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K-2 Mathematics: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All

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1 K-2 Mathematics: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All
Denise Schulz, NCDPI NC Department of Public Instruction

2 Welcome “Who’s in the Room?”
NC Department of Public Instruction

3 NC Department of Public Instruction

4 NC Department of Public Instruction

5 Guiding Principles for School Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Access and Equity Curriculum Tools and Technology Assessment Professionalism Guiding Principles for School Mathematics Although such teaching and learning form the nonnegotiable core of successful mathematics programs, they are part of a system of essential elements of excellent mathematics programs. Consistent implementation of effective teaching and learning of mathematics, as previously described in the eight Mathematics Teaching Practices, are possible only when school mathematics programs have in place— a commitment to access and equity; a powerful curriculum; appropriate tools and technology; meaningful and aligned assessment; and a culture of professionalism. NC Department of Public Instruction

6 Mathematics Teaching Practices
Establish mathematics goals to focus learning. Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving. Use and connect mathematical representations. Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse. Pose purposeful questions. Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding. Support productive struggle in learning mathematics. Elicit and use evidence of student thinking. NC Department of Public Instruction

7 Mathematics Teaching Practices
Establish mathematics goals to focus learning. Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving. Use and connect mathematical representations. Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse. Pose purposeful questions. Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding. Support productive struggle in learning mathematics. Elicit and use evidence of student thinking. NC Department of Public Instruction

8 Tasks & Representations Fluency from Understanding
What might be the math learning goals? Math Goals What representations might students use in reasoning through and solving the problem? Tasks & Representations How might we question students and structure class discourse to advance student learning? Discourse & Questions How might we develop student understanding to build toward aspects of procedural fluency? Fluency from Understanding How might we check in on student thinking and struggles and use it to inform instruction? Struggle & Evidence NC Department of Public Instruction

9 Learning Goals should:
What might be the math learning goals? Math Goals Learning Goals should: Clearly state what it is students are to learn and understand about mathematics as the result of instruction. Be situated within learning progressions. Frame the decisions that teachers make during a lesson. NC Department of Public Instruction

10 Principles to Action – pg. 16
Now, let’s think about the standards for mathematical practice. What do you notice? Principles to Action – pg. 16 NC Department of Public Instruction

11 How Many Marbles? 20 marbles are in the container. 9 are red and the rest are green. How many green marbles are in the container? Thinking like a 1st grader, how would you solve this problem? NC Department of Public Instruction

12 How Did You Solve the Problem?
Share your representation with the other people at your table. NC Department of Public Instruction

13 A Possible Solution: NC Department of Public Instruction

14 Another Possible Solution:
NC Department of Public Instruction

15 Another Possible Solution:
NC Department of Public Instruction

16 Use and connect mathematical representations.
Because of the abstract nature of mathematics, people have access to mathematical ideas only through the representations of those ideas. NC Department of Public Instruction (National Research Council, 2001, p. 94)

17 Use and connect mathematical representations
Illustrate, show, or work with mathematical ideas using diagrams, pictures, number lines, graphs, and other math drawings. Use concrete objects to show, study, act upon, or manipulate mathematical ideas (e.g., cubes, counters, tiles, paper strips). Record or work with mathematical ideas using numerals, variables, tables, and other symbols. Solve the problem How did you solve the problem? Find the type of representation and gather Compare your work with your group. Find someone from another group and compare how you each solved it What do you notice about how most people solved it? Situate mathematical ideas in everyday, real-world, imaginary, or mathematical situations and contexts. Use language to interpret, discuss, define, or describe mathematical ideas, bridging informal and formal mathematical language. NC Department of Public Instruction

18 Important Mathematical Connections between and within different types of representations
Contextual Physical Visual Symbolic Verbal NC Department of Public Instruction Principles to Actions (p. 25) (Adapted from Lesh, Post, & Behr, 1987)

19 How are these solutions connected?
NC Department of Public Instruction

20 Proficient problem solvers frequently use representations to solve problems and communicate results.
Boaler, What’s Math Got To Do With It?, 2015 NC Department of Public Instruction

