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AS Media Studies MS1: Media Representations and Responses

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1 AS Media Studies MS1: Media Representations and Responses
Please get your folders, paper and pens out ready for the session

2 Half-Term Homework Collection
Task 1: Analysis of Volkswagen Tiguan and Vauxhall Corsa adverts. Produce a 400 word short essay answering the questions. CAN YOU ENSURE THE FRONT SHEET IS COMPLETED. Task 2: Using/Summarising Information Read the information on the editing handout and learn at least 3 different editing techniques.

3 Homework Summary Identify and describe 3 editing techniques used in media texts. If you haven’t done your homework give 3 reasons why. Use slips of paper (editing homework task sheets)

4 Starter Activity - Dominoes
Match the images with the shot types to use all the dominoes. You have 5 minutes! Merlin and Dr Who dominoes. Only give 5 minutes – if any sets not complete within this time then move on.

5 Introduction to Media Analysis
Session 4: Audio-Visual Media Analysis Technical and Visual Codes

6 To analyse audio-visual media texts in relation to these codes.
Aims & objectives To identify the visual and technical codes used in audio-visual media texts. To analyse audio-visual media texts in relation to these codes. To identify how these codes are used to position audiences.

7 Technical Codes in Audio-Visual Texts
Use of the camera (cinematography) Editing

8 Cinematography – What do you know?
What cinematography (camera) techniques have you learnt about in the practical lessons? What can a camera do? Use 8 squares to collect 8 different points/techniques from different people. Use the information to make notes at the top of p13

9 What shot types? Whiteboard activity

10 What shot types?

11 What camera angles?

12 Read through the information on page 13 Highlight/make notes

13 What editing techniques?
What editing techniques can you identify in the extract from Avengers Assemble? Optional group activity Scene 3 of DVD Continuity editing used to tell the story - straight cuts, eyeline matches, cross cutting between Black Widow and Marvel headquarters, shot reverse shot between Black Widow and interrogators, pace of edit speeds up during action sequence, long take at beginning of sequence to establish location, characters and sense of threat.

14 Findings? Continuity editing used to tell the story - straight cuts, eyeline matches, cross cutting between Black Widow and Marvel headquarters, shot reverse shot between Black Widow and interrogators, pace of edit speeds up during action sequence, long take at beginning of sequence to establish location, characters and sense of threat.

15 Audio-Visual Analysis 1
Watch the trailer for Humans Series 1 and use your analysis grid to respond to the questions below. (page 14) What camera and editing techniques (technical codes) can you identify? What effect do these technical codes have? Using iPads google search for Humans Series 1 Channel 4. Image is hyperlinked to 4oD if you want to show whole class first.. An alternative link to the youtube version is:

16 Humans Series 1 trailer Using the iPads, Google search for Humans Series 1 Channel 4. You should be able to find it on 4oD or Youtube DON’T USE THE AMC TRAILER – this is an American channel that was sold the programme after it aired on C4. You have 10 minutes…

17 Complete the 8 squares with points from other people in the room.
Sharing Information Use the back of your 8 squares sheet and write down 1 point that you have made about technical codes in the trailer. Complete the 8 squares with points from other people in the room. Try to get points from 7 different people. Make a note of any points that you haven’t got on your analysis grid.

18 Visual Codes: Mise en scene
The mise en scene refers to everything that appears before the camera – the visual signs that give us information about the media text. It includes: costume, props, colour, body language, make-up, location and lighting.

19 Mise-en-scene What can we tell about these characters from the mise-en-scene? Page 15 What can we tell about these characters from the mise-en-scene?

20 Read through the information on page 16. Highlight and make notes.
Audience Positioning In audio-visual texts, this is where the technical codes and/or the audio codes place the audience in a particular position so as to empathise with a character or expect certain events to happen in the narrative. Read through the information on page 16. Highlight and make notes.

21 Analysis 2 – This Girl Can advert
How is the audience positioned to respond to the campaign advert? How do the visual and technical codes used in the campaign advert help to do this? Using iPads. Search google for This Girl Can Sport England and should get youtube version. Image is hyperlinked but again must access via Chrome as no sound on Explorer….

22 Using the iPads, Google search for This Girl Can Sport England
This Girl Can advert Using the iPads, Google search for This Girl Can Sport England You should get the Youtube version.

23 Plenary - Sharing information
Each table will have 30 seconds to make 1 point from the previous task before the paper is passed on No point is to be repeated on the piece of paper Share the pen… Your time starts now….. Make a note of any points that you don’t have already Optional plenary. Will need A3 paper/pens for this.

24 Homework – Visual and Audio Codes
Task: Read the information on the audio codes handout on Moodle and learn 5 different terms associated with sound.

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