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1.1 Introduction Ohio’s American Government Assessment

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1 1.1 Introduction Ohio’s American Government Assessment
Mr. Loomis

2 Ohio’s American Government Assessment
Testing Window  April 3 - May 12 Consists of TWO parts – 90 minutes each 63 to 65 points total Online format on a school computer Type responses, move items around, click boxes or circles

3 Question-Types Multiple-Choice (MC) Short-Answer (SA)
Graphic-Response (GR) Evidence-Based Sets (EBS) Short Constructed-Response (SCR) Extended Constructed-Response (ECR)

4 1. Multiple-Choice Select the best answer from four choices Types
Recognition of key terms, concepts, and people (VOCABULARY) Comprehension of Data  test whether you understand data presented (document, map, table, graph, etc.) Cause-and-effect  tests understanding of the relationship between an action or event and its causes (makes something happen) and its effect (what happens because of something)





9 2. Short-Answer type a short answer (one word to a sentence or two) in a response area (box)


11 3. Graphic Response Will start with a question or prompt…
Move objects from one location to another Sort items into categories or match items


13 4. Evidence-Based Set (EBS)
Based on a stimulus (document, photograph, graph, chart, table, map, timeline) – a group of several questions associated with one or more common stimuli Usually based on primary resources




17 5. Short Constructed-Response
Will start with a short reading passage, map, graph, diagram or some other type of data Type answers to each part of question or set of questions Worth 2 points each


19 6. Extended Constructed-Response
Pattern similar to Short Constructed-Response Worth 4 points each – more information is needed in your response



22 Action Words Gives the exact instructions for what you are supposed to do in writing your answer Each will ask for particular information


24 Common ‘Action Words’ Identify  name or state what is asked
Describe  requires that you supply the “who”, “what”, “when” and “where” or something Explain  asks you to supply “why” something happened, usually focuses on the cause Show you supply “how” something works or is related to something else, usually focuses on the effects

25 American Government Content Statements
Information you should know for the Ohio American Government Assessment 24 Total See list…


27 General Test Taking Tips
Be Prepared – get a good nights sleep and eat a well balanced meal prior to the exam. Think Success – tell yourself you will do well on the exam. Practice Relaxation Techniques – quick ways to relieve test anxiety . . . a. imagine yourself in your favorite place b. do a body scan – tense and relax each part of your body c. use the method - … inhale slowly for 3 seconds … hold your breath for 12 seconds … exhale slowly for 6 seconds

28 General Test Taking Tips
4. Read Directions Carefully – if you don’t understand… ask! 5. Read every question carefully - you can read it more than once … if you don’t understand… ask! 6. Answer each question on the exam – leave no blanks! 7. Check your work – make sure you’ve answered all questions


30 Responding to Multiple Choice Questions
Read each question and ALL answer choices carefully. Even if you feel “A” is the answer. Look for key words – Vocabulary ZAP answer choices (“Zero In And Pick”) Don’t just take a blind guess. Anticipate the answer before reading the choices.

31 Responding to Multiple Choice Questions
5. If you encounter opposites in the answer choices, chances are one is correct. 6. Certain words in the answer choice like always, never, all, and none usually indicate an incorrect answer choice. 7. Certain words in the answer choice like sometimes, seldom, and many usually indicate a correct answer choice.

32 Responding to Multiple Choice Questions
8. If you can’t ZAP, don’t guess right away. Another question on the test might give you a clue to the answer 9. Don’t leave any blanks!

33 Answering Performance-Based Questions
Provide accurate and detailed information Address ALL points the question asks for The number of words is less important than providing the correct answer

34 Review What You Have Written
Read over your answer and ask yourself the follow questions… Did I follow the directions and answer ALL parts of the question? Did I provide enough details and examples to support my answer? Is all the information I have included accurate?

35 Interpreting Different Types of Data
Data  distinct information that is formatted in a special way Data-based questions test your knowledge by… …testing your ability to read information found in data. …testing your ability to draw conclusions from information in the data

36 Answering Data-Based Questions
Maps – a smaller diagram or representation of a geographic area Major components Title – indicates info presented Legend (key) – shows what the symbols stand for Compass Rose – Direction indicator (most maps N is up) Scale – relationship of measurement on a map and distance on the earth’s surface (miles or kilometers)


38 Answering Data-Based Questions
2. Pie Charts of Circle Graphs – used to show relationships between a whole and its parts Valuable when comparing items Major Components Title – states the overall topic Slices of the Pie – tells what info is being examined and the relationship to the whole (=100%) Legend – shows what the different slices represent (may have / not necessary)


40 Answering Data-Based Questions
3. Graphs – show trends (general direction in which events move) Bar Graph – used to show comparisons of two or more things Line Graph – show how something has changed over time Major Components Title – states the overall topic Legend – states what each line-bar represents Vertical Axis – runs from bottom to top Horizontal Axis – runs from left to right



43 Answering Data-Based Questions
4. Tables- arrangement of words or numbers in columns or rows Function is to organize large amounts of info so the date can be easily located and compared Major components: i. Title- states the overall topic ii. Categories- named in the heading found across the top of the table and down the left hand column



46 Answering Data-Based Questions
5. Timelines- Shows a group or events arranged along a line in order in which they occurred (chronological order) Major Components: -Title- states overall topic -Dates – arranged in order -Facts – come out of certain dates


48 Answering Data-Based Questions
6. Political Cartoons – drawing or illustration that expresses an opinion about a topic or issue Major Components i. Medium – size and types of objects, facial expressions, exaggeration, highlights, or words spoken persuade others to their point of view ii. Symbols – any object that stands for something else iii. People – often use important individuals closely identified with a particular issue or situation

49 Answering Data-Based Questions
6. Political Cartoons cont. Interpreting Cartoons What objects, people, or symbols are being used? Which elements are exaggerated or highlighted? What situation is taking place? What is the main idea?




53 Answering Data Based Questions
7. Photographs and Illustrations Photographs – look closely, examine and identify all its parts Diagrams – used to show how something is organized or how a process works




57 Answering Data Based Questions
8. Written Sources Quotations and documents – interpret written documents by presenting a quotation or short paragraph Tip – imagine yourself back in the time of the writing (historical context) Read carefully and understand what is written

58 Interpreting Written Sources: Being a Critical Reader…
When and where was the document written? Why was the document written? What do I know about the author(s)? What is the main idea of the passage? What facts does the writer present to support his or her view? What is the tone of the passage?



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