21 Recommendations for Implementation
Select visual representations that are appropriate for students and the problems they are solving (Woodward et al., 2012). Make explicit connections between representations. Strengthen students’ representational competence by: Encouraging purposeful selection of representations. Engaging in dialogue about explicit connections among representations. Alternating the direction of the connections made among representations. NC Department of Public Instruction (NCTM, 2014)

22 Principles to Actions pg. 29
NC Department of Public Instruction Principles to Actions pg. 29

23 Fluency from Understanding
How might we develop student understanding to build toward aspects of procedural fluency? Fluency from Understanding Procedural Fluency should: Build on a foundation of conceptual understanding. Over time (months, years), result in known facts and generalized methods for solving problems. Enable students to flexibly choose among methods to solve contextual and mathematical problems. Baroody, 2006; Fuson & Beckmann, 2012/2013; Fuson, Kalchman, & Bransford, 2005; Russell, 2006 NC Department of Public Instruction

24 How does this task develop a foundation of conceptual understanding for building toward procedural fluency? NC Department of Public Instruction

25 Research Shows: Students who use memorization as their primary strategy are the lowest-achieving students in the world. Students who were achieving at high levels were those who had worked out that numbers can be flexibly broken apart and put together again. NC Department of Public Instruction Boaler, What’s Math Got To Do With It?, 2015

26 Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding.
A rush to fluency undermines students’ confidence and interest in mathematics and is considered a cause of mathematics anxiety. NC Department of Public Instruction (Ashcraft 2002; Ramirez Gunderson, Levine, & Beilock, 2013)

27 Compression of Concepts vs. Procedural Ladder
NC Department of Public Instruction Boaler, What’s Math Got To Do With It?, 2015

28 Fluency builds from initial exploration and discussion of number concepts to using informal reasoning strategies based on meanings and properties of the operations to the eventual use of general methods as tools in solving problems. Principles to Actions (NCTM, 2014, p. 42) NC Department of Public Instruction

29 Principles to Action - page 47
NC Department of Public Instruction Principles to Action - page 47

30 Butterflies in the Garden
Mrs. Hope’s class saw 76 butterflies in the garden. Some of the butterflies flew away. Now there are 49 butterflies in the garden. How many butterflies flew away? NC Department of Public Instruction

31 Tasks & Representations Fluency from Understanding
What might be the math learning goals? Math Goals What representations might students use in reasoning through and solving the problem? Tasks & Representations How might we develop student understanding to build toward aspects of procedural fluency? Fluency from Understanding NC Department of Public Instruction

32 Mrs. Hope’s class saw 76 butterflies in the garden
Mrs. Hope’s class saw 76 butterflies in the garden. Some of the butterflies flew away. Now there are 49 butterflies in the garden. How many butterflies flew away? 76 − ∎=49 76 −49= ∎ 76 - 49 NC Department of Public Instruction

33 You cannot take a bigger number from a smaller number.
Expires: Grade 7 (7.NS.1) NC Department of Public Instruction

34 What misunderstandings might students have if they make the assertion, “You can’t take a bigger number from a smaller one?” NC Department of Public Instruction

35 Although students in K-2 are not learning how to subtract a bigger number from a smaller number, it doesn’t mean that in mathematical operations, it can’t be done. A student’s future learning should not be confused by emphasizing a misconception. Ma, 1999 NC Department of Public Instruction

36 How do you talk about addition and subtraction?
NC Department of Public Instruction

37 Janet and her dad baked cookies for the class bake sale
Janet and her dad baked cookies for the class bake sale. On Saturday morning they baked 2 dozen cookies. In the afternoon, they baked 3 dozen cookies. How many cookies will Janet bring to the bake sale? NC Department of Public Instruction Bamberger, Oberdorf, & Schultz-Ferrell, 2010

38 What possible answers do you think students had?
Turn and Talk What possible answers do you think students had? Student answers: 5 dozen, 50, 60, and 510 How did students arrive at these answers? NC Department of Public Instruction

