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SuperB computing mini-Workshop
Intelligent Detector Design Norman Graf (SLAC) SuperB computing mini-Workshop Pearl Harbor Day, 2007
Linear Collider Detector Environment
Detectors designed to exploit the physics discovery potential of e+e- collisions at s ~ 1TeV. Perform precision measurements of complex final states with well-defined initial state: Tunable energy Known quantum numbers & e─ , e+, polarization Possibilities for , e─ , e─ e─ Very small interaction region Momentum constraints (modulo beam & bremsstrahlung)
LCD Simulation Mission Statement
Provide full simulation capabilities for Linear Collider physics program: Physics simulations Detector designs Reconstruction and analysis Need flexibility for: New detector geometries/technologies Different reconstruction algorithms Limited resources demand efficient solutions, focused effort.
Overview: Goals Facilitate contribution from physicists in different locations with various amounts of time available. Use standard data formats, when possible. Provide a general-purpose framework for physics software development. Develop a suite of reconstruction and analysis algorithms and sample codes. Simulate benchmark physics processes on different full detector designs.
Fast Detector Response Simulation
Covariantly smear tracks with matrices derived from geometry, materials and point resolution using Billoir’s formulation. Derivative of TRKERR. Provides smeared tracks with full covariance matrix.
lelaps Fast detector response package.
Handles decays in flight, multiple scattering and energy loss in trackers. Parameterizes particle showers in calorimeters. Produces lcio data at the hit level. Uses runtime geometry (compact.xml godl). An excellent tool for designing tracking detectors!
Lelaps: Decays, dE/dx, MCS
Ω- → Ξ0 π- Ξ0 → Λ π0 Λ → p π- π0 → γ γ as simulated by Lelaps for the LDC model. gamma conversion as simulated by Lelaps for the LDC model. Note energy loss of electron.
Detector Design (GEANT 4)
Need to be able to flexibly, but believably simulate the detector response for various designs. GEANT is the de facto standard for HEP physics simulations. Use runtime configurable detector geometries Write out “generic” hits to digitize later.
Full Detector Response Simulation
Use Geant4 toolkit to describe interaction of particles with matter. Thin layer of LC-specific C++ provides access to: Event Generator input ( binary stdhep format ) Detector Geometry description ( XML ) Detector Hits ( LCIO ) Geometries fully described at run-time! In principle, as fully detailed as desired. In practice, will explore detector variations with simplified approximations.
LC Detector Full Simulation
MC Event (stdhep) slic Raw Event (lcio) Geometry (lcdd) Compact Geometry Description (compact.xml) GEANT4 Reconstruction, Visualization, …
Geometry System LCDD GDML Identifiers Sensitive Detectors
Regions Physics Limits Visualization Magnetic Fields Expressions (CLHEP) Materials Solids Volumes
Geant4 Data Binding Area Root Element Geant4 Class(es)
Sensitive Detectors <sensitive_detectors> G4VSensitiveDetector Identifiers <iddict> NA (custom classes) Regions <regions> G4Region, G4VUserRegionInformation Physics Limits <limits> G4UserLimits Visualization <display> G4VisAttributes Magnetic Fields <fields> G4MagneticField Constants <define> NA (CLHEP expressions) Materials <materials> G4Material, G4Element Shapes <solids> G4VSolid Volumes <structure> G4LogicalVolume, G4VPhysicalVolume
LCDD XML Format Container Elements <lcdd> <header>
<iddict> <sensitive_detectors> <regions> <limits> <display> <gdml> <define> <materials> <solids> <structure> <volume> </structure> <setup> </gdml> <fields> </lcdd> Core Elements <idspec> – identifier <sd> - sensitive detector <region> – geometry region <limitset> – set of physics limits <vis> – visualization attributes references <fields> GDML Volume Extensions <sdref> – reference to subdetector <regionref> – reference to region <limitsetref> – reference to limits <visref> – reference to vis attributes
Volume Element <volume name=“EcalBarrelEnvelope”>
<materialref ref=“Air”/> <solidref ref=“EcalBarrelTube”/> <sdref ref=“EcalSD”/> <regionref ref=“EcalBarrelRegion”/> <limitsetref ref=“EcalBarrelLimits”/> <visref ref=“EcalBarrelLimits”/> <phsvol> <volumeref ref=“EcalLayer1”/> <physvolid id=“1”/> </physol> </volume>
Sensitive Detectors and Identifiers
<calorimeter name=“EMBarrel” hits_collection=“EcalBarrHits”> <idspecref ref=“EcalBarrHits”/> <projective_cylinder ntheta=“1000” nphi=“2000”/> </calorimeter> Identifiers <idspec name="EcalBarrHits" length="54"> <idfield signed="false" label="layer" length="7" start="0" /> <idfield signed="false" label="system" length="6" start="7" /> <idfield signed="false" label="barrel" length="3" start="13" /> <idfield signed="false" label="theta" length="11" start="32" /> <idfield signed="false" label="phi" length="11" start="43" /> </idspec>
