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Applying to SRJC as a High School Student Instructions

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Presentation on theme: "Applying to SRJC as a High School Student Instructions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying to SRJC as a High School Student Instructions

2 First complete a SRJC online application.
First complete a SRJC online application. Click on Number 1: SRJC Application Online

3 Create an OpenCCC account or Sign in if you have taken a SRJC course before.

4 Once you are in your OpenCCC account click on Start A New Application

5 You will then be directed to this page. Select Start Application

6 Fill out Enrollment Information
Term Applying For: Select: Summer 2017 (6/19/2017 to 8/16/2017) For Intended Major or Program of Study & Educational Goal select whatever choice applies to you. Continue with application until all tabs on the left have a green check mark and submit the application.

7 Once you have submitted the application return to the home page to confirm that you have submitted the application for the correct term. Summer 2017 Application

8 Filling Out Concurrent Enrollment form
Click on Number 2 for Concurrent Enrollment Form

9 Please write your SRJC Student ID Number NOT your High School ID.
X 17 Please write your SRJC Student ID Number NOT your High School ID. How do you get a SRJC Student ID? You will get your 9 digit SRJC Student ID number sent to the address you use for your SRJC online application. Fill out demographic information. Must include Student and Parent/Guardian Signature.

10 Please attach concurrent enrollment form to SHCI Application.
Write the Course Name/Title and the Units. *You do not need to include Section Number, SHCI Staff will add that once you have been assigned to a session. HLC Concurrent Enrollment Form must include Counselor’s and Principal’s Signatures. Forms that do not have both signatures cannot be processed. Please attach concurrent enrollment form to SHCI Application. Do not send to Admissions & Records.

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