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Year 1 Transition meeting
Aims of meeting For parents/carers of the new year one children to understand what happens in school as your child enters KS1. To reassure you if have any worries or concerns as your child moves out of foundation stage. To give you opportunities to ask questions.
Year 1 The children are now in Year 1. They become part of Key Stage 1. KS1 is years 1 and 2 KS2 is years 3-6.
The National Curriculum
Children in KS1 and KS2 follow the National Curriculum rather than the EYFS curriculum.
EYFS From EYFS to NC Communication And Language
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development EYFS Literacy Expressive Arts and Design Mathematics Understanding the World
Reception The children learn through a balance of guided activities and accessing continuous provision : Short whole class sessions. One to one or small guided group work. Learning Diaries. Work in folders Assessed against the Early Learning Goals
NC Themed approach Mathematics English DT RE Music SEAL Art PE Science
Geography DT RE Music SEAL Art PE Science Computing History
Year 1 The children are taught in whole class lessons, starting with a class input, followed by guided and independent work: Sitting at tables. Working more independently. Following a set of instructions. Work in books. Home work – Reading, phonics, maths attack and topic. Assessed against the End of Year Expectations Encourage independence, eg book bags, notes
The Curriculum We follow a long term plan to ensure we cover all of the curriculum requirements over two years. Some of the areas are repeated but taught at a different level. In the three Key stage one classes we cover the same topics but the Year 1 and Year 2 children cover different parts/deeper understanding etc. We differentiate according to need.
The requirements of the curriculum has increased and elements particularly in English and Maths are demanding. It is broken down into Year 1 and Year 2 requirements. The children are assessed at the end of the year against end of year expectations. This is a gradual process. We always teach using praise and encouragement and we do realise that all children are different!
Spelling expectations have greatly increased and the children have spelling homework linked to the phonics. Mental maths knowledge has increased. We use Maths Attack in school as a systematic approach to learning key facts. It’s not about rushing through the levels, it’s about deep understanding. To develop a deeper understanding in maths we develop the children’s fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills.
Year 1 Phonics Daily phonics sessions taught in ability groups.
Revision of phonics taught in reception. Alternative pronunciations and spellings Year 1 phonic test in June
Provision Children are divided into 2 classes and follow the same topics. Teachers plan together and provide similar opportunities for the children. The children are introduced to different teaching styles as the year goes on, with a move towards more formal teaching.
A typical day for year 1 Morning 9:00:Register 9:30-10:10 Maths
10:10 – 10:30 Collective Worship 10:30 – 10:50 Playtime and snack 10:50 – 11:10 Phonics 11:10 – 12:15 English 12:15 – 1:20 Lunch Guided Reading
Afternoon 1:20-back in the classrooms for the afternoon activities. These are usually topic linked except PE or RE 2:30-2:45: playtime. 3:30: hometime Parents/carers to wait in the Key stage 1 playground. Children come to you. Let us know if they are going home with anyone different.
Transition This transition is an important time for your child and we aim to make it as easy as possible. We recognise KS1 is different but we don’t make it too different too quickly.
How we support transition into KS1
The end of foundation stage assessments show us where your child is on their learning journey. Planning for your child will start from this point in September as they enter KS1. Teachers share information on your child, so we get to know all the children before they come into their new classroom.
Transition in the Autumn Term .
We still allow time for child initiated activities. Mainly focused practical activities. Short whole class session, followed by group work moving towards independent work. We value inside and outside learning.
Behaviour We encourage the children always to be courteous, polite and considerate towards others. We aim for the children to become more independent. Good behaviour is rewarded with house points, class gold pot coins, stickers and moving up the behaviour chart onto the sun and star. Each week there will be a star of the week. The class rainbow behaviour chart will continue.
How you can help at home. Talk to your child about school.
Let us know about any worries. Make it a positive experience. Read school reading books. Practice phonic spellings. Practice maths attack. Enjoy bedtime stories together. Visit the library. Play games, encouraging turn taking, winning and losing. Encourage good manners
Parental Involvement Parents evenings – Autumn and Spring term.
Celebration afternoon – Summer term Sports day Christmas Play Helping on trips Hearing readers
Any Questions? Thank you for coming and please do not hesitate to ask any questions. We will do our best to answer them!
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