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From Good to Great Support that helps make great lives

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1 From Good to Great Support that helps make great lives
Prevention – The Way Forward Maureen Prescott 17th October 2014 Welcomes and introductions. Determine which discipline delegates are from? Delegate packs and appendices. List documents included in the pack and refer to them as the foundation for the workshop. ( 5 minutes). Point out the feedback form for completion at the end of the workshop. Questions written on a post it note giving contact details will be answered after the event.” Ice breaking exercise. Choose a number 1-4 and move to a table with the relevant number and introduce yourselves. Return when 'time is up'. ( 10 minutes)

2 Care Act 2014 Big Opportunities Big Changes
Start the Big Ben wav file 9 minutes into the exercise to finish introductions. Start the presentation. ( 10 minutes) As we know from the commentary based on the new Care Act 2014 there has to be more than PBS to prevent placement breakdown for people with a Learning Disability as 'PBS is not enough! '

3 So What do we know?

4 Moved Away There are many “out of county placements” for people with Learning Disabilities in institutional care settings as there are not enough specialist community placements in one’s own locality.

5 How much longer? There are currently more admissions to A&T units for people with Learning Disabilities and ASC’s than discharges despite the government detailing the need for this to change following the Winterbourne Review, according to the DH concordat statistics.

6 Rising Demand All Local Authorities have massive savings to make in the coming years and eligibility criteria will again shift towards supporting only those individuals with the most complex needs.

7 Simon’s Story

8 Prevention – The Way Forward
Prevention in a positive NOT negative sense. Opportunity not obstacle. Prevent crisis in the family home; Prevent placement breakdown; Prevent return or admission to hospital or A&T units; Prevent social isolation, self neglect and homelessness but with the emphasis on maintaining a tenancy, being a 'good neighbour' and community participation and inclusion and work in partnership with Local Authorities and CCG's to accommodate and transition people being discharged from hospital to their  'own homes' .

9 Get Creative!! Most people thrive when living in their own home, within their own locality and with their own social and support networks; when their individual needs are met and they are involved in decision making and in control of their own lives. There is a need for effective and innovative support for both Clients and families with transition planning, improved education, coping strategies and skill development; person centred  and PBS support, social inclusion, safety and security, meaningful occupation and employment,  housing options, financial stability, increased confidence, self esteem and celebration of skills and talents.

10 So ……What do we do?

11 Task Sheet Using the flip chart paper and pens In groups of (number) list 3 areas that you can evidence as 'good' and 3 areas you can work towards being ' great' in accordance with the guidance to prevent the revolving door syndrome as seen in Simon's story and working towards greater community capacity, independence , health happiness and stability in ones own home and community. Groups to elect a scribe and someone who will feed back to the rest of the room. ( 15 minutes).

12 14 5 Time Up 15 8 9 11 13 2 1 3 10 4 12 6 7


14 Thank You! Maureen Prescott Contact;

15 Useful URLs

16 So . . . What do you think? If hot, please say why?
Simply indicate on our thermometer your overall impression. If hot, please say why? If not, please say why? Can we use these comments? (Tick for “Yes” or leave blank for “No”) Can we use your name? Name/Title:…………………

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