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Providing Full Spectrum Environment Representation Support to Training Exercises Steve Lowe – AER, Inc. EDC Development Lead.

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Presentation on theme: "Providing Full Spectrum Environment Representation Support to Training Exercises Steve Lowe – AER, Inc. EDC Development Lead."— Presentation transcript:

1 Providing Full Spectrum Environment Representation Support to Training Exercises
Steve Lowe – AER, Inc. EDC Development Lead

2 Motivation In many cases, a simulation’s fidelity depends on interaction with the environment Aircraft tactics based on clouds and visibility Naval tactics based on acoustic performance Troop movement rate determined by ground wetness Environment must be realistic and consistent Should see ground get wet if it rains Should see ocean response to high winds Can’t ignore the environment in m&s *even greater fidelity requires interaction between domains *here’s another example

3 Integrated Natural Environment
Illumination Terrain surface and Features Climate Hydrologic Cycle Sea State Ocean Parameters Transmittance Surface and Subsurface Flows Weather Mobility Flight Routes Line of Sight Weapon Effects Course of Action Acoustic Tracking Visibility Route Selection Dynamic Terrain Elevation Features Weather Models Bathymetry Hydrologic Modeling Physical Parameters Ocean Models The Same Processes System Performance Sensors Behavior Models Decision Makers Natural Synthetic Our goal is to realistically reproduce Mother Nature’s work! *leverage data from history and models to produce realistic representations *data from different domains must be consistent to create realistic responses goal of inearp is to coordinate all domain representations

4 Environmental Scenario Generator
Dynamic Terrain Atmosphere Terrain coupled coupled Ocean Space Esg is a web-based application for composing scenarios and generating environmental representations System has been in development, but reached foc this year with 14ws as administrator can search data using fuzzy logic (i.e., hi/lo wind spd), parameter constraints (i.e., temp>100f), and/or system effects (i.e., clouds too low for hellfire) data delivered in standard formats (grib and csv) with customer-desired parameters *currently have global and higher-resolution regional sets for atmosphere and ocean can process other model runs from wrf, coamps, swan *also have space weather derived and observed indices *terrain data resides with nga *now looking to use it to coordinate an environmental representation that is even more realistic and consistent between the domains Consistent Multi-Domain Environment Representations Interactive Search Capability for Relevant Scenarios Flexible Delivery Mechanisms Data Representation & Interchange



7 Checkpoint Consistent Authoritative Environment Representation required for realistic simulation behaviors ESG is primary source for such data See for info and access Provides multi-domain DATA in simulation ready format Supports rapid development of relevant scenarios What is left to do? Remaining issues … Runtime distribution of environment data Effects computation inside the simulations Can be inconsistent and too expensive Correlated products required to foster usage

8 Environmental Data Cube (EDC)
Support System EDC Support System Provides… Production of full spectrum of correlated support products Efficient distribution and inject of data/effects Primary Goal: Consistent C4I, Control Group, and Simulation Views of the Environment Representation C4I Sims CG File API Production Distribution Access Use

9 EDC Production Site Manage Environment Representation Requirements from Consumer perspective (not producer) Assumes consistent made-to-order authoritative representation from which to derive products NO derivation / transformation allowed inside EDC Building to ESG interfaces, but could use alternate sources

10 EDC Web Interface – Project View

11 EDC Web Interface – Component View

12 EDC Web Interface – Product List

13 Sample EDC Products SAUS11 KAWN 061200 RRX
METAR ZBAA Z 12007KT 10SM CLR 26/19 Q0988 RMK SLP149 LAT399N LON1163E ESGACMES= METAR ZBHH Z 20014G20KT 10SM BKN130 19/10 Q0862 RMK SLP136 LAT408N LON1117E ESGACMES= METAR ZBOW Z 20012KT 10SM BKN090 23/10 Q0871 RMK SLP121 LAT407N LON1100E ESGACMES=

