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Concepts and Objectives

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1 Ms. Livoti’s Rules and Procedures for making AP Drawing the BEST class of your high school career

2 Concepts and Objectives
• Mastery of concepts, composition, and execution of personal ideas and themes. • Art making is an on- going process that uses your own critical artistic decisions to determine outcomes • Develop your technical skills and use of the elements and principals of design • Become an independent thinker- formulaic solutions to problems are discouraged! High quality work is expected and it is assumed that all work from this course will be included in AP Exam Portfolios. 3 Exam Parts: Quality Concentration Breadth + written commentary

3 Breadth work will presented to you as units of study, where you will use a variety of mediums, techniques and approaches to develop your concepts and ideas. Critiques will be on-going. You will have in-progress check ins/critiques. Individual conferences will be used to help you develop your concentration portfolio and discuss progress. Copyright issues: all work must be original! If you use someone else’s work/published image as a basis for a piece there must be a significant alternation for it to be considered original.

4 Attendance Policy 3 LATES= 1 UNEXCUSED ABSENCE
24 ABSENCES = LOSS OF CREDIT FOR THE COURSE You will get a cut card written up after your 3rd late. Arrive to class on time and begin our your do-now, or set up your workspace Passes are for using the restroom only. One person is allowed out at a time, you may not leave during lessons, demos or critiques. You will be considered absent if you leave the room for an extended period of time. It is YOUR responsibility to make up missed work if you are absent. Extra help is available. This is an AP Course-remember it is COLLEGE level. You’re paying to be here. Take your attendance seriously and stay on top of missed work.

5 Reminder #2: Behavior should not be an issue.
Behavior Policy Reminder #1: You are an AP Student who is either in 11th or 12th grade. Reminder #2: Behavior should not be an issue. If behavior is an issue, it will be handled according to school policy. You will receive a phone call home, you may meet with the Department Chairperson, you may have to meet with an Assistant Principal or the Principal. If you have any issues or concerns that may lead to a behavioral problem, please know that you can speak to me individually at any time and we will work together to handle any situation.

6 Grading Classwork/Breadth Section) …..……………….…………….40%
Homework/Sketchbook (Concentration Section)…………….40% Tests/Critiques/portfolio ………………………………………10% Class Participation & Effort……………………………………10% (Final Exam/ Portfolio Assessment follows completion of coursework)

7 Project Requirements Let’s make things easy to remember:
Any work done in this course is technically part of an EXAM. If you leave exam questions blank on a test do you get points for that question? No. 2. If you’re not prepared with work to show me when necessary due dates and progress check points occur: Your grade is a Zero. In this course, a COMPLETED artwork that has been turned in on the due date may be re-submitted within 5 class days for re-evaluation if you choose to significantly improve the artwork upon the teachers critical recommendation. If your artwork is missing or unfinished on the due date/checkpoint....see #2.


9 Premier Prismacolor Colored Pencils, Tin Box Set of 24
Red Wallet Portfolio 20" × 26 Toned Sketch Wirebound Journal, Cool Gray 9" × 12" 50 Sheets, Micro-perforated Golden Taklon Brushes, Set of 4 (Any kind of Value Pack set) 1 Plastic paint palette with cover (10 well) Sharpener (handheld, metal) Eraser(s) vinyl and kneaded Blending tool(s) Sharpie pen(s) or microns USB drive/storage device (you will need to store your own reference images and portfolio images Recommended: Items you will need at home for your personal concentration works Higgins india ink, black- one small bottle (recommended) Charcoal pencils (recommended) Graphite pencil set (recommended) Mat board will be needed by March-April, notification will be sent home. Do not purchase this now. Donation items: tissues, hand sanitzer/soap/lotion, magazines. *Items from wish list and specific items needed for concentration not listed.

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