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Correcting market failure

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1 Correcting market failure
REVIEW 5.4 Correcting market failure

2 Market Failure – When the market (through demand and supply) fails to allocate resources in the best interests of society as a whole. 1. Free Market – No Government intervention 2. Mixed Market – Some Gov’t intervention 3. Planned/Command Market – Totally run by Government Up to 1920’s little government intervention, the market knew best Wall Street Crash, Great Depression, market failed. 1930’s Heavy gov’t intervention Government intervention 1980 > attempting to reduce gov’t intervention.

3 Causes of inflation Externalities
Externalities can either be a cost or a benefit. They can be generated in consumption e.g cigarettes(cost) education (benefit) or they can be generated in production e.g pollution (cost)

4 How the Gov’t corrects problem of externalities
1. Taxes on demerit good (raise the price) Subsidies on merit goods (schools) Laws and regulations Provision of merit goods (hospitals) A zero priced good – pay for it through tax (education) A free good – no opportunity cost

5 REVIEW 6.1 Fiscal policy

6 FISCAL POLICY A policy that uses taxation and government spending to try to achieve the objectives of the government. Balanced Budget- Government spending is equal to tax revenue Budget Deficit – Government spending is greater then tax revenue Budget Surplus – Tax revenue is greater then government spending

7 Multiplier effect – a process by which an original change in incomes in the economy leads to a total change in incomes which is a multiple of the original change. A positive note on fiscal policy is that its effects are immediate.

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