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The US Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory

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1 The US Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory
Status and Plans Nergis Mavalvala Royal Astronomical Society, London February 14, 2003

2 Global network of detectors
GEO VIRGO LIGO TAMA AIGO LIGO Detection confidence Source polarization Sky location LISA

3 LIGO WA 3 k m ( 1 s ) 4 km 2 km LA 4 km

4 Coincidences between Sites
Two Sites – Three interferometers Separation ~ 3020 km Time window:    msec time of flight Source triangulation: ~ arcminute directionality Coincidence Local coincidence - Hanford 2K and 4K ~ 1/day Hanford / Livingston coincidence (uncorrelated) < 0.1/yr GEO / TAMA coincidences further reduces the false signal rate Amplitude discrimination with full- and half- length ifos at Hanford Source polarization Data (continuous time-frequency record) Gravitational wave signal MB/sec Total data recorded MB/sec Gravitational Wave Signal Extraction Signal from noise (noise analysis, vetoes, coincidences, etc)

5 Operations Principles
Interferometer performance Integrate commissioning and data taking consistent with obtaining one year of integrated data at h = by end of 2006 Physics results from LIGO I Initial upper limit results in early 2003 First search results in 2004 Reach LIGO I goals by 2007 Advanced LIGO Advanced LIGO proposal is about to be submitted International collaboration and broad LSC participation Advanced LIGO installation should begin by 2007

6 LIGO Organization & Support
LIGO Laboratory MIT + Caltech ~140 people Director: Barry Barish LIGO Science Collaboration 44 member institutions > 400 individuals Spokesperson: Rai Weiss U.S. National Science Foundation UK Germany Japan Russia India Spain Australia $ SCIENCE Detector R&D DESIGN CONSTRUCTION OPERATION

7 Initial LIGO Sensitivity Goal
Strain sensitivity < 3x /Hz1/2 at 200 Hz Displacement Noise Seismic motion Thermal Noise Radiation Pressure Sensing Noise Photon Shot Noise Residual Gas Facilities limits much lower

8 Limiting Noise Sources: Seismic Noise
Motion of the earth few mm rms at low frequencies Passive seismic isolation ‘stacks’ amplify at mechanical resonances but get f-2 isolation per stage above 10 Hz

9 Limiting Noise Sources: Thermal Noise
Suspended mirror in equilibrium with 293 K heat bath a kBT of energy per mode Fluctuation-dissipation theorem: Dissipative system will experience thermally driven fluctuations of its mechanical modes: Z(f) is impedance (loss) Low mechanical loss (high Quality factor) Suspension  no bends or ‘kinks’ in pendulum wire Test mass  no material defects in fused silica FRICTION

10 Limiting Noise Sources: Quantum Noise
Shot Noise Uncertainty in number of photons detected a Higher input power Pbs a need low optical losses (Tunable) interferometer response  Tifo depends on light storage time of GW signal in the interferometer Radiation Pressure Noise Photons impart momentum to cavity mirrors Fluctuations in the number of photons a Lower input power, Pbs  Optimal input power for a chosen (fixed) Tifo Shot noise: Laser light is Poisson distributed  sigma_N = sqrt(N) dE dt >= hbar  d(N hbar omega) >= hbar  dN dphi >= 1 Radiation Pressure noise: Pressure fluctuations are anti-correlated between cavities

11 Power-recycled Interferometer
Optical resonance: requires test masses to be held in position to meter “Locking the interferometer” end test mass Light bounces back and forth along arms ~100 times  30 kW Light is “recycled” ~50 times  300 W input test mass Laser + optical field conditioning 6W single mode signal


13 Science Running Plan Two “upper limit” runs S1 and S2 (at publishable early sensitivity) are interleaved with commissioning S1 Aug-Sep duration: 2 weeks S2 Feb-Apr duration: 8 weeks Finish detector integration & design updates... Engineering "shakedown" runs interspersed as needed First “search” run S3 will begins late (duration: 6 months) Search for astrophysical signals at high strain sensitivity with high coincidence duty factor

14 S1 Run Summary 23 August – 9 September (17 days)
GEO and TAMA (part time) ran simultaneously LIGO observation time ("science-mode" data) L hours (42%) (limited by daytime seismic noise) H hours (58%) H hours (73%) 3x hours (23%) Analyses near completion & preprints in preparation Binary inspiral search Burst search Stochastic background search Periodic/pulsar search Logging was very close to LLO

15 Strain Sensitivities During S1
H2 & H1 L1 3*10-21 Hz f ~300 Hz Substantially Equals level of best strain sensitivity of TAMA (data taking 7, during S1), but at lower frequency

16 Displacement Sensitivity (Science Run 1, Sept. 2002)

17 Expected upper limits for S1
Preliminary “upper limit” sensitivities as projected in October 2002 Stochastic backgrounds Upper limit 0 < 30 Neutron star binary inspiral Upper limit distance < 200 kpc Periodic sources PSR J at 1283 Hz Upper limit h < % CL Actual refined analysis results to be presentation at AAAS meeting, 2003 S2 should be at least 10x more sensitive than S1

