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Earth Science Standard

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1 Earth Science Standard
ES2H – The rock cycle describes the formation of igneous rock from magma or lava, sedimentary rock from compactions of eroded particles and metamorphic rock by heating and pressure. SWBAT… identify samples of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock from their properties and describe how their properties provide evidence of how they were formed Explain how one kind of rock could eventually become a different kind of rock

2 Warm-Up What is this a picture of? How was it made? Hint: W, E and D Think about the main things we have learned so far. Weathering – water broke apart rock Erosion – water carried rock away Deposition – rock dumped in another place, leaving a canyon Grand Canyon, Arizona

3 Review Beach formations
Groynes… Sand gets trapped Can’t move down the beach Did you make a… Cliff Notch

4 Beach Experiments You are going to try to make each of the beach features below… Cliff Spit Wave cut notch You will also try to make long shore drift and see how a groin affects sand movement.

5 Goal for today Make observations about many different types of rocks and learn how scientists use common language to name rocks. Ask questions about where the rocks came from.

6 Background Information
Textbook reading – Everyone needs their textbook (pgs ) Taking notes – Follow along and fill in the blanks as I read

7 Name of Rock:_____________
Make ____ copies of this table in your science notebook. Name of Rock:_____________ What does it LOOK like What does it FEEL like What is it made of? Write what it looks like AND draw a picture

8 When describing each of the rocks use the following words to help you.
What does it LOOK like What does it FEEL like What is it made of? What color is it? Is it clear, opaque or translucent? Shinny, sparkly, dull? Round or sharp parts? Connected rocks? Crystals or layers? Stripes, dots, lines? Flakey, strong, brittle? Soft, smooth, rough? Sharp or smooth? Hard or soft? Breakes apart easily? Use the name of the rock and the rock keys to find the minerals and material s the rocks are made of.

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