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European Organization for Nuclear Research

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Presentation on theme: "European Organization for Nuclear Research"— Presentation transcript:

1 European Organization for Nuclear Research
50 years of research in physics 05 Novembre 2003

2 CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research
Founded in 1954 by 12 countries Today: 20 member states More than 7000 users from all over the world ~1000 MCHF / Year budget 1954: Convention establishing the Organization - original signatures 2004: The 20 member states

3 CERN site SPS accelerator CERN main site LHC accelerator CERN 2nd site
Geneva Airport

4 Accelerator chain at CERN, a complex business
CERN's mission: to build particle accelerators Accelerator chain at CERN, a complex business

5 CERN's mission: to build particle accelerators
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be the most powerful instrument ever built to investigate particles properties. Four gigantic underground caverns to host the huge detectors The highest energy of any accelerator in the world The most intense beams of colliding particles It will operate at a temperature colder than outer space

6 The LHC: what it will look like
The LHC will start operation in It will certainly change our view of the Universe

7 Preparing the LHC 27 km circumference 100 m underground

8 Building the CMS experiment for the LHC

9 Particle physics looks at matter in its smallest dimensions
Why accelerators? To investigate Particle Physics Particle physics looks at matter in its smallest dimensions Accelerators Microscopes Binoculars Optical and radio telescopes

10 Methods of Particle Physics
1) Concentrate energy on particles (accelerator) 2) Collide particles (recreate conditions after Big Bang) 3) Identify created particles in Detector (search for new clues)

11 Today’s periodic system of the fundamental building blocks
The constituents of matter Quarks (Gell-Mann) 1964 Proton Today’s periodic system of the fundamental building blocks

12 We don't know everything!
Why three generations? The LHC will help solving all these unsolved mysteries Supersymmetry? Higgs boson?

13 Higgs signature at the LHC
The two proton beams at the LHC will collide head-on 800 million times per second We expect only 1 Higgs in 1,000,000,000,000 events

14 CERN, Internet and the WWW

15 Evolution of CERN computing needs CPU capacity 1998-2010
Moore’s law Jan 2000: 3.5K SI95 LHC experiments Other experiments

16 The GRID: a possible solution to CERN computing needs
The LHC computing GRID is a project funded by the European Union. The objective is to build the next generation computing infrastructure providing intensive computation and analysis

17 Medical applications of particle physics

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