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Iowa Athletic Trainers’ Society

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1 Iowa Athletic Trainers’ Society
Business Meeting June 4, 2016 West Des Moines, IA

2 Business Call to order Approval of minutes from March 19, 2016 meeting in Springfield, MO Available on

3 Recognitions NATA Hall of Fame MAATA Hall of Fame IATS Hall of Honor Members NATA Award Winners 25 years (or more) 20 years 15 years students

4 Past President’s Report
Dustin Briggs

5 President-Elect Report
Brad Floy

6 Secretary’s Report Chris Viesselman

7 IATS Business Meeting Treasurer’s Report
2016 IATS State Meeting IATS Business Meeting Treasurer’s Report

8 Current Balances $75,760.78 Total Amount as of June 1, 2016:
Total Amount, June 1, 2015: $69,758.64 Difference - In the Positive $

9 President’s Report Be sure to fill out survey after this meeting to get your Statement of Credit (formerly CEU certificate) NPI numbers

10 President’s Report Hit the Hill Day at NATA in Baltimore
Wednedsay, June 22nd, 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM Potential Licensure fee increase in Iowa More info to come NATAPAC, contribute, attend breakfast at NATA if you can

11 President’s Report Legislative update- HF 2421 – and Ammendment S-5080
The bill did not make it to the floor in the house before they adjourned. Still had questions and were not willing to move the piece forward. It did pass on the Senate side.

12 President’s Report Legislative update- cont.
Will have the opportunity to re-write some parts of the the bill and work on submitting it in the fall. Iowa Board of Education possibly working on an administrative change to have all coaches CPR and AED certified. Need to continue to educate school administrators and parents.

Committee Members (please identify chair): Michael Donahue – Chair Tracy Steffen Nate Postma Ashley Davison Jessica Drenth Anyone interested in presenting in 2017 should reach out to the committee chair. We would like to start developing the program in the fall.

14 REF Committee Members Abigail Tibbetts (chair) Looking for a new person to chair this committee. If anyone is interested, please let me know. Looking for New Members/Ambassadors No Activity

15 Public Relations Committee Members
Chris Viesselman Shelli Green Taryn Pennington Purpose is to promote Athletic Training and the Iowa Athletic Trainers’ Society on the local, state and national levels to both internal and external audiences. Efforts are focused on developing and implementing public awareness campaigns; disseminating information to Society members through a Quarterly Newsletter; maintaining the society’s website; preparing press releases and advertisements; and working with the Executive Committee to create and promote participation in Athletic Training month activities. Changes and Updates to Web Page, if something isn’t correct, missing, or you would like to see something different please contact Now have Facebook and Twitter, follow us

16 Governmental Affairs Committee Members
Chair: Troy Kleese LAT, ATC IPTA Liaison: Jim Nespor PT, LAT, IATS has been very busy again this legislative session. Bill did not pass. Will work on re-writing the bill and submitting it again during the next session. Anybody interested in being on the committee should contact Troy Kleese or myself.

17 College and University AT Committee (CUATC)
Committee Members Chair – Mike Pribyl – Iowa Western CC Andy Newell – Iowa Central CC Mike Hadden – Simpson College Tim Weesner – Iowa State University No Activity at this time Update from District Ryan Callahan from Wartburg replacing Shaun McCarthy from Coe as the District 5 CUATC Chair

18 Committee on Practice Advancment (COPA)
Committee Members Otto Krueger DC, ATC, LMT (Chair) Rhonda Beemer ATC, PhD Michael Tunning DC, ATC No report at this time

19 Iowa Athletic Trainers’ Society Student Leadership Council
UNI and Loras represented Iowa at the MAATA Quiz Bowl No report

20 IATS Awards and Scholarship
Committee Members Nate Newman(Chair) Kurt Flathers Lisa Bengston Jessica Woolridge Finalized award winners for this year. Developed a rubric and definite criteria for Hall of Honor selection. Requested budget for year (March – March). $3100 Total 4 x $500 scholarships $500 for plaques $600 for reimbursement for travel for scholarship winners Need more nominees for ATC honors. No recipients for Educator of the Year, College/University Athletic Trainer of the Year, or Clinical Athletic Trainer of the Year.

21 Young Professionals Committee Members
Carissa Tigges (chair) Katie Staiert Shelli Green Samantha Busch Allison Klapperich Michael Donahue Committee work / accomplishments since last report. Facebook: IATS Young Professionals Additional networking events held in Des Moines Continue to recruit new members (especially individuals in SW & Northern Iowa) ATEP Initiative Presentations are continuing. Contact us about getting someone to present to your school

22 Secondary Schools Committee
Committee Members Jill Kienzle – Chair (formerly Hendricks) Tracy Steffen Playoff Coordinator - Jill Kienzle Anyone interested in taking over as chair or anyone who'd like to help as a supplemental member please contact Jill or Tracy Committee Work: Playoff Football Coverage. Thank you for the continued support and the volunteers. $2,000 given back to IATS from the IAHSAA.  IATS booth at IAHSADA (Athletic Directors' Association) Annual Convention in Coralville.  Tracy Steffen & Sue Thiesen advocated the proposed new bill. Gained AD support. Discussed how to financially supplement to hire an ATC.                Committee Cost: $500 

23 Other Business New Business Next Years State Meeting is on June 2nd and June 3rd at the West Des Moines Marriot

24 As always, IATS is looking for ways to involve our membership and mentor members into leadership and committee positions. Please contact us for opportunities. This is your society and we want you to be involved and share your knowledge and passion for the profession. THANK YOU!

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