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Chapter 4 Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions

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1 Chapter 4 Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions
4.1 - Probability Density Functions 4.2 - Cumulative Distribution Functions and Expected Values 4.3 - The Normal Distribution 4.4 - The Exponential and Gamma Distributions 4.5 - Other Continuous Distributions 4.6 - Probability Plots

2 X is a linear function of Z
How do we check that this assumption is reasonable, when all we have is a sample? And what do we do if it’s not, or we can’t tell? IF our data approximates a bell curve, then its quantiles should “line up” with those of N(0, 1). Z ~ N(0, 1) X is a linear function of Z

3 X is a linear function of Z
How do we check that this assumption is reasonable, when all we have is a sample? And what do we do if it’s not, or we can’t tell? Sample quantiles IF our data approximates a bell curve, then its quantiles should “line up” with those of N(0, 1). Z ~ N(0, 1) X is a linear function of Z Q-Q plot Normal scores plot Normal probability plot

4 X is a linear function of Z
How do we check that this assumption is reasonable, when all we have is a sample? And what do we do if it’s not, or we can’t tell? IF our data approximates a bell curve, then its quantiles should “line up” with those of N(0, 1). X is a linear function of Z Q-Q plot Normal scores plot Normal probability plot qqnorm(mysample) qqline(mysample) (R uses a slight variation to generate quantiles…)

5 And what do we do if it’s not, or we can’t tell?
How do we check that this assumption is reasonable, when all we have is a sample? And what do we do if it’s not, or we can’t tell? IF our data approximates a bell curve, then its quantiles should “line up” with those of N(0, 1). X is a linear function of Z Q-Q plot Normal scores plot Normal probability plot qqnorm(mysample) qqline(mysample) (R uses a slight variation to generate quantiles…) Formal statistical tests exist; see notes. Method can be extended to other models

6 And what do we do if it’s not, or we can’t tell?
How do we check that this assumption is reasonable, when all we have is a sample? And what do we do if it’s not, or we can’t tell? Use a mathematical “transformation” of the data (e.g., log, square root,…). x = rchisq(1000, 15) hist(x) y = log(x) hist(y) X is said to be “log-normal.”

7 And what do we do if it’s not, or we can’t tell?
How do we check that this assumption is reasonable, when all we have is a sample? And what do we do if it’s not, or we can’t tell? Use a mathematical “transformation” of the data (e.g., log, square root,…). qqnorm(x, pch = 19, cex = .5) qqline(x) qqnorm(y, pch = 19, cex = .5) qqline(y)

8 How do we check that this assumption is reasonable, when all we have is a sample?
And what do we do if it’s not, or we can’t tell? Use a mathematical “transformation” of the data (e.g., log, square root,…). Cauchy distribution

9 How do we check that this assumption is reasonable, when all we have is a sample?
And what do we do if it’s not, or we can’t tell? Use a mathematical “transformation” of the data (e.g., log, square root,…).

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