Regions, Fields & Limits
<region name="TrackingRegion" store_secondaries="true" cut="10.0" lunit="mm" threshold="1.0" eunit="MeV"> <limitsetref ref=“TestLimitSet”/> </regions> <solenoid name="GlobalSolenoid" inner_field="solenoid_inner_field" outer_field="solenoid_outer_field" zmin="solenoid_zmin" zmax="solenoid_zmax" inner_radius="solenoid_rmin" outer_radius="solenoid_rmax" funit="tesla" lunit="mm"/> Physics Limits <limits> <limitset name="TestLimitSet"> <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*“ value="1.0" unit="mm"/> <limit name="track_length_max" particles="pi+, pi-, p0" value="100.0" unit="cm"/> </limitset> </limits>
Compact Description Example
Two different layer stacks in same Ecal. <detector id="2" name="EMBarrel" type="CylindricalBarrelCalorimeter" readdout="EcalBarrHits"> <dimensions inner_r = "150.1*cm" outer_z = "208.0*cm" /> <layer repeat="20"> <slice material = "Tungsten" thickness = "0.25*cm" /> <slice material = "G10" thickness = "0.068*cm" /> <slice material = "Silicon" thickness = "0.032*cm" sensitive = "yes" /> <slice material = "Air" thickness = "0.025*cm" /> </layer> <layer repeat="10"> <slice material = "Tungsten" thickness = "0.50*cm" /> </detector>
SLIC Overview C++ user application using Geant4 toolkit
hub package most of functionality implemented in subpackages standard data formats for ILC LCIO (output): HEP data model with generic Calorimeter and Tracker hits StdHep (input): physics events LCDD (input): GDML-based geometry system command line or macro commands / interactive
SLIC Diagram Simulator for the Linear Collider (SLIC)
StdHep Physics Events Simulator for the Linear Collider (SLIC) Linear Collider Detector Description (LCDD) Geometry Description Markup Language (GDML) Linear Collider IO (LCIO) reads LCIO Output File SLIC Geant4 Simulator reads / writes Reconstruction & Visualization writes reads reads LCDD XML Geometry Compact XML Geometry translated to
SLIC Commands All command-line options have equivalent Geant4 command
Sample command slic -g geometry.lcdd -i events.stdhep -x -O -l LCPhys -r 1000 Equivalent macro /lcdd/url geometry.lcdd /run/initialize /physics/select LCPhys /generator/filename events.stdhep /lcio/fileExists delete /lcio/autoname /run/beamOn 1000
Diagnostic Histograms
Diagnostic plots of event data MCParticles, hits, clusters Runs on different detectors must have compact description also need sampling fractions Easy to use and setup SLAC CVS project cvs –d co SlicDiagnostics ./ ./bin/SlicDiagnostics [...]
LCIO Overview Object model and persistency Events Monte Carlo Raw
Event and run metadata Reconstruction Parameters, relations, attributes, arrays, generic objects, … All the ILC simulators write LCIO Enables cross-checks between data from different simulators Read/write LCIO from Fast MC / Full Simulation Different detectors Different reconstruction tools
Physics Lists: LCPhys standard Geant4 EM physics hadronic models
Bertini Cascade 0 to 9.9 GeV for p, n, pi+, pi- 0 to 13 GeV for K+, K-, K0L, K0S, Lambda, Sigma+, Sigma-, Xi0, Xi- Low energy parameterized models 9.5 to 25 GeV Quark-Gluon String Model: use for 12 GeV to 100 TeV for p, n, pi+, pi-, K+, K-, K0L, K0S additional neutron processes neutron-induced fission neutron capture gamma-nuclear
Other Available Physics Lists
FTFC Fritjof with CHIPS FTFP Fritjof with precompound LHEP low / high energy parameterised QGSC Quark-Gluon String with CHIPS QGSP Quark-Gluon String with precompound QGSP_BERT Quark-Gluon string with precompoind + Bertini Cascade LHEP_BERT low / high energy parameterised + Bertini Cascade
Event Sources General Particle Source (GPS)
advanced single particle source builtin to Geant4 angular distributions randomized energy one or more particles generate in volume (box, tube, etc.) StdHep common binary format for event generators HEPEVT block your favorite event generator PYTHIA, HERWIG, WHIZARD, etc. LCIO converts LCIO MCParticle block into G4PrimaryParticles read output from other simulators (Mokka, JUPITER, etc.) EXPERIMENTAL
Event Source Conversion
use LCIO MCParticle data structure for bookkeeping during simulation\\ GPS or G4ParticleGun no initial MCParticle collection necessary convert directly from Geant4 trajectory container StdHep or LCIO event source create initial LCIO MCParticle tree make G4PrimaryParticles for each MCParticle if travels > mininum tracking distance intermediate or final (documentation not tracked) predecays preassigned decays from the generator assign time, daughters, etc. Geant4 may still override (e.g. if it interacts before predecay occurs) no vertex determined from parent particle