39 5 dozen These students added the 2 and 3 to get 5 dozen, but did not know how many individual cookies that totaled. 50 “There are 24 cookies in 2 dozen and 36 cookies in 3 dozen. We wrote 24 over the top of We added and that equals 10. Since you can’t have more than 1 digit in a place we just put the zero in the answer. Then we added 2 tens plus 3 tens and that equals 5 tens. So, the answer is 50.” 510 “We used connecting cubes and paper and pencil. First, we made 2 stacks of 10 and 4 ones for the 2 dozen cookies. Then we made 3 stacks of 10 and 6 ones for the 3 dozen cookies. We put the ones together and that equaled 10 ones. We put the tens together and that equaled 5 tens.” 60 “We put together stacks of cubes, too, but after we put the ones together we knew that we could make a stack of 10 with them. Then we had 6 tens altogether. The answer is 60.” NC Department of Public Instruction Bamberger, Oberdorf, & Schultz-Ferrell, 2010

40 What error are students
making in this problem? NC Department of Public Instruction

41 Students did not see 54 as a total amount with 48 as one part of the total.
They thought about each digit in the numerals, subtracting the smaller digit from the larger digit regardless of its place in the expression. Bamberger, Oberdorf, & Schultz-Ferrell, 2010 NC Department of Public Instruction

42 “When children focus on following the steps taught traditionally, they usually pay no attention to the quantities and don’t even consider whether or not their answers make sense.” NC Department of Public Instruction Richardson, 2009

43 Expired Mathematical Language: Borrowing or Carrying
Vocabulary such as borrowing and carrying focuses on procedures rather than understanding These terms have the potential to create problems for students, including: Thinking they can arbitrarily change a number in a subtraction problem if it is too small by “borrowing” from another number Focusing on digits rather than number value Not reinforcing understanding of the base-ten number system Use words like regrouping, trade, or equal exchange to indicate the action of trading or exchanging one place value unit for another unit. This language prepares students for situations beyond 10’s and 1’s, and for fractions and beyond NCTM, 2011 Faulkner, 2013 NC Department of Public Instruction

44 Expired Mathematical Language: Borrowing or Carrying
NC Department of Public Instruction

45 Research: The other answers listed are ones that are considered unreasonable. The class that was taught algorithms came up with the most unreasonable answers, while the class that was taught with no algorithm gave the most reasonable answers The algorithm is convenient for adults, who already know that the 5 of 52 stands for 50. However, for primary-school children, who have a tendency to think that the 5 means five, and so on, the algorithm serves to reinforce the error. The children in the algorithms class did not notice that their answers of 29, in the 900s, and so on were unreasonable for this problem. Kamii, 2000 NC Department of Public Instruction

46 This becomes more than just a set of procedures…
NC Department of Public Instruction

47 Butterflies in the Garden
Mrs. Hope’s class saw 76 butterflies in the garden. Some of the butterflies flew away. Now there are 49 butterflies in the garden. How many butterflies flew away? NC Department of Public Instruction

48 Use keywords to solve problems.
Expires Grade 3 (3.OA.8) NC Department of Public Instruction

49 Keywords encourage students to strip numbers from the problem and use them to perform a computation outside of the problem context. Many keywords are common English words that can be used in many different ways. Keywords become particularly troublesome when students begin to explore multistep word problems, because they must decide which keywords work with which component of the problem. NC Department of Public Instruction Karp, Bush, & Dougherty, 2014

50 John had 14 marbles in his left pocket
John had 14 marbles in his left pocket. He had 37 marbles in his right pocket. How many marbles did John have? NC Department of Public Instruction

51 John had 14 marbles in his left pocket
John had 14 marbles in his left pocket. He had 37 marbles in his right pocket. How many marbles did John have? NC Department of Public Instruction

52 Start-Unknown Problem Types
Susie has 16 marbles. This morning she gave away 2 marbles. How many did she start with? Susie has 16 marbles. Her friend just gave her 2 more marbles. How many marbles did she start with? NC Department of Public Instruction

53 How do you think students respond to these questions if they’ve been taught a key word strategy?
NC Department of Public Instruction

54 Comparison Problem Types
Susie has six marbles. This is two more than Deante. How many marbles does Deante have? Deante has four marbles. This is two fewer than Susie. How many marbles does Susie have? Susie has six marbles. Deante has four marbles. How many marbles does Deante need to have the same number of marbles as Susie? NC Department of Public Instruction

