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Do names lead to correct information ?

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Presentation on theme: "Do names lead to correct information ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do names lead to correct information ?
Marc Geoffroy & Walter G. Berendsohn Department of Biodiversity Informatics, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem

2 That is the question

3 Potential taxa / Taxon concepts
Different biologists can use the same taxon name without having in mind the same opinion about which elements belong to the taxon.

4 Dicranum fuscescens:

5 Checking concepts: TAXLINK
Koperski, Sauer, Braun, & Gradstein: Reference list of German mosses 1548 accepted taxa are related to concepts in 11 floristic or taxonomic treatments (mostly very recent, earliest 1927) Funded by a USER: German Federal Agency for Nature Protection

6 Basic relationships R1. PT1 and PT2 are congruent
PT1  PT2 x PT1  x PT2 R2. PT1 is included in PT2 PT1  PT2 x PT1  x PT2, y PT2 | y PT1 R3. PT1 includes PT2 PT1  PT2 x PT2 x PT1, y PT1 | y PT2 R4. PT1 and PT2 overlap each other PT1  PT2 x PT1 | x PT2, y PT2 | y PT1, z PT1 | z PT2 R5. PT1 and PT2 exclude each other PT1 ! PT2 x PT1  x PT2

7 Circumscription references
Accepted taxon and name in list Heterotypic synonym Congruent potential taxon Potential taxon with wider concept, fully including the accepted one Included potential taxon Potential taxon and accepted one overlap With kind permission from Koperski, Sauer, Braun & Gradstein 2000

8 Stability for the 1.548 names / concepts
Legende: Only tax. circumscription stable xxx name and taxon circumscription stable (13%) circumscription instable? Circum

9 Nodes, edges and paths

10 Concatenation PT1  PT3 and PT3  PT5 PT1  PT3 and PT3  PT5 PT1 PT3

11 Simultaneous paths

12 Transmitting factual information

13 Informing the user of possible problems
Search-engine approach (no information) Connect everything by name and tell users not to trust it Connect only where information was verified OR Develop methods how existing taxonomic knowledge and information can be incorporated in information transmission

14 “Applicability” Categories
Fully applicable: information applies to every element Partially applicable:information applies only to a subset Doubtful: information may apply to some elements Not applicable: information does not apply to any element

15 Applicability and transmission
Applicability of transmitted factual information depends on the applicability of factual information to the elements of the initial potential taxon and the relationship assigned to the generalised path between the initial and the terminal potential taxon

16 Architecture of the system

17 Work in progress:

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