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Urbana Purchasing Presentation BMG Meeting October 8, 2013

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Presentation on theme: "Urbana Purchasing Presentation BMG Meeting October 8, 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Urbana Purchasing Presentation BMG Meeting October 8, 2013
Where’s My Stuff The Sequel Humor is added for comic relief purposes only

2 With Special Guest Star

3 Tasks from May 2013 Focus group to discuss training needs
Develop specification writing training Assign buyers to commodities and post to “Who to Ask” website Identify opportunities for terms and conditions contracts (T&C) for hotels, repetitive services, rentals, etc.

4 Tasks from May 2013 - Status Focus group to discuss training needs
The scope of the training desired by the campus will require significant resources for development and implementation. Funding and resources would need to be allocated from outside of Purchasing. Three levels of classes Beginning; Intermediate; Expert Business Manager Certification

5 Tasks from May Status Develop departmental specification writing Multiple SPOs give us highly inconsistent requirements for specifications. Even the primary SPO is inconsistent at times. Our best advice is to contact Purchasing as soon as you are aware of the need for a solicitation and let the buyers help you.

6 Tasks from May 2013 - Status Commodity Code Assignments
The buyers were assigned commodities with each commodity having 1-3 primary buyers. We are watching the workloads and will need to tweak the assignments to balance them.

7 Tasks from May 2013 - Status Efficiency Opportunities – T&C contracts
The buyers are creating a list of vendors and terms and conditions already negotiated. This information is being compiled for review and targeted for completion of T&C contracts within the next 3 months. The T&C contracts will be loaded to the new “Source” .

8 New Buyer Training - Status
Seven new buyers hired January 2013. Learning curve is about two years. Systems training and purchase order processing Contract development and iCS University Policies State Procurement Code and Rules SPO interpretations and review process Solicitation training was expected to begin in May 2013, but due to demands on time, could not begin until September 2013 “How do you train to chaos?” Quote Courtesy of Jim Martinie

9 A look inside Production
*The number of non-catalog purchases that were processed through the Purchasing offices could not be determined.

10 A look inside Production Solicitations & Staffing
UIUC - FY12 UIC - FY12 Bids 97 45 RFPs 50 25 SS 195 116 Emergencies 16 9 Exemptions 17 1 TOTAL 375 196 UIUC - FY13 UIC - FY13 Bids* 70 42 RFPs* 20 35 139 86 8 14 Exemptions** 104 37 341 214 Staff UIUC/UIC UIUC UIC Academic/Management 4 2 Buyers 8 18 Administrative Asst 1 Support Staff 5 Total Permanent Staff 25 *FY13 drop in RFP/Bids is the start of the backlog **Mostly Professional Performances

11 A look inside Production Production Slowdowns
New Initiatives that were discontinued Comptroller signature on PO Attachments Collection of insurance certificates Easy but time consuming processes: Furniture approvals / confusion how to order / CMS certificate / F&S approvals / IPHEC Insurance waiver requests / Charters and service contracts Vendor terms and conditions as attachments Becoming major processing issues as vendors change how they contract with the University Requiring significantly more two party agreements. Software is a booming business and software companies are becoming non-negotiable

12 A look inside Production Production Slowdowns
Each Buyer = 7.5 hrs = 450 minutes Each PO = 30 minutes Daily PO production = 15 / day maximum Daily inbox = The buyer’s inbox contains per buyer on an average day Take into account: Rush Orders Phone Calls State Disclosures Follow-up requests T&C/Contract development Meetings/Training Vacations/Sick Leave Solicitations

13 Solicitations Requisitions
There is a tug of war for resources In May there were 90 solicitations being worked on and/or pending and today there are 68 Processing for solicitations improved temporarily when four SPO’s were assigned to UIUC. now there is one primary and one part-time SPO for UIUC The primary SPO is very legal based in his review Solicitation processing should be manageable but has become a very resource consuming activity. Bottleneck for solicitations will continue even with new staff.

14 Who gets to jump the line? Under what conditions?

15 Who gets to jump the line? Under what conditions?
Who Prioritizes? Solicitations Rush Order Emergency Quote Expiring Grant Ends Event Dates

16 We are all in this together! Something’s Gotta Give
Campus units are now included on s to the SPO, vendor or other interested parties to ensure transparency to provide a status. How do we get Campus input into prioritizing transactions? We know this feels like poor customer service. Because ultimate authority rests with the State and because of budget constraints, we have limited ability to manage the workload and provide the service that the campus needs and expects. What is the solution? We want your suggestions We need your input

17 Will this just lead to a Trilogy?
THE END Or is it? Will this just lead to a Trilogy?

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