55 Student’s math reasoning…
NC Department of Public Instruction

56 Apples in the Box There are 36 fewer apples in the box than apples on the ground. There are 50 apples in the box. How many apples are on the ground? NC Department of Public Instruction

57 Tasks & Representations Fluency from Understanding
What might be the math learning goals? Math Goals What representations might students use in reasoning through and solving the problem? Tasks & Representations How might we develop student understanding to build toward aspects of procedural fluency? Fluency from Understanding NC Department of Public Instruction

58 A sense making strategy will always work.
Avoid Key Words Key words are misleading. Many problems have no key words. The key word strategy sends a terribly wrong message about doing mathematics. A sense making strategy will always work. Often the key word or phrase in a problem suggests an operation that is incorrect. For example: Maxine took the 28 stickers she no longer wanted and gave them to Zandra. Now, Maxine has 37 stickers left. How many stickers did Maxine have to begin with? Especially when you get away from overly simple problems found in primary textbooks and a child that has been taught to rely on key words is left with no strategy. The most important approach to solving any contextual problem is to analyze the structure and make sense of it. The key word approach encourages students to ignore the meaning of the problem and look for an easy way out. NC Department of Public Instruction Van de Walle & Lovin (2006)

59 When students are taught the underlying structure of a word problem, they not only have greater success in problem solving but can also gain insight into the deeper mathematical ideas in word problems. Peterson, Fennema, & Carpenter, 1998) NC Department of Public Instruction

60 Problem Types NC Department of Public Instruction

61 Problem Type Sort Add To-Result Unknown Take From-Result Unknown
Put Together/Take Apart-Total Unknown Compare-Difference Unknown Add To-Change Unknown Take From-Change Unknown Put Together/Take Apart-Addend Unknown Compare-Bigger Unknown Add To-Start Unknown Take From-Start Unknown Put Together/Take Apart-Both Addends Unknown Compare-Smaller Unknown NC Department of Public Instruction

62 Mathematics Teaching Practices
Establish mathematics goals to focus learning. Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving. Use and connect mathematical representations. Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse. Pose purposeful questions. Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding. Support productive struggle in learning mathematics. Elicit and use evidence of student thinking. NC Department of Public Instruction

63 Tasks & Representations Fluency from Understanding
What might be the math learning goals? Math Goals What representations might students use in reasoning through and solving the problem? Tasks & Representations How might we question students and structure class discourse to advance student learning? Discourse & Questions How might we develop student understanding to build toward aspects of procedural fluency? Fluency from Understanding How might we check in on student thinking and struggles and use it to inform instruction? Struggle & Evidence NC Department of Public Instruction

64 What questions do you have?

65 Follow Us! NC Mathematics
NC Department of Public Instruction

66 DPI Mathematics Section
Kitty Rutherford Elementary Mathematics Consultant Denise Schulz Lisa Ashe Secondary Mathematics Consultant Joseph Reaper Dr. Jennifer Curtis K – 12 Mathematics Section Chief Susan Hart Mathematics Program Assistant NC Department of Public Instruction 67

67 For all you do for our students!
NC Department of Public Instruction

68 References Bamberger, H.J., Oberdorf, C., & Schultz-Ferrell, K. (2010). Math Misconceptions: From Misunderstanding to Deep Understanding Faulkner, V. (2013). Why the Common Core Changes Math Instruction, Kappan Magazine Kamii, C (2000). Young Children Reinvent Arithmetic: Implications of Piaget’s Theory. Second Edition Karp, K.S., Bush, S.B., & Dougherty, B.J. (2014). 13 Rules That Expire, Teaching Children Mathematics Ma, L (1999). Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics NCTM (2011). Developing Essential Understanding of Addition and Subtraction PreK-Grade 2 Richardson, K (1999). Developing Number Concepts: Place Value, Multiplication, and Division Van de Walle, J. & Lovin, LH (2006). Teaching Student Centered Mathematics Grades K-3 NC Department of Public Instruction

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