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Welcome to Badger’s class 2016/17

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1 Welcome to Badger’s class 2016/17
Class teacher – Mr Day Class assistant – Mrs Marsh Class assistant – Mrs Larcombe

2 So what are they in for? Find the two missing digits to make this long multiplication correct. Write the four missing digits to make this addition correct

3 The number in a box is the product of the two numbers below it

4 How do we feel when we are met with a new learning CHALLENGE?
Aim: to develop life-long learning skills and INDEPENDENCE through the development of a growth mindset. How do we feel when we are met with a new learning CHALLENGE?

5 Intelligence is static Intelligence can be developed
FIXED MINDSET Intelligence is static GROWTH MINDSET Intelligence can be developed Avoids challenges Stressor increases anxiety Embraces challenges Low/no anxiety Gives up easily due to obstacles Low resilience Persists despite obstacles High resilience Sees effort as fruitless See effort as a path to mastery Ignore useful feedback Ignore opportunities for growth Learn from criticism Make full use of opportunities for growth Threatened by others’ success Inspired by others’ success Role models


7 I can’t do that YET The POWER of YET
Equipping children with strategies is the key!

8 Timetable Class Activities (+) Class Activities (-)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 0845 Class Activities (+) Class Activities (-) Class Activities (x) Class Activities (÷) Class Activities 0900 Registration Registration (CL) 0905 Spelling (SD Yr6, CL Yr 5) Punctuation IT (Badgers class) (VM) – Library/prep Grammar Spelling Tests (SD Yr6, CL Yr 5) 0930 English English – (No CL) 1030 My duty 1050 Maths Arithmetic/Intervention Verbal reasoning – Odd one out - mixed ability Brain barometer 1150 G Reading – class novel SD – Blue VM - Yellow CL - Green 1135 French (CL/ or VM) Intervention (1 to stay in class) G Reading – Class novel Comprehension 12.00 (VM lunch) 12.00 (vm lunch) Class Novel 1230 LUNCH 1330 Assembly – (No VM) (Cl lunch) Vicar Assembly (No CL) (vm lunch) Science/Topic – (No CL) (Vm lunch) Assembly – (CL lunch) (VM/SD Intervention) (No CL) Swimming 1345 P.E. – (No VM) Science/Topic Class Novel or Expresso 14.15 Art (CL/VM) Intervention 2.40 – Golden Assembly

9 Merit system Whole school Behaviour and achievement based
House points – house gems Maths / English Star Badgers star of the week – ‘the class badger, name tbc’.

10 Together we achieve… I am part of a community….
When others need help I… I continue to grow…. When I make a mistake I… I am a thinker… When faced with a challenge I…. I am positive… When I am stuck I….

11 Maths Raise in expectation – focus to be ‘expected’ not ‘below’
Mixed age planning linked to ability rather than age. Fluidity in groups. Focus on: Arithmetic – four operations (20/30 in SAT) Problem solving in real life contexts. Weekly brain barometer and arithmetic papers to mirror SATS format – rewards linked to personal progression. Homework & support. Intervention timetabled as required – wave 1,2 and 3.

12 English Follow existing School rolling programme.
Termly coverage – fiction, non-fiction & poetry. Blended ‘Talk for writing’ methodologies. Focus on grammar through separate GPaS sessions. Agenda to further develop writing capabilities – Ofsted report. Intervention timetabled as required – wave 1,2 and 3.

13 Guided reading/comprehension
Key area of focus – importance of ‘book-talk’ at home. Importance of quality text. Guided reading: To develop ‘love of while book’, vocabulary and inference away from confines of writing. Comprehension: To equip children with required analytical written skills to articulate themselves in the medium the government have chosen to assess ‘reading’!

14 Topic Raiders and invaders (Saxons and Vikings)
Cross curricular – geography, history, science, RE, art, DT and music. French – Mrs Pickford (Tuesday) ICT – Mr Chaffey (Wednesday) PE –Monday (weather dependant) - PE kit needs to be in everyday Swimming – Friday pm

15 Homework Spelling – Greater weight in new curriculum - Weekly and tested Friday am. English - Reading - Reading logs will be checked on a Monday and children will be rewarded for their regular reading. English - Comprehension – Work dependant but will be sent home most likely on a Friday with completed work due in the following week. Maths – Given out each Wednesday, to be returned the following Tuesday. May also bring home completed arithmetic papers to ‘polish’. Children will continue to be tested on times tables each Friday (up to 12 x 12). Please try to assist by challenging them e.g. …7 x 8 = ?, but also how many 7s in 56? Or 56 ÷ 8 =? Topic/SPaG - Children may receive ad hoc homework, linked to topic and or their individual needs however, I am keen to leave days and times regarding this flexible until I have had an opportunity to work with the children. So due in …Monday reading logs, Tuesday maths, Friday Spellings.

16 Communication Open door policy – where possible.
Medicine – form should be completed (Mrs Hodge or myself) Signing children in and out of school Letter – class box

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