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Engaging low paid workers and employers

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging low paid workers and employers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging low paid workers and employers
How we engage low paid parents workers The learning so far How we engage employers Case studies

2 How we engage parents who are in work:
Outreach- Parent’s focus Combination Support/Jobs Bespoke support(When/where) Employability skills sessions and job clubs

3 The learning so far: Busy clients(unable to attend appointments, telephone/online support) High Expectations(Employers, CV and interview time) Fear of upsetting equilibrium Need to balance conflicting responsibilities The change needs has to be “worth it”

4 How we engage with employers
Identifying local employers with a need for recruitment Identifying potential suitable clients for the role Making a business case on the benefits of meeting our client Making the life of an employer easy as possible in this recruitment process Aftercare of the employer

5 Case Studies Client Case Study: Maggi Employer Case Study:

6 Contact information Zavery Tito – Career Coach Tel: Rinal Pandya – Employer Engagement Manager

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