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‘It can’t wait until the trial’:

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Presentation on theme: "‘It can’t wait until the trial’:"— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘It can’t wait until the trial’:

2 The problem Difficulties with the justice system at trial stage:
Prosecution and defence discover that they are unprepared: eg, the need for additional statements During trial issues arise which ought to have been solved prior to trial

3 How case management helps
Ensures that issues on both sides are settled before trial: Representation Fitness to plead Plea Disclosure Availability of prosecution and defence witnesses Status of expert witness Agreed facts Alibi issues Admissibility issues Expected length Editing of statements Legal issues

4 The steps in the PCMH process
Committal from the RM court First mention – housekeeping Assess representation; set appropriate date for representation to be settled Pre-PCMH mention to give directions for preparation for case management Service of draft indictment Service of statements and documents Completion of PCMH form Prosecution to complete and serve form on defence by a time to be set Completion of PCMH form by defence

5 Time frame: 6 months for Circuit matters

6 Case analysis Hamdel method – developed out of 7-year study of advocacy led by Gray’s Inn, University of Westminster, Australian Institute of Advocacy and the Centre for Capital Punishment Studies – designed for simplicity and thoroughness – called ‘good facts/bad facts’

7 Case analysis: the steps
1. Determine what needs to be proved Elements of Proof-Crown/Defence - Where Found Gary Peters Juliet Rylands Gillian Stephens Paul Green WITH INTENT MALICIOUSLY UNLAWFULLY WOUND

8 Map of the case From the chart, prosecution can determine:
the strength of its case which witnesses provide which elements of the evidence the nature of the indictment The defence can: appraise the case against it take a meaningful statement in response to the case against it consider plea issues

9 Case analysis: the steps
Summary of statements and exhibits Prosecution Version Defence Version

10 Case analysis: the steps
3. Detailed reading of statements/exhibits and classifying the evidence into good facts/bad facts: the heart of the preparation Name of person Good facts Undecided Bad facts

11 Case analysis: outcome
Case analysis critical to: decision-making that will determine whether case will be tried, length of trial; what evidence will be agreed, if any; trial strategy; sentencing considerations; better case and time management by counsel.

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