18 Search for gravitational waves from coalescing binaries
Three targets: Neutron star binaries (1-3 Msun) Black hole binaries (> 3 Msun) MACHO binaries (0.5-1 Msun) Search method template based matched filtering Status Neutron star search complete MACHO search under way Black hole search in S2 Neutron star search 2.0 post-Newtonian template waveforms for non-spinning binaries Discrete set of 2110 templates designed for at most 3% loss in SNR Sensitivity measured in distance to 2 x 1.4 Msun optimally oriented inspiral at SNR = 8 40 kpc < D < 200 kpc Sensitive to inspirals in Milky Way, LMC & SMC

19 Analysis Pipeline Event Candidates IFO 1 Matched filter trigger:
If SNR > 6.5, compute a2 : small values indicate that SNR accumulates in manner consistent with an inspiral signal. If a2 < 5.0, record trigger Triggers are clustered within duration of each template Auxiliary data triggers Vetoes eliminate noisy data GW Channel Auxiliary Data GW Channel Matched Filter Auxiliary Data Veto IFO 2 DMT Matched Filter DMT Veto Event Candidates Coincident in time, binary mass, and distance when H1, L1 clean Single IFO trigger when only H1 or L1 operate Event Candidates

20 Strain Sensitivity coming into S2
6 Jan L1

21 The next-generation detector Advanced LIGO (aka LIGO II)
Now being designed by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration Goal: Quantum-noise-limited interferometer Factor of ten increase in sensitivity Factor of 1000 in event rate. One day > entire 2-year initial data run Schedule: Begin installation: 2007 Begin data run: 2009

22 A Quantum Limited Interferometer
Facility limits Gravity gradients Residual gas (scattered light) Advanced LIGO Seismic noise 4010 Hz Thermal noise 1/15 Optical noise 1/10 Beyond Adv LIGO Thermal noise: cooling of test masses Quantum noise: quantum non-demolition LIGO I LIGO II Seismic Suspension thermal Test mass thermal Quantum

23 Optimizing the optical response: Signal Tuning
Power Recycling Signal r(l).e i f (l) l Cavity forms compound output coupler with complex reflectivity. Peak response tuned by changing position of SRM Reflects GW photons back into interferometer to accrue more phase

24 Advance LIGO Sensitivity: Improved and Tunable
Thorne… SQL  Heisenberg microscope analog If photon measures TM’s position too well, it’s own angular momentum will become uncertain.

25 Conclusion LIGO construction is complete, and the worldwide GW community is actively exploiting its scientific capabilities along with sister detectors GEO and TAMA Despite setbacks, sensitivity has improved 4 decades in 2 years (though still another decade to go...) We are analyzing S1 coincidence science data more sensitive than any prior search S2 and S3 promise significantly better sensitivity and uptime We are moving forward with our proposal for advanced next-generation detectors to increase search volume by a further factor of 1,000+ within this decade

26 Sensitivity to Stochastic Background

27 Implications for source detection
NS-NS Inpiral Optimized detector response NS-BH Merger NS can be tidally disrupted by BH Frequency of onset of tidal disruption depends on its radius and equation of state a broadband detector BH-BH binaries Merger phase  non-linear dynamics of highly curved space time a broadband detector Supernovae Stellar core collapse  neutron star birth If NS born with slow spin period (< 10 msec) hydrodynamic instabilities a GWs ~10 min ~3 sec 20 Mpc 300 Mpc

28 Source detection Spinning neutron stars Stochastic background
Galactic pulsars: non-axisymmetry uncertain Low mass X-ray binaries: If accretion spin-up balanced by GW spin- down, then X-ray luminosity  GW strength Does accretion induce non-axisymmetry? Stochastic background Can cross-correlate detectors (but antenna separation between WA, LA, Europe a dead band) W(f ~ 100 Hz) = 3 x (standard inflation  10-15) (primordial nucleosynthesis d 10-5) (exotic string theories  10-5) Signal strengths for 20 days of integration Sco X-1 Thorne GW energy / closure energy

29 Astrophysical sources of GWs
Coalescing compact binaries Classes of objects: NS-NS, NS-BH, BH-BH Physics regimes: Inspiral, merger, ringdown Other periodic sources Spinning neutron stars  numerically hard problem Burst events Supernovae  asymmetric collapse Stochastic background Primordial Big Bang (t = sec) Continuum of sources The Unexpected GWs neutrinos photons now Coalescing compact binaries  chirp sources NS-NS  far away; long periods; final inspiral gives GW chirp NS-BH  tidal disruption of NS by BH; merger  GRB triggers Inspiral  accurate predition with PPN proportional to (v/c)^11 Merger  nonlinear dynamics of highly curved spacetime Ringdown  ringdown of modes of coalesced object Periodic sources Spinning NS  axisymmetry unknown Galactic pulsars in SN remnant gases  non-axisymmetry unknown LMXBs  mass accretion from companion Is accretion spin-up balanced by GW spin-down? Issues  axisymmetric distortion from radiation reaction force Supernovae Collapse  Dynamics not understood. If instability makes star into tumblong bar, then GWs Core convection  detect via correlations with neutrinos

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