Software Distribution
SLIC requires Geant4, CLHEP, GDML, LCDD, Xerces, LCPhys, LCIO Automated build system provided Binary downloads Linux, Windows (Cygwin), OSX All packages (dist) or just runtime dependencies (bin) Or checkout and build from scratch cvs –d co SimDist cd SimDist; ./configure; make Installed at SLAC, NICADD, FNAL, IN2P3, UC, ... Report any problems to
GeomConverter Small Java program for converting from compact description to a variety of other formats LCDD slic lcio GODL lelaps lcio GeomConverter Compact Description HEPREP wired org.lcsim Analysis & Reconstruction
Detector Variants Runtime XML format allows variations in detector geometries to be easily set up and studied: Stainless Steel vs. Tungsten HCal sampling material RPC vs. GEM vs. Scintillator readout Layering (radii, number, composition) Readout segmentation (size, projective vs. nonprojective) Tracking detector technologies & topologies TPC, Silicon microstrip, SIT, SET “Wedding Cake” Nested Tracker vs. Barrel + Cap Field strength Far forward MDI variants (0, 2, 14, 20 mr )
Example Geometries MDI-BDS Cal Barrel SiD SiD Jan03 Cal Endcap
Test Beam
Far forward calorimetry
Machine Detector Interface and Beam Delivery System polycones boolean solids
Summary The American Linear Collider Physics Group simulation group has developed a suite of tools being used to design detectors for the ILC. Flexible, fully-featured Geant4-based detector response simulator, slic, uses runtime detector geometry description. Supports arbitrarily complex geometries (lcdd) Many elements common to collider detectors are also available through a compact description provides bindings to fastMC, visualization, reconstruction.
Additional Information
Wiki - - org.lcsim - Software Index - Detectors - ILC Forum - LCIO - SLIC - LCDD - JAS3 - AIDA - WIRED -
Simulation Output Uses LCIO, a lightweight persistency framework for LC simulations. FORTRAN, C++ & Java bindings Simulation produces collections of: MCParticles both generator-level and secondaries produced in Geant SimTrackerHits Full information about position-sensitive detectors SimCalorimeterHits Full information from showering detectors.
Tracker Hit MC Track producing hit
Encoded detector ID (detector dependent ) Global hit position at entrance to sensitive volume Global hit position at exit of sensitive volume Track momentum at entrance to sensitive volume Energy deposited by track in sensitive volume Time of track's crossing Hit number Local hit position at entrance to sensitive volume Local hit position at exit of sensitive volume Step size used by simulator in sensitive volume
Digitization x Volume ID dE/dx x, p, t Track ID
Calorimeter Hit Encoded detector ID (detector dependent )
MC ID, time and energy deposited by each contributing particle Hit Number Cell position Radius, Phi, Z of cell X, Y, Z of cell Total energy deposited in cell
Maryland Physics Department Colloquium
xml: Defining a Module <module name="VtxBarrelModuleInner"> <module_envelope width="9.8" length="63.0 * 2" thickness="0.6"/> <module_component width="7.6" length="125.0" thickness="0.26" material="CarbonFiber" sensitive="false"> <position z="-0.08"/> </module_component> <module_component width="7.6" length="125.0" thickness="0.05" material="Epoxy" sensitive="false"> <position z="0.075"/> <module_component width="9.6" length="125.0" thickness="0.1" material="Silicon" sensitive="true"> <position z="0.150"/> </module> Maryland Physics Department Colloquium
xml: Placing the modules
<layer module="VtxBarrelModuleInner" id="1"> <barrel_envelope inner_r="13.0" outer_r="17.0" z_length="63 * 2"/> <rphi_layout phi_tilt="0.0" nphi="12" phi0="0.2618" rc="15.05" dr="-1.15"/> <z_layout dr="0.0" z0="0.0" nz="1"/> </layer> <layer module="VtxBarrelModuleOuter" id="2"> <barrel_envelope inner_r="21.0" outer_r="25.0" z_length="63 * 2"/> <rphi_layout phi_tilt="0.0" nphi="12" phi0="0.2618" rc="23.03" dr="-1.13"/> <layer module="VtxBarrelModuleOuter" id="3"> <barrel_envelope inner_r="34.0" outer_r="38.0" z_length="63 * 2"/> <rphi_layout phi_tilt="0.0" nphi="18" phi0="0.0" rc="35.79" dr="-0.89"/> <layer module="VtxBarrelModuleOuter" id="4"> <barrel_envelope inner_r="46.6" outer_r="50.6" z_length="63 * 2"/> <rphi_layout phi_tilt="0.0" nphi="24" phi0="0.1309" rc="47.5" dr="0.81"/> <layer module="VtxBarrelModuleOuter" id="5"> <barrel_envelope inner_r="59.0" outer_r="63.0" z_length="63 * 2"/> <rphi_layout phi_tilt="0.0" nphi="30" phi0="0.0" rc="59.9" dr="0.77"/> Maryland Physics Department Colloquium
The Barrel Vertex Detector
Maryland Physics Department Colloquium
LCIO SimTracker Hits from Vertex
CAD Drawing GEANT Volumes LCIO Hits Maryland Physics Department Colloquium
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