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Summer fly-out Italy – France (Lyon) “Exupery’s Weekend”

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1 Summer fly-out Italy – France (Lyon) “Exupery’s Weekend”
“The real unique luxury — is a luxury of human communication” Antoine de Saint-Exupery Summer fly-out Italy – France (Lyon) “Exupery’s Weekend”

2 General information - Fly-out duration: 3 days (departure on Friday morning; return on Sunday afternoon) - Destination: Lyon (airport Bron, LFLY) - Proposed program: Meeting with pilots from Centre Inter-clubs of Lyon Bron Visit to Lyon city Visit to Saint-Maurice-de-Rémens (Exupery’s residence).

3 General information - Fly-out duration: 3 days (departure on Friday morning; return on Sunday afternoon) - Proposed program: Meeting of SIAI owners and fans On return overflying of the point of Exupery’s disappearance (near Toulon) Proposed dates (options): A) B) C)

4 Proposed route (option from Ozzano, Italy)
ATTENTION!!! The information about participation to be confirmed till the END OF MARCH 2013

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