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The Kashmir Problem (during the partition of India in 1947)

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1 The Kashmir Problem (during the partition of India in 1947)

2 India was and is a sovereign republic after and before the trespass of the imperial British in this land of all nation and all religious beliefs of the world and the ‘Museum of Anthropology’. Kashmir the northern most province of India was one of the integral part of India from the ancient most time as we trace the evidences of it from Rajatarangini of Kalhana, from the inscriptions of the Mauriya King Asoka, from the written and archaeological documents of the Kusanas, the Guptas, the Sultani rulers and the Mughuls of India and during the British rule (that tried but failed to snatch our identity and cultural heritage).

3 However the imperialist British took the negative way to divide and rule policy to break the one nation identity among the Hindus and the Muslims of India. The political leaders of Indian National Congress and Muslim League and the leaders of Viswa Hindu Parishad of then India just played with the ruler British the game to make this land a scrambled massacred zone of non-ending problems.

4 They were successful in doing so and India divided in three parts India, West and East Pakistan. This partition was done basically on communal line and according to the majority dwellers Hindus or the Muslims. Kashmir, Junagarh, Hyderabad and some other princely states could not decide what to do but every princely states like this dissolved in India except Kashmir as the then King of that princely state Hari Singh could not decide whether remains independent or not. As he was not fond of Jinnah’s Muslim State ship or he detest the democratic pattern of Jawaharlal Nehru.

5 In the lordship of United Nations Security Council the last Governor General of India Mount Batten created a treaty in 1947 with India, Pakistan and Kashmir which is called non-aggression pact and according to this pact both India and Pakistan bound to abide by the law of non aggression in the territory of Jammu and Kashmir. India followed this but Pakistan never tried to follow this and invade Kashmir breaking the pact.

6 The great leader Kaid-e-Azam Jinnah announced a thousand years of war with India to grab Kashmir as Kashmir is Muslim dominated. Major General Akbar Khan alias Tarique attacked Kashmir with a numerous tribes, Khans and Razakars with the direct and indirect influence from Jinnah and Pakistan in August, Rapidly the Pakistani invaders reached a few miles of Srinagar and cut off the electricity connection and water supply of the capital Srinagar and the city plunged in darkness and draught.

7 Hari Singh then asked help from India and Nehru the then Prime Minister of India intended to help him instead joining of Kashmir to India. However it was too late and a big chunk of the Kashmiri land missed to Pakistan and India send its troops but before sending back all the invaders to Pakistan and regaining the whole of Kashmir Nehru took the matter surprisingly to U.N.O. and a cease fire was imposed by U.N.O. on both India and Pakistan.

8 From that time Pakistan demanded a plebiscite to check the mentality of the Muslims of Kashmir whether they want to stay with India or to join Pakistan. Pakistan never obeyed the rule of U.N.O. Plebiscite Front to take away all the troops deployed in Pakistan occupied Kashmir Aazad Kashmir as said by some people. India was and is always ready to return back all its troops from Kashmir to do the plebiscite normally. For this the Plebiscite could not taken still now.

9 Mean while during the 1st India-Pakistan war Pakistan gifted a part of Kashmir to China as the symbol of amity to strengthen its hands to grab Kashmir well. In 1962 India-China war and the 2nd India-Pakistan war on Kashmir India again lost a big portion of Kashmir to China and Pakistan. The China occupied area of Kashmir is called as Aksai Chin. It is a great mockery that China is following Marxism or communism and both of the isms are dead against of imperialism which China showed on India very well.

10 In 1971 India helped East Pakistan to become Bangladesh against the tremendous torture and discriminates by West Pakistan on the East Pakistani Bengali-Muslim peoples. A new independent country Bangladesh born and Pakistan s anger to India increased In a full fledged war the war of Kargil fought between India and Pakistan and in every war Pakistan attacked India first.

11 Within Kashmir the separatist ideas leaves no bounds
Within Kashmir the separatist ideas leaves no bounds. Some separatist leaders like Sheikh Abdullah and the militant organisms like J.K.L.F. and Hizbul Mujahideen, Lashkar-e-Toiba wanted freedom from India or join Pakistan. Pakistan and China has been insisting this separatist tendency and try to prove Indian atrocities, torture and turmoil on Kashmiri Muslim community as India is Hindu dominated country.

12 Jammu and Kashmir consists of three parts according to religious community-Jammu is Hindu dominated, Kashmir valley is Muslim majority part and Leh and Ladakh is Buddhist populated. The economic condition of the three parts of J&K is mostly same. Then why only the Muslim populated Kashmir valley wants freedom or join Pakistan (according to some sources). The poorest Buddhist Leh and Ladakh never wants freedom. Why it is like this?

13 There are so many records of torture of the Indian troops on the Kashmiri Muslims. It is true. None can deny this. It is also true that there are so many examples of supporting the separatists, the militants, the terrorists and Pakistan for Islamic religious fanatic mentality by the Muslims of Kashmir valley.

14 The problem of Kashmir became international and under the power politics of U.N.O., China, America and the whole of the world. China built an express way the Karakoram highway to control Kashmir, supply arms and ammunitions to Pakistan and the separatists of J&K and create pressure on India. The U.S.A. has been playing a clever international power politics on Kashmir with India and Pakistan for its own interest.

15 Last of all the central government of India never thought of the Kashmiris. It never tried to make the people of Kashmir valley to understand that India is not their enemy but China and Pakistan has no good intention. The central government of India should be more kind hearted on the Muslims of Kashmir valley and advice the army or force to be friendly to the Muslims of Kashmir valley and withdraw the AFSPA and other laws given full power to the Indian force to dominate the people of Kashmir.

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