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Surrey County Council Outcome Focussed Service Specification

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1 Surrey County Council Outcome Focussed Service Specification
Development using Think Local Act Personal “I” statements Anne Butler Jo Poynter Assistant Director Senior Manager Commissioning Commissioning

2 Why Change? Old terms and conditions
Several different terms and conditions Everything service specific No consistency An opportunity to do something different

3 Debate??? Questions Could we have one set of T&Cs and service specification for all adult services? Could this include health (CHC)? Could we make it outcome focused? Could it start with the individuals requiring support?

4 Starting Point Policy and Guidance ‘Putting People First’, (2007)
‘A vision for adult social care: Capable communities and active citizens’ (2010) ‘Think Local, Act personal’ (2010) ‘The Health and Social Care Act’ (2012) ‘The Care Act’ (due to pass into law from 2015) Putting People First’, the key themes within which are: Prevention, Personalisation, Plurality and Partnership, Protection, Productivity and People. ‘Think Local, Act personal’ (2010), which focuses on market shaping and the development of a broader, more diverse range of providers, promoting a sector-wide commitment to deliver personalised, community based approaches for everyone with an emphasis on co-production. The Health and Social Care Act (2012) The Care Bill (due to pass into law from 2015), which  is anticipated among other duties to introduce statutory general responsibilities on local authorities to promote individual wellbeing, prevent needs for care and support, promote integration of care and support with health services, provide information and advice, promote diversity and quality in provision of services and contribute to co-operation between partners, as well as introduce new duties on local authorities regarding provider failure and, with the Care Quality Commission, market oversight.

5 Scope Residential services
This is a generic specification based on outcomes for individuals assessed by the practitioner as being eligible for a service. The scope includes: Residential services Residential services with nursing Supported living Community opportunities Personal care Non-personal care General support services

6 Development of the specification
Content Introduction Strategic Vision Objectives and Outcomes Scope Individual Outcomes x 9 Definitions Useful Links Functional outcomes

7 Development of the specification
Individual outcome (“I” statement) I am the person receiving a service ...and this is something that is important to me to ensure I get a good service Process for Provider We are the organisation providing the service ...and this is what as the provider of the service we will do to meet the “I” statement.. Sources of support for the provider These are the people who can help ...and where the provider can find out further information or guidance Indicators of “I” statement being met What evidence is there to show success in meeting the outcome identified by individuals, carers, providers and stakeholders, and demonstrates what good looks like See I statements and discuss

8 Development of the specification
Individual Outcomes 1. “I have the information and advice that I need, when I need it.” 2. “I am part of an active and supportive community, maintaining friends and family relationships” 3. “I get the support I want and need in the way I wish to receive it, with mutual respect and understanding” 4. “I feel confident that I am supported by people who have the values, skills, training and competence to meet my specific needs” 5. “I am in control of my life and am enabled to remain safe” 6. “I know what money is available for my care and support and am in control of my finances with access to skilled advice when I need” 7. “I will be supported to stay as healthy and as well as possible for as long as possible” 8. “I am involved in decisions about where I live, who I live with and my personal belongings” 9. “I experience seamless services from Surrey County Council, CCGs, other commissioners and my service provider(s) who work quickly and professionally together”

9 Development of the specification
In addition to the six areas of TLAP statements we added sections on Health, Where I live and my personal property, and working with Surrey County Council. Each I statement had process and success criteria against it Initially sections were written for each category: residential and nursing, supported living, day opportunities (but these were, following co-design events, removed).

10 Review of the specification
Each sub-section of “I” statements has been grouped so that duplication is removed. The TLAP success criteria have been pulled into the process for providers. SCC and the local CCGs completed a co- design of the Success Criteria for their generic service specification in May 2014.

11 In addition.... The way in which Surrey County Council Quality Assurance team and CCGs assesses quality in services is being reviewed to reflect the TLAP “I” statements They will look for the ‘success criteria’ during their visits The Service Specification works alongside the process for following up on CQC reports.

12 Thank you for Listening

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