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Connective tissue The cells; are two types

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1 Connective tissue The cells; are two types
As the name implies ,connects and holds other tissue together . Functions Heat regulation ,storage, defense ,protection, and repair Structure of connective tissue. The connective tissue chiefly consisted from : The Fibers; are three types: Elastic fibers. Collagen fibers. Reticular fibers. The cells; are two types Fixed cells(fibroblast, fiberocytes, pericyte). Transient (wandering) cells;(plasma cells, lymphocytes, mast cells, macrophage, leukocytes). Amorphous ground substance;

2 Plasma cell ;large spherical –oval shape
with eccentric nucleolus ( Macrophage it is large oval in shape &have Foamy cytoplasm Fibroblast (elongated & spindle shaped with long cytoplasmic processes & large oval nucleus Mast cells are large polymorphic contain numerous large met chromic granules (heparine,histamin&serotonin)


4 Mast cells are large polymorphic contain numerous large met chromic granules(heparine,histamin&serotonin)

5 Classification of connective tissue;
They are classified into 2 large groups: A- Embryonic C.T.: this type involve 1. Mesenchymal C.T. ( limited in emberyon) 2.Gelatinous C.T.(mucous).(in embryonic hypo derma and umbilical cord) B-Adult C.T. this type involved the following types. Loose connective tissue: It characterized by dominated of transient cells than fibers, This type found in most organs such as (subcutaneous and interstitial within organ system , muscle fibers and its sheaths and a round bundles of peripheral nerve fibers , adipose tissue and blood vessels

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