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9/21/15 How does Natural Resources Effect Native American Way of Life?

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Presentation on theme: "9/21/15 How does Natural Resources Effect Native American Way of Life?"— Presentation transcript:

1 9/21/15 How does Natural Resources Effect Native American Way of Life?
Consider the Follow: Pacific Northwest Desert Southwest Native Americans Eastern Woodland Native Americans Climate Clothing Whale/Buffalo/Rabbit and Deer How and Where they built homes What they planted? Ate?

2 Explorers of the New World

3 Why did we explore? Sea route to the spices of Asia
To find gold, silver, and precious jewels To expand Christianity To Claim new land for their country Imports- Goods coming into the country. Exports- Goods leaving the country.

4 Where did Columbus sail to?
Christopher Columbus He was born Italian ( ) He sailed for King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella of Spain In 1492 he set sail from Spain (August 03)and landed on the Caribbean Islands (Oct 11) He sailed on three ships: Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Columbus thought he had made it to Asia, and called this area the Indies, and called its inhabitants Indians. He would sail to the Americas three more times before he died. For a total of four trips to the America’s. Where did Columbus sail to? Who sponsored his trip?

5 Other Early Explores

6 John Cabot 1497 – 5 years after Columbus
Believe he landed in Asia, but was really in Canada. On this third trip to America his ships were lost at sea. English monarchy didn’t send another ship for another 70 years. He was born in Genoa, Italy( ) He went to Venice Italy to learn about navigation. He sailed for the British in 1497 on the ship Mathew. He claimed Canada and parts of North America thinking it was Asia. On his second voyage to America his ships were lost at sea.

7 Juan Ponce de Leon 1513 Explored Florida and claimed it for Spain
In search for Fountain of Youth …… did he find it?


9 Samuel de Champlain 1603 Canada and parts of North America claimed by France He was born in Genoa, Italy( ) He went to Venice Italy to learn about navigation. He sailed for the British in 1497 on the ship Mathew. He claimed Canada and parts of North America thinking it was Asia. On his second voyage to America his ships were lost at sea.

10 Spanish French Location: Florida Economy: Farming and Sheep Raising Depended Upon Natives for Labor Converted Natives to Catholicism Location: Great Lakes Economy: Fur Trade Lived among the Natives; saw them as peers Allowed natives to keep their spirituality while weaving in Catholicism


12 Settlement v. Colony Settlement – a place were people first live in a new land Often officials who rule over native people Colony- a group of people who leave their native country to from a new settlement Still deeply connected to the mother land

13 Why would English want to create colonies?

14 Why did Europeans want to create a Colony?
New Land – Glory New Resources- Gold, Import Cheap Good, Triangle Trade Expel Undesirable Citizens- Columbian Exchange Growing population

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