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Software Engineering and Knowledge Creation in Nokia

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1 Software Engineering and Knowledge Creation in Nokia
11th NORD I&D May 30 - June 1, Reykjavik, Iceland Kari Känsälä Senior R&D Manager Nokia Research Center (NRC)

2 Content Nokia Corporation worldwide software (SW) R&D
Communities of Practice (CoPs) generally within and between companies in Nokia Knowledge Creation modes (by I. Nonaka & H. Takeuchi: The Knowledge-Creating Company, 1995) organizational levels in Nokia SW engineering knowledge creation in Nokia mode by mode vs. organizational levels using activities supported by NRC as examples Summary & conclusions

3 World's largest manufacturer of mobile phones
A leading end-to-end infrastructure supplier Three Business Groups Nokia Mobile Phones Nokia Networks Nokia Ventures Organization More than employees Net sales EUR 30.4 billion 2000 ~All products and solutions are SW intensive For further details refer to

4 Nokia Software (SW) R&D Worldwide
Number of SW developers (SW for Nokia's products) has grown from 1000 in to currently 60+% of all R&D, and 15+% of Nokia’s employees Sales offices R&D (most with SW R&D) Production, incl. joint ventures

5 Communities of practice (CoP)
Community of Practice: shared knowledge same well-known experts * shared 'tools' shared practices shared identity The zone of legitimate peripheral participation * An expert is a person who defines what counts as knowledge

6 External and internal communities
Source: I. Tuomi,1998

7 Nokia Corporation in theory
Business Group/ Units Team A Team B Business Processes

8 Nokia in practice Business Processes Source: P. Kasper, 2000 Team A
Team B Business Processes Process Team Interest group Community of Practice Interest group Community of Practice Community of Interest Interest group Community of Practice Community of Practice Source: P. Kasper, 2000

9 Knowledge Creation Modes
Tacit (subjective) to Explicit (objective) Tacit Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Shared * Conceptual Knowledge Knowledge from Operational Systemic Explicit * initially: Sympathized Source: Nonaka & Takeuchi,1995

10 SW Engineering Knowledge Creation in Nokia from the NRC viewpoint*
Business Units (BUs) Knowledge tailoring (and usage) NRC* Knowledge R&D and transfer Nokia Knowledge platforms and services Nokia's SW Engineering CoPs & Knowledge *There are similar SW engineering knowledge enhancement & transfer parties in Business Units as well

11 Shared SW Engineering Knowledge in Nokia
Knowledge sharing in/by BUs*** NSEF** SGP* Conceptual knowledge Operational knowledge Systemic knowledge * Sharing Good Practices (SGP) covers all Business Processes seven explicit SGP steps SGP sharing base on Intranet ** Nokia SW Engineering Forum - next slide *** Knowledge sharing in/by Business Units role-based networks (quality, testing,...) benchmarking with other companies

12 NSEF since 1993; initially as separate seminars or Forums
36 separate events in 2000 currently xxxx names in the mailing list

13 Conceptual SW Engineering Knowledge in Nokia
Knowledge sharing in BUs NSEF SGP Conceptual work by BUs*** NRC research & cooperation** Nokia IS* Operational knowledge Systemic knowledge * Nokia Information Services (IS) electronic sources (market reports, news , technology information) local library & info services (document delivery, IR, periodicals, purchases) ** NRC research & cooperation - next slide *** Conceptual work by Business Units piloting in R&D projects commenting in standardization

14 SW Engineering Research & Cooperation by NRC
Participation in international standardization, concerning e.g. ISO standards ISO15504 (a.k.a. SPICE) since 1993 CMM de-facto standards CMMI (Stakeholder Team) since 1998 Participation in European research projects, e.g. ITEA/ESAPS (Engineering SW Architectures, Processes and Platforms for System Families) since 1999, to be followed by a deployment project a result: extension of SPICE process model to cover SW product line processes SW engineering benchmarking with other large corporations SW Experience Center with ABB, Boeing, DaimlerChrysler, and Motorola, facilitated by Fraunhofer IESE (Germany) and Fraunhofer Center-Maryland (USA) Cooperation with SW engineering process, method & tool vendors

15 Systemic SW Engineering Knowledge in Nokia
Knowledge sharing in BUs NSEF SGP Conceptual work by BUs NRC research & cooperation Nokia IS Operational knowledge Nokia PCP Solutions* SPF by NRC** Business Groups' PCP Solutions*** * Nokia Product Creation (PC) Process Solutions corporate-wide PC process platforms, incl. cross-Business Group processes ** SW Process Framework by NRC - next slide *** Business Groups' PC Process Solutions based on common platforms, but may vary according to the product portfolio

16 NRC's SW Process Framework (SPF)
Existing SW/system PRMs SW Process Reference Model (SPRM) v2.0 Good practices in Nokia BUs & outside Nokia SW Process Framework (SPF) released in 1996 based on SW process model ISO/SPICE v2.0 (October 1996) to be replaced by SW Product Line Process Framework (SPLPF) in 2001 based on ESAPS results SW engineering knowledge base to be used by Business Units CMM v1.1 levels KPAs key practices SPICE v2.0 proc. categories (sub)processes base practices Links to CMM Web links References to SW/systems process std's SW related Business Processes SW related Product Creation Processes SW development processes Glossaries SPRM vs. CMM v1.1 ISO ISO12207 IEEE 1074 J-STD-016 SE-CMM IEEE 1220 EIA-IS-632 SW Process Ref. Glossary (SPRG)

17 Operational SW Engineering Knowledge by NRC Support
Knowledge sharing in BUs NSEF SGP Conceptual work by BUs NRC research & cooperation Nokia IS Rationale for SW engineering knowledge creation Nokia PC Process* BU SWEP with NRC** SPPs in BUs*** Nokia PCP Solutions SPF by NRC Business Groups' PCP Solutions * Nokia Product Creation Process a Nokia Business Process: others are Delivery Process Business Support Process ** Business Unit's SW Engineering Process - next slide *** SW Projects' Processes in Business Units actual SW processes in SW projects

18 SW Engineering Process (SWEP) in Business Units with NRC
NMP SWEP was initially released in 1996 based on SPICE v2.0; latest release is #18 NMP SWEP includes hundreds of process assets, e.g processes or procedures, 101 work products, and 42 roles there are similar SWEPs also in other Business Groups

19 SW Engineering Knowledge Creation Cycle
Knowledge sharing in BUs NSEF (1995… ) SGP Conceptual work by BUs Std's<->NRC (1993…2000…) Nokia IS Nokia PC Process BU SWEPs (1996…2001…) SPPs in BUs Nokia PCP Solutions SPF&SPLPF/NRC (1995…2001…) Business Groups' PCP Solutions Example (1st paradigm cycle finished, 2nd cycle beginning): SW process knowledge sharing -> SW process reference models SW process manual of BUs <- SW process framework <-

20 Summary & Conclusions Knowledge creation is one of the most challenging activities in a large corporation SW engineering knowledge creation is especially important, because ~all products are SW intensive All knowledge creation modes (shared, conceptual, systemic, operational) must be supported or at least facilitated at all organizational levels It takes years to conclude the full knowledge creation cycle, including the shift of the corresponding paradigm Real SW development in real SW projects is the only essential part of the cycle: if it does not happen, then everything else is in vain! Thank you! Any questions?

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