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Mechanisms linking monitoring and evaluation systems to sustainability

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1 Mechanisms linking monitoring and evaluation systems to sustainability
Dr. Perry Polar (CarEnTrain) 1

2 Project Leader: The University of the West Indies (UWI)
Project title: Mainstreaming Energy Efficiency and Climate Change in Built Environment Training and Research in the Caribbean (CarEnTrain). Project Leader: The University of the West Indies (UWI) Project Partner 1: University of Guyana (UG) Project Partner 2: Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdeKUS) Project Partner 3: University of Technology, Jamaica Project Partner 4: University of Antwerp Start Date & Duration: October 2013; 42 months Location: Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname, Guyana, Caribbean Sector: Energy Access & Efficiency Keywords: Energy efficiency, Caribbean, curriculum 2

3 Specific Project Objectives
The overall objective of the Action is: To improve energy security in Caribbean countries and mitigate Climate Change by reducing the consumption of energy resulting from urban sprawl, inefficient transportation systems and improving energy efficiency of buildings The specific objective is: To mainstream energy efficiency in relationship to sustainable economic development and Climate Change into existing curricula and CPD in Urban and Transportation Planning, Engineering and Architecture of Caribbean Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) and increase inter- institutional networking and regional capacity in energy and the built environment 3

4 Target Groups & Final Beneficiaries
Teaching staff at Caribbean HEIs: Programes in Civil and Environmental Engineering (50), Urban and Transportation Planning (20), Architecture (20); Students in all the programmes: Civil and Environmental Engineering (200 annually in the four partner institutions in the region), Urban and Transportation Planning (100 annually) and Architecture students (100 annually); Administrative staff at HEIs (20); Practicing Professionals in Urban Management and the Built Environment (50); Policy makers in Urban Management and Built Environment (50) Final Beneficiaries Focus groups from urban populations of the Caribbean, especially the poor (100); Urban managers (50); Urban business community (50); Women in the informal urban economy (50) and commuters of all income groups (50): larger urban community will be positively affected by the action. 4

5 Reaching project objectives & contributing to the goals of the programmes
The global objectives of the EDULINK II Programme are: To foster capacity building and regional integration in the field of higher education through institutional networking; and To support higher education of quality, that is, efficient and relevant to the needs of the labour market and consistant with the ACP regions’ and member countries’ socio-economic development priorities Perspective 6: Outreach of the UWI Strategic Plan aims to has a goal to “Become the driving force in assisting with the fulfillment of the economic, social, educational and other critical developmental needs of the [Caribbean] region”. The specific objectives of the EDULINK II Programme is to strenghen the capacity of ACP HEIs at two levels: management / administration and academic 5

6 Reaching project objectives & contributing to the goals of the programmes
The expected results of implementing the the EDULINK programme are: Enhanced contribution to national and regional policies and development plans for cooperation in higher education The Caribbean Urban Forum: is the annual stakeholder/policy meeting of the project (5 years). brings together high level decision makers, academics and urban sector professions for policy dialogue, sharing of research findings and training. venue for technical discussion of Caribbean positions on international agreements (e.g. Rio +20, Habitat III) with recommendations presented at he highest level of regional policy making (CARICOM COTED) Consortium agreement developed and signed between Partners 6

7 Reaching project objectives & contributing to the goals of the programmes
Increased inter-institutional networking between HEIs in the ACP and with EU HEIs, including institutions offering teacher training, degrees and diplomas contributing to regional solutions to teacher shortages Project networks between four (4) Caribbean Universities (UWI, UG, UTECH and AdeKUS) and UA as well as UvA (Associate). Regional Working Group on Energy Efficiency Improved management and financial administration of ACP HEIs UWI Strategic Plan Perspective 1: Financial “Develop and implement a green university policy”. St. Augustine Green campus Committee established. UI Green Metrics World University Ranking Upgrade qualifications of academic staff of ACP HEIs CPD course on Urban Design Studio for Energy Efficient Campus Design 7

8 Reaching project objectives & contributing to the goals of the programmes
Improving institutional frameworks to pursue academic programmes and academic excellence in ACP HEIs Increased mobility of postgraduate students and teaching staff through the provision of joint programmes Joint Masters in Urban Design (VLIR) Delivered study programmes in high level skills required by the national and regional labour market Curiculum review process has begun. UG to teach new course in 2015/2016 Sustainable cities course Management and Urban Planning for City Leaders Webinar series 8

9 Reaching project objectives & contributing to the goals of the programmes
Relevant national or regional quality assurance standards of study programmes are met Utilizing existing curriculum review process CPD courses benchmaked against existing credit system at University delivering training. Encouraging Caribbean Planners Association to include set hours of CPD or recognition as a planner 9

