried dishes, ice cream and sauces Mustard Mustard includes liquid mustard, mustard powder and mustard seeds Can be found in curries, breads, meat products, salad dressings, sauces and soups Images ©

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Peanuts Peanuts are a legume and grow underground Often used as an ingredient within biscuits, cakes, curries, desserts, sauces Also used in groundnut oil and peanut flour Sesame seeds Often found in bread, breadsticks and houmous Commonly used on hamburger buns Can be toasted and used within salads Images ©

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Soya Often found in bean curd, edamame beans, soya flour and tofu Can also be found in desserts, ice cream, meat products, sauces and vegetarian products Sulphur dioxide (sulphites) Sulphur dioxide is an ingredient commonly used in raisins, dried apricots and prunes Can also be found in soft drinks, meat products and vegetables Images ©

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Anaphylaxis A severe allergic reaction to a particular food is called anaphylaxis. This allergic reaction causes people to go into an anaphylactic shock. Anaphylaxis can cause a rapid increase in heartbeat, increased breathing difficulties and can cause people to become unconscious. Images ©

16 What is food intolerance?
A food intolerance is different to a food allergy and is much harder to diagnose as often no allergic reaction takes place. Food intolerance can often be referred to as food sensitivity. Symptoms of a food intolerance will normally occur several hours after eating the food whereas the symptoms of a food allergy will happen almost immediately after eating the food. Images ©

17 Symptoms of a food intolerance
Nausea Diarrhoea Abdominal pains Muscle and joint aches Feeling tired and weak Images ©

18 Check your understanding
Describe the main difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance. Who was responsible for identifying the 14 common food allergens? Complete the sentence: ‘Under the Food Information Regulations 2014, allergens must be ___________ ___________.’ Images ©

19 Check your understanding
List the 14 common food allergens and identify 2 examples of where each food allergen may be found. List 3 symptoms of a food allergy. List 3 symptoms of a food intolerance. What is anaphylaxis? List 2 common problems associated with anaphylaxis. Images ©

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Activity You have invited two friends to your house for dinner. One of your friends is intolerant to wheat and the other is allergic to nuts and peanuts. Plan a suitable menu that would be suitable for the dinner that you could all eat. Images ©

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