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Caring for Yourself to Better Serve Your Organization

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1 Caring for Yourself to Better Serve Your Organization
Marilyn Dunham Wark University of Memphis Clinic Director Symposium, CAPCSD, 2017

2 Disclosures Marilyn Dunham Wark, University of Memphis
Financial: Paid an honorarium and waived registration fee from CAPCSD; travel provided by the University of Memphis Non-financial: None

3 Learning Objectives: Define one strategy that can be effective in dealing with day-to-day stress. Identify the behaviors that lead to stress. Implement strategies to neutralize stress.


5 Early years I spent time and money learning how to manage time, how to be organized – I learned all kinds of strategies, but they seldom worked.


7 How do I express myself with others?
Sociable Reserved Private Reflective Quiet Open Active Expressive Advantages Consequences Advantages Consequences

8 How do I approach a problem?
Practical Imaginative Change Future Big Picture Conserve Present Details Advantages Consequences Advantages Consequences

9 What guides my decisions?
Objective Subjective Harmony Values Empathize Justice Principles Analyze Advantages Consequences Advantages Consequences

10 How do I manage my day/projects?
Planned Spontaneous Wait Experience Flexible Plan Control Organized Advantages Consequences Advantages Consequences

11 More… How do my behaviors affect other people?
Do I need to adjust my approach in certain situations? What do people need to understand about me? Do I know when to share and when not to burden others? Do I overreact or am I calm? How do I manage conflict? Or do I? What makes me anxious?


13 Questions Typically Asked When Discussing Stress
How do you define stress? What physical symptoms occur when you are stressed? What are the stressors in your life? How do you manage stress? Is stress essential and healthy?

14 The Myth of Stress: Where Stress Comes From and How to Live a Happier and Healthier Life
Andrew Bernstein

15 MYTH Stress is good for you. Bernstein, 2010

16 …there is no such thing as “good stress”
…there is no such thing as “good stress”. There may be physical challenges that you enjoy, but no one enjoys stress. The fewer negative emotions you live with, the better you feel. Bernstein, 2010

17 MYTH Stress is a motivator

18 Difference between stress and stimulation
Being stimulated is good Having goals, deadlines, and staying engaged is important Peak performance is when you are fully engaged and in flow Negative emotions (stress) limits your ability to perform

19 People and events cause stress.
MYTH People and events cause stress.

20 …in reality, there is no such thing as a stressor
…in reality, there is no such thing as a stressor. Nothing has the inherent power to cause stress in you. Things happen (divorce, layoffs, disease, etc.) and you experience stress – or you don’t - depending on what you think about those things. Stress is a function of beliefs, not circumstances. Bernstein, 2010

21 Iron Rule of Stress Stress never comes directly from your circumstances. It comes from your thoughts about your circumstances. Bernstein, 2010

22 My staff shouldn’t take their anger out on me.
Bernstein, 2010

23 overwhelmed inadequate accused

24 Look for confirmation ignore dismiss

25 In reality, my staff should take their anger out on me at this time.

26 In reality, ________________, at this time.
In reality, ________________, in the past. In reality, I _____________, at this time.




30 People working in the helping field are subject to conditions that can lead to depletion or even impairment, such as the emotionally intense nature of the helping relationship and increasingly heavy case loads. Receiving support from others can replenish us and reduce our vulnerability to professional stress (White, 1986). Nugent, 2004

31 You can’t do it alone. Emotional support Informational support
Instrumental support Companion support

32 How do you replenish the well?

33 Be mindful of the present Listen without judgment
Mantras Be Still Breathe Be mindful of the present Listen without judgment

34 Be Still The wise leader speaks rarely and briefly. After all, no other natural outpouring goes on and on. It rains and then it stops. It thunders and then it stops. The leader teaches more through being than through doing. The quality of one's silence conveys more than long speeches. Be still. Follow your inner wisdom. In order to know your inner wisdom, you have to be still. The leader who knows how to be still and feel deeply will probably be effective. But the leader who chatters and boasts and tries to impress the group has no center and carries little weight....

35 Remember that the method is awareness-of-process. Reflect. Be still.
What do you deeply feel? John Heider, The Tao of Leadership

36 References Bernstein, A. (2010). The Myth of Stress: Where stress really comes from and how to live a happier and healthier life. Free Press, NY. Bernstein, A. ActiveInsight Worksheet. content/uploads/2013/08/ActivInsightWorksheet.pdf retrieved 4/15/2017 Heider, J. (1985). The Tao of Leadership: Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching Adapted for the New Age. Humanics Limited – out of print MBTI Teambuilding Program: Leader’s Resource Guide by Sandra Krebs Hirsh © 1992 by Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. Nugent, C. D. (2004). Replenish the Well: an experience in self-care 8CFFB F35EFF?doi= &rep=rep1&type=p df, retrieved 4/15/2017

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