10 Outputs & Outcomes to date
Revised Curriculum (11 projected; 4 delivered) CPD Courses created (3 projected; 6 delivered) Subject working groups created (3 projected; 0 delivered) Participation in CPD courses and HEI programmes (65 from 3 CPD couses) Working group on energy management established (established informally) Improved strategic plans or new policies; energy audits; energy efficient new buildings or strategies to improve energy efficiency (UWI participation in Green metrics Reports from in country focus groups (4 projected; 4 delivered) 10

11 Outputs & Outcomes to date
Report on Research and Teaching materials (1projected; in progress) Report on review of built environment programme (1projected; in progress) Minutes/ Attendance records/ Reports for technical meetings (C1, C3, C4) and policy dialogues (D1 and D2). D3 to be conducted in Year 3. Report on best practices (1 projected; 1 delivered) Attendance list for C3 and C5 design studio (2 projected; 1 delivered, 1 to be completed in Year 3) Target marketing strategy ( 1 projected; 1 delivered) Inventory of practitioners (1 projected; in progress) Enrolment records, examination results (0 to date) 11

12 Outputs & Outcomes to date
Report on data from database (policies) (in progress) Energy efficiency policies (4 projected; 0 implemented) Reports to the ACP Secretariat (3 projected; 1 delivered) Update on bluespace website (12 relevant) Annual or other regular periodic reports from lead or partners institutes (8) Press releases (12 newspaper articles) Receipts, ticket stubs ( collected) 12

13 Outputs & Outcomes to date
Improved training for urban professionals (over 350 persons impacted; 69 trained) Increased collaboration between faculties of regional universities (initiated) Increased regional and International policy dialogue for pro-poor and gender sensitive urban energy policy (Habitat III discussions) Energy sensitised universities management policies (0) 13

14 Topic of presentation: Mechanisms linking monitoring and evaluation systems to sustainability
Types of Indicators Inputs, Output and Outcome/ Impact/ Sustainability indicators Compare changes from STI NSUS to EDULINK CarEnTrain 14

15 Mechanisms linking monitoring and evaluation systems to sustainability
Ensuring inputs to complete activities Indicator (Input) NSUS CarEnTrain Time taken to sign Partnership agreement Individual MoUs between Universities Consortium agreement –longer to draft, more consensus taking responsibility– CULTURE CHANGE Time taken for Annual reporting (process) -Time taken and number of Tri monthly reports from partners -Time taken to prepare report -Time taken for EU to respond Significantly Overdue Narrative Audit requirement Quick but lots of back and forth Not significantly overdue Guideline document; Narrative and financial; 6 months; Faster; No audit; capacity challenge Quick but batch responses 15

16 How these activities are translating into outputs
Indicator (Output) NSUS CarEnTrain Logical Framework Followed Followed (need to consider input indicators in future) Drawdown on Budget Reliant on Bursary (issue of actual totals -VAT, conversions) More internal controls at project level (more effective) Independent project evaluation Final Mid project -the extent to which project objectives achieved and recommendations for implementation Campus Coordinating Committee Project Managers at Partner University CCC across faculties for curriculum review; more capacity and support 16

17 How do you ensure that the quality/ sustainability of the outcomes/ results
Indicator (Outcome/ I/S) NSUS CarEnTrain Number of new policies developed CARICOM COTED Bill for recognition of Planners (T&T); PFD Act - Caribbean Urban Forum -Number of years running -Nature of content -Attendance profile Attendance numbers Partners Visibility/ Recognition etc. 3 Practitioner Regional/ international; high level decision makers, academics, urban professionals CARICOM, Universities, Planning Associations (APA, CIP, CAP, national) 2+ Regional/ International Less HLDM, more academics and urban professionals; 30-180 CARICOM, Universities, Planning Associations, IDB, CARILED, UNHABITAT 17

18 How do you ensure that the quality/ sustainability of the outcomes/ results
Indicator (Outcome) NSUS CarEnTrain CPD Training (pre CUF) - Workshops (3), webinars Number of new Planning Association (CUF) Caribbean Planners Association, Belize (2013) St. Lucia (2015), Dominica (2015), Guyana (2015?), Suriname (2016?), BVI? Information dissemination Bluespace, website twitter, FB (posts, hits, likes etc.) Bluespace, website twitter, FB – more posts Data management PC Cloud Impact surveys Final independent evaluation Survey 18

19 Thank you for listening
The End Thank you for listening 19

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