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Welcome to Year 2.

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1 Welcome to Year 2

2 ‘Children need to learn to read before they can read to learn.’
Reading Children should read everyday to an adult. The adult or child will need to comment and the adult needs to sign the reading record. We will be encouraging the children to read every day at home. There is no set book change day and the children are encouraged to change their own book. The children can keep and read the same book if they would like to increase fluency and enjoyment of reading. We also encourage children to bring their book and reading record in daily and put it in the box in their classroom. ‘Children need to learn to read before they can read to learn.’

3 At the beginning of a term
Homework Subject Day Set Due Back Expected Time on Task Reading Every day 20 mins English Wednesday Monday Maths Topic At the beginning of a term See homework book -

4 PE For PE children need: Tracksuit for the Winter Black PE shorts
House coloured t-shirt Plimsoles Trainers for outside games PE kit needs to be in school every day. We have PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

5 We are immersing the children in a fully topic based curriculum.
The Maths curriculum will focus on broadening their mathematical understanding through problem solving, explanation and reasoning. The English curriculum will still cover a variety of text types involving fiction, non-fiction and poetry, as well as extended writing.

6 Curriculum Topics over the year include:
* Term 1 and 2 – Space (we will have a mobile planetarium visiting) - Use of Everyday Materials * Term 3 and 4 – Our Wonderful World - All living things and their Habitats - Plants * Term 5 and 6 - Seaside - Animals Including Humans This term we will also be having our Harvest Festival in the hall on the 5th October 2016. At Christmas there will be a performance at Tonbridge Baptist Church.

7 Trips In Term 1 and 2 we will be having a visiting Planetarium to complete workshops with the children (Term 2) Term 3 we will be having an themed day in honour of Our Wonderful World. In Terms 5 and 6 we will be visiting Hastings in association with the Seaside.

8 SATs As it currently stands, SATs are statutory and will take place this year under the government guidance. They will form part of our teacher assessment.

9 Year 2 We teach across the year group for phonics and some other lessons where appropriate. We will use this to help us decide the classes for Year 3. This also depends upon a number of other factors including a spread of boys and girls, special educational needs and pupil premium children.

10 Expectations In Year 2 the expectation will still be high. We promote independence and children having the opportunities to become more responsible. Children are encouraged to take ownership of their learning and be motivated to achieve their full potential and then challenged to exceed it.

11 Rewards and Sanctions Marble jar as a whole class reward system e.g. for lining up quietly, trying their best. This is linked in with the class rules. When full, the children will decide the class reward. Whole school incentive of house points with a house reward at the end of each term.


13 Thank you for coming!

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