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Transition to KS1 Welcome and thank you for coming Housekeeping

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Presentation on theme: "Transition to KS1 Welcome and thank you for coming Housekeeping"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition to KS1 Welcome and thank you for coming Housekeeping
Introductions Kingfisher - Mrs Law & Miss Flower Robin - Miss Stevens & Miss Jackson

2 Why Transition? Most Foundation lessons are done through play based learning. Which is why there is a need to prepare the children for the Year 1 curriculum through transition. Transition is about making sure children have experience of familiar things whilst moving their learning on. E.g. Children will have access to indoor and outdoor areas of provision but their learning will be more directed (learning challenges linked to the curriculum).

3 Transition Activities
Year 1 teachers visiting foundation Foundation children visiting new class Shared experience day with KS1 Shared playtimes with KS1 in the KS1 playground

4 What are the expectations in KS1?
Children enter school independently Children are responsible for their own belongings Jumpers PE bags Letters / messages in book bag

5 Learning Progression Foundation have extended English and Maths sessions alongside play based learning to prepare children for Year 1. In Year 1 there is a more structured approach to learning, but children still have access to areas of provision linked to the curriculum. Children are assessed at the end of foundation against ELGs. Children develop at different rates and so some will not have met all the ELGs. In year 1 we will continue to bridge these gaps alongside the KS1 curriculum.

6 KS1 Learning

7 More KS1 Learning

8 How are the classes structured?
1 and ½ form entry Split on age and not ability (with the exception of children with SEND) F Y1 Y1/2 Y2 Y3 Y3/4 Y5 Y5/6 Y6 45 mixed 30 youngest Y1s 15 eldest Y1s 15 youngest Y2s 30 eldest Y2s Y3s 15 eldest Y3s 15 youngest Y4s 30 Youngest Y5s 15 eldest Y5s 15 youngest Y6s 30 eldest Y6s

9 How does the mixed class work?
The eldest children in Year 1 are only a few weeks younger than the youngest Year 2 children in the class, so they are developmentally similar. Children in the mixed class still follow the year 1 curriculum alongside the year 2 children following the year 2 curriculum. Teachers plan together and follow the same topics. Learning is differentiated to suit the needs of the children. Children in the mixed class still have lots of opportunities to play with their other friends – same playtimes, lunchtimes, trips, music lessons etc.

10 Parents Home school link letter each term.
(On the school’s website & an enlarged copy on each classroom window). KS1 Workshops – in the new school year - Induction to class (First Wednesday in Sept) - English and Maths (TBC) Open door policy. Walk the walls each term.

11 Key Stage 1 Topics for 2016/17 Space Castles Autumn 1 Autumn 2
Sept - Oct Autumn 2 Nov - Dec Spring 1 Jan - Feb Spring 2 March - April Summer 1 May - June Summer 2 June - July Space Castles Oceans and Seas

12 Finally Find out which class your child is in
- Born in 2010 (Robin – Y1/2) - Born in 2011 (Kingfisher – Y1) (Jan 2011 – see me at the end, crossover month) Questions?

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