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Bexley Tech What’s Inside The Year in Review Down to Specifics

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1 Bexley Tech What’s Inside The Year in Review Down to Specifics
Tech Office Operations Assessment State Reporting Infrastructure Technology Roundtable Consultations, Communications & Marketing Professional Development & Education Summer 2015 Where to Next Areas for Growth & Exploration Bexley Tech Annual Report to the Board of Education Office of Technology, Teaching & Learning Services July 2015

2 The Year in Review Year after year there are changes
It’s something we do & plan for It maintains our currency Every months each major system is retired, replaced or upgraded Major changes this year. CANVAS Learning Management System Migration & Implementation of Office 365 AESOP for Substitute Teaching Staff Piloted Teachscape for Teacher Evaluations Installed IEP Anywhere Upgraded Power School to v. 8.0 Library Catalog System upgrade to 12.0 Deployed Elmo Document Cameras

3 The Year in Review 1st STEM Fair (Annual)
Upgrading desktop systems to Win 8.1 Digital Signage across the Cassingham Complex Support for conferences, Fun Fit, CISV & State Theatre Conference Change in personnel 1st STEM Fair (Annual) Coding – The Annual Hour of Code Capped numbers of participants at each elementary school, all seats taken Tech Corps – Bexley Education Foundation, Bexley Public Library, Bexley Schools & Columbus School or Girls – Coding & Robotics There is clear interest in coding from students at the elementary level

4 Not a regular “Tech Department”
Office of Technology, Teaching and Learning Services Strive to create & use best practices that support & develop K-12 education experiences & environments We’re more than bits, bytes and chips We all wear multiple hats & are people focused Our time is occupied all year round Integrated into every facet of the district Strong tie to Curriculum & Instruction supporting teachers and students Services & responsibilities continue to expand, while staffing remains constant Technology Services are a 24 x 7 endeavor

5 Assessment Implemented the PARCC & AIR System for state required assessments Preparation was the key to success along with staffing and flexible computer lab schedules Eliminates the computer labs as an instructional resource Changing role - all tech staff involved, it becomes a primary focus when testing is occurring Participation on the Ohio Senate Advisory Committee for Assessment – the only technology director participating Online Assessment is not going away Canvas can be used for quick formative assessments or for summative assessments Documents, text and media rich submissions ePortfolios as evidence of learning Personalization

6 State Reporting State reporting requirements have increased and reporting schedules are constantly moving Requirements are constantly changing State reporting requirements are all report focused meeting a specific need There needs to be change of paradigm in the structure of data reported Data flow in some cases: State > District > State

7 Infrastructure 2014/2015 2015/2016 Reduction in on premise servers
Move to cloud or hosted based services the trend is continuing Lines between Montrose and Maryland to the Cassingham Complex upgraded from 1Gb to 10 GB Off-site data center Further reduce the need for on campus servers Plan for a VOIP supported network Refine the Tech Certification Program with a Software Catalog Component

8 Consultation, Communications & Marketing
Technology Roundtable An advisory body Building Technology Advisors ed Tech Updates for Faculty & Staff Technology Website District KeyCommunicator Sharing Our Story

9 Consultation, Communications & Marketing

10 Consultation, Communications & Marketing

11 Technology Roundtable & Planning
Six meetings examining the potential use of mobile devices in elementary environments A mobile device whitepaper is in development for future consideration by the Board of Education Technology planning process A student survey will be provided in August and September to gain their perspective & input

12 This Summer Adding a new computer lab to the Middle School (30 seats)
A SNAPSHOT a collaborative venture This Summer Adding a new computer lab to the Middle School (30 seats) Renovating BHS increasing the number of available seats Updating High School & Middle School engineering spaces New computers & printers Displays in each conference room for meetings & parent conferences 21 Training Events July 27th thru to August 7th Restructuring the Wi-Fi access process, streamlining the on boarding process for students & teachers Rotating systems across the district Planning for replacement systems 3D Art printing creation platform The acceptable use policy form will be online for the start of school

13 Professional Development & Education
Faculty & staff year round opportunities for PD with 75 events in 2014/2015 School teachers beyond Bexley can attend Two Parent Events The week before school One Secondary Student Event A new pilot program\SummerTechTraining

14 Areas for Growth & Exploration
Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT/BYOD) A change in culture is needed and it takes time Use of mobile devices, apps & services cross platform CANVAS use in elementary classrooms Instructional design support for teachers Online Learning, Blended Learning & Open Educational Resources Student Technology Coaching What is the profile of a technology enhanced student experience? Challenges, core subject areas, not a state assessed discipline, time2

15 Areas for Growth & Exploration
Data analysis and reporting, we need to develop data models built on use cases (individual & programs) NWEA Map, AIR, AIMS Web & more Revised Ohio Technology Standards are anticipated in mid 2016 Model Curriculum integrating technology standards Participating in the revision process

16 There will always be change . . .
PARCC was retired after 1 year of use and will be replaced by AIR Windows 10 will be released in 16 days The compass assessment tool used by Columbus State is in revision All teachers this year will be using Teachscape for evaluations New Ohio Technology standards are on the horizon Students are expanding their use of mobile devices Bexley Tech, Bexley Students & Bexley Teachers We Lead, Innovate, Create & Explore

17 Bexley Tech Annual Report to the Board of Education Office of Technology, Teaching & Learning Services July 2015 Year in Review | Major changes this year., CANVAS Learning Management System, Migration & Implementation of Office 365, AESOP for Substitute Teaching Staff, Piloted Teachscape for Teacher Evaluations, Installed IEP Anywhere, Upgraded Power School to v. 8.0, Library Catalog System upgrade to 12.0, Deployed Elmo Document Cameras, Upgrading desktop systems to Win 8.1, Digital Signage across the Cassingham Complex, Support for conferences, Fun Fit, CISV & State Theatre Conference, , Change in personnel, 1st STEM Fair (Annual), Coding – The Annual Hour of Code, Capped numbers of participants at each elementary school, all seats taken, Tech Corps – Bexley Education Foundation, Bexley Public Library, Bexley Schools & Columbus School for Girls – Coding & Robotics, There is clear interest in coding from students at the elementary level. | This Summer | Adding a new computer lab to the Middle School (30 seats), Renovating BHS 7239 increasing the number of available seats, Updating High School & Middle School engineering spaces, New computers & printers, Displays in each conference room for meetings & parent conferences, 21 Training Events July 27th thru to August 7th, Restructuring the Wi-Fi access process, streamlining the on boarding process for students & teachers, Rotating systems across the district, Planning for replacement systems, 3D Art printing creation platform, The acceptable use policy form will be online for the start of school. | Areas for Growth & Exploration | Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT/BYOD), A change in culture is needed and it takes time, Use of mobile devices, apps & services cross platform, CANVAS use in elementary classrooms, Instructional design support for teachers, Online Learning, Blended Learning & Open Educational Resources, Student Technology Coaching, What is the profile of a technology enhanced student experience?, Challenges, core subject areas, not a state assessed discipline, time2, Data analysis and reporting, we need to develop data models built on use cases (individual & programs), NWEA Map, AIR, AIMS Web & more, Revised Ohio Technology Standards are anticipated in mid-2016, Model Curriculum integrating technology standards, Participating in the revision process. | There will always be change | PARCC was retired 1 year of use and will be replaced by AIR, Windows 10 will be released in 16 days, The Compass assessment tool is being retired, All teachers this year will be using Teachscape for evaluations, New Ohio Technology standards are on the horizon, Students are expanding their use of mobile devices. Bexley Tech, Bexley Students & Bexley Teachers - We Lead, Innovate, Create & Explore

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