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The Green Zone Initiative

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1 The Green Zone Initiative
Veterans Outreach and Service Coordination in Nevada

2 The Green Zone Initiative
The Green Zone Initiative (GZI) is the State of Nevada’s effort to marshal all available resources in the areas of wellness, education, and employment for Nevada’s veterans. It is a statewide strategic planning initiative designed to improve services to Nevada’s service members, veterans, and their families, to increase collaboration among service providers, and to provide a roadmap for ways to improve the current offering of services to policymakers, non-profit funders, and other members of the statewide community. It is augmented by a statewide infrastructure, including the Interagency Council on Veterans Affairs, local Veteran Community Councils, specific focus area efforts, an online social networking platform, and more.

3 Assumptions The “Sea of Goodwill” Veterans as assets
Evolving, grassroots solutions required

4 Process: Phase 1 Development phase Community convenings/survey
Environmental Scan Business Case Funding Analysis Action Plan

5 Process: Phase 2 Implementation phase The GZI architecture
Interagency Council on Veterans Affairs Local Veteran Community Councils Focus Area Efforts for Employment, Education, and Wellness The Green Zone Network

6 Pillars Policy Development Service Provider Coordination
Connecting with Veterans

7 Pillars in Action

8 Policy Development Pillar
Policy councils created ICVA (Employment), SVAC (Education), VSPC (Wellness) Develop priorities Identify barriers Identify opportunities for collaboration Develop legislative recommendations Easiest

9 Service Coordination Pillar
Partnership with JCF established Veteran Community Councils formalized Continued convenings/surveys Green Zone Network Moderately difficult

10 Connecting w/ Vets Pillar
Constant Outreach Job fairs Resource fairs Partnerships Green Zone Network Most difficult

11 Connecting w/ Vets Pillar
Green Zone Networking Building on success of SVAC Leadership events: Arts and Ideas Festival Service events: Community clean-ups Engagement events: GZN Breakfast Changing the narrative Taking responsibility Supporting one-another

12 Successes Injecting “veterans” into every policy/service provider conversation Leadership from the highest level—YOTV Architecture leveraged for grants Building a network for veteran success

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