14 Sample Products for JTF Horn of Africa
Rule-Based System Impacts Present Weather Briefing

15 Pre-Generated Effects
Example: IR Sensor modeling using Target Acquisition Weapons Software (TAWS) 4 Target Types 4 Sensors 4 Target Orientations 8 Sensor-Target Azimuths 5 Sensor-Target Ranges 3 Sensor Altitudes 3 Background Types 24 Times per day 400 Lat/Lon locations => 220 million TAWS computations The Payoff – Runtime Access in Milliseconds !! Pd = F(Lat, Lon, Time, Sensor, Target, Tactical)

16 EDC Distributor C4I Sims CG Provide the right products to the right player at the right time Provide mechanism to manage scenario branches Inject of “special” conditions on demand Dynamic updates during exercise (to include live forecasts) Forward Deployable to Event Network domain

17 EDC Exercise Support Site
Sims CG

18 EDC Runtime Component Manage reach-back capability to distributor
File API Manage reach-back capability to distributor Manage local data store (cache) of EDC products Provide simple local API for simulation developers Simulation Protocol Neutral Provide API/data access behind the sim, not via sim protocol

19 EDC Conceptual Architecture
Terrain Generation Services AFWA Atmosphere Servers Event Planners NAVO Ocean Servers NOAA/NGDC Scenario Conditions, Place/Time, Products Space Servers Internet EDCSS Production Manager Effects Graphics Imagery Messages “Real-World” C4I HLA Simulation Network is used as first instantiation of environmental sim server (listed on diagram as the “EDCSS HLA”), with follow-on efforts to establish TENA and DIS networks if/when/where required. Local HTTP Network Sim Feeds EDC Runtime EDC Runtime EDC Runtime Sim X Sim Y Sim Z EDCSS Distributor EDCSS HLA Event Analyst HLA feed * HLA Simulation Network

20 EDCSS Support Terminal Fury
Environmental Scenario Generator (ESG) Environmental COE Atmosphere & Ocean Data Naval Maritime Forecast Center (NMFC) Pearl Harbor Joint Warfighting Center Suffolk Asheville, NC Simulated Graphics and Satellite Imagery Sfc Atmos GRIB Ocean GRIB PACFLT Joint METOC CAPT Atangan PACOM Joint METOC CAPT Schulz CSV Wx IR Effects CSV Wx OASES AFMSTT (AWSIM) JCATS Sim JSAF Ground Model C7F/CTF-74 Orders Outcomes Air Force Sensor Models Navy Sensor Models

21 Summary Realistic M&S requires high-fidelity, consistent, and relevant multi-domain environment representations Data, Effects, and Products The ESG provides the base representation National data and modeling assets provide the content The EDC Support System provides and distributes the full suite of correlated products

22 ESG / EDC Programs Tri-MSEA (Air&Space, Ocean, Terrain) initiative to ensure consistent and coupled environment representations available to DoD M&S Focus is on ensuring support to large programs that will benefit the most JFCOM Training Exercises and Experimentation Events Navy FST, AF DMO, Army FCS simulation programs Capabilities available to any DoD program Existing capabilities are the result of OSD / Service investment via the M&S CO (

23 CONTACT INFO DoD ASNE MSEA Senior Lead Dr. Fred Lewis U.S. Air Force Director of Weather DoD Ocean MSEA Senior Lead RDML David Titley U.S. Navy Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command DoD Terrain MSEA Senior Lead Ms. Mary Irvin National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency NGA Modeling and Simulation Executive Agent DoD ASNE MSEA Col Mark Zettlemoyer, A3O-W DoD Ocean MSEA Mr Steve Payne, GS15, CNMOC DoD Terrain MSEA Mr Paul Foley, GS15, NGA MSEA Coordinator Lt Col Allen Rabayda

24 Thanks ! M&S Group Manager
Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc. 1510 Breezeport Way, Suite 600 Suffolk, VA 23435 for more info.

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