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WU:. The Earth is 4,500,000,000 years old

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1 Science Planner 3/13/17 WALT: investigate characteristics of Metamorphic Rocks.
WU: The Earth is 4,500,000,000 years old. The oldest rocks in Yellowstone Canyon are 600,000 years old. What percent of Earth’s history is represented in the walls of Yellowstone Canyon? CW: Metamorphic Rock Lab Questions, Turned in Stapled to your lab sheet from last week. Quiz Review


3 Questions: Which rocks show “foliation”? Sketch an example from your rock samples include labels. (Name of rock, layering, ???) Which rocks do not show “foliation”? List them by name. Which rocks show crystallization? Explain the term “contact metamorphism”. What category of Sedimentary Rock does Marble appear to be related to? Explain how you came to this conclusion. What are the three causes (agents) of metamorphism? How can you distinguish between the igneous rock granite and the metamorphic rock gneiss? See example.

4 Quiz Notes Vocabulary Lab Procedures (Acid lab in particular)
Rock Cycle Grand Canyon One math problem.


6 Science Planner 3/9/17 WALT: investigate characteristics of Metamorphic Rocks.
WU: The Earth is 4,500,000,000 years old. The oldest rocks in the Grand Canyon are 1,800,000,000 years old. What percent of Earth’s history is represented in the walls of the Grand Canyon? CW: Metamorphic Rock Lab

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