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Comparative Analysis May 9, 2017 | PRESIDENT HOTEL

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Presentation on theme: "Comparative Analysis May 9, 2017 | PRESIDENT HOTEL"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparative Analysis May 9, 2017 | PRESIDENT HOTEL Rosa Heimer, Equalities Projects Coordinator (IARS International Institute) PARTNER’S LOGO This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.

2 Challenges encountered during the research
Prevailing lack of official and consistent statistics on LGBT refugees Lack of quantitative studies on LGBT refugees Scarcity of qualitative studies on the subject both in academia and NGO research

3 Contradicting Reality
Widespread discrimination against LGBT refugees in the host countries where they are supposed to be protected Discrimination on the basis of both homophobia but also racism: intersectional discrimination

4 Identified Issues and Trends
Inadequate information on LGBT refugees’ country of origin Asylum process poses a high risk of re-victimizing LGBT refugees Biased and stereotyped homophobic views in decision making processes Sexually intrusive questioning Widespread violence and discrimination at refugee camps and detention centers General asylum claims Vs Sexuality based asylum claims Varying levels of support services and organizations

5 Recommendations Better implementation of guidelines, legal and policy frameworks More research and consistent collection and publication of statistical data More cooperation among different organizations working in the field More development and sharing of good practices End of use of immigration detention Separate accommodations for LGBT refugees to ensure their safety More diverse staff recruitment Training for professionals and volunteers More organizations specifically supporting LGBT migrants and refugees Support needed to reconcile potentially conflicting identities Need for more language courses Provision of more accessible and accurate information regarding